Your thoughts on futurist manifesto?

your thoughts on futurist manifesto?

Attached: Futurism.jpg (556x365, 41K)

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I’m being examined about it in two days and I can say it’s unappliable bullshit. No futurist writer other than Marinetti applied it extensively or organically, basically it just served for clearing space into Italian poetry, too cluttered by old mannerisms. Very low influence on other forms of art and other nations’ cultural élite outside of Italy

I have no thoughts but i must post

is there any connection between futurism and accelerationism?

Only to the extent that accelerationism is associated with cyberpunk, which is quite substantial. Futurism and accelerationism are both ideologies of enthusiasm for a particular, perhaps short lived time-frame within the future

was surrealism leftists' reaction against futurism?

No, surrealists didn’t give a fuck about futurism, as they were just a band of somewhat obnoxious retards hellbent on “speed” and destruction. Surrealism evolved naturally from the seeds of modernism/expressionism. Reading movements as self-contained periods, however, is a pretty misleading imo, since there’s always some ‘proto’ exception or whatever.

Your question is like asking if cubism was a response to pointillism, which doesn’t make any sense.

what are some of the major art movements of this era?

What is this era


early 21st century?

>pioneers the idea of avant-garde art and artistic manifestos
>very low influence on other form of art
Visit a library, please.

How can you know where you are going if you actively reject the recognition of where you came from?

Luckily they just stopped with the zang tumb tumb bullshit
Once avantgarde ends what it has to say, it just exhaust itself. Probably the Internet has had more influence on written language than futurism

>artistic manifestos
this intellectual masturbation ruined photography



I feel like the main point of the manifest was rather that you should liberate yourself from a past that isn't helping you to reach new spheres but rather squishes anything new under it:
>To admire an old picture is to pour our sensibility into a funeral urn instead of casting it forward with violent spurts of creation and action. Do you want to waste the best part of your strength in a useless admiration of the past, from which you will emerge exhausted, diminished, trampled on?

cracked me up I saw the films in the room converge &the futurist is blonde as stockbroker & i'm thinking "no way in hell is this cate blanchett" but that's what my gut is pregnant with, the accent almost off, in a way i couldn't cate-r to. then as the aimless wander in the dark of screen to screen & intimate speaker, the noting of no wrinkles, no sign of age, the newscaster cate & field cate... then the ending to gut kick, it's cate. & i didn't give ot cate worthy attention.

futurist manny-festy is in stockbroker world. so, thread



Art movements are tailored products to be canonised as history. There are dozens of sincere movements and schools of all kinds ongoing now that will live and die and never be heard, only experienced by a select few, or if they are they won't be heard as they actually are but as academic or commercial versions, just fuel for someone else's profit or career basically.

recommend me some of those art movements that like