Which books do I need to read to understand him?

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phenomenology of spirit

pilgrim's progress

Start with Crowleys Libers,
then Anton Wilsons Promethius Rising
then Fringe Knowledge For Beginners
then the rest of this list, skipping as much as you wish because actually a lot are trash. Undoing Yourself is a good one though. 1 Year Method or whatever too. Also, get some like Buddist shit like Dammapada. Also, get a wide variety of starter books for various religions.

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pic related

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Behold a Pale Horse

If you're serious, start with pic related.

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Wtf this actually looks interesting thanks

It has 1990s Alex Jones & David Icke. What more could you want? Infiltrating the Bilderberg Group and Bohemian Grove?

he tells you himself: Bernays' Propaganda.

Propaganda by Ellul

Agenda 21

Is this a wacky book or an actual decent explanation of the conspirator psychology? It looks like pop shit.

Start here

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For the crux of his metapolitics read pic related.

For his more new age/spiritualist sounding claims take the other user's advice and read Crowley.
Keep in mind that, bombastic rhetoric aside, Jone's claims about satanism among "The Elite" has never been that they do what they do because they are satanic, rather that theatrical pseudo-cultic practices function mostly like mundane corporate retreats and team building exercises, and that these often in parallel to your bog standard aristocratic-transgressive-libertinism. That is if you consider a mexican standoff of mutual-blackmail to be 'team building'.

The reason to read Crowley with regard to this is that Jones, being something of a Quigley acolyte, more or less accepts the schemata put forward in Tragedy and Hope and The Anglo Establishment. With this position as a starting point it makes sense that the Anglo-Occultic works of Crowley would be the first choice for a modern take on the hellfire clubs.

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Unintended Consequences

It goes into the point of views of the the kkk, pre 9/11 islamic jihadists, alex jones, david icke and some other people. They all share beliefs in closed door conspiracies. Unfortunately the most extreme elements of them is real now that the international childfu*k ring run by Ep*tein is being proven out with the court document releases.

All approved works of The John Birch Society. Then anything you can find on method acting and any biography of Bill Hicks.

What the fuck is peoples problem. Just because hes passionate doesn't mean hes unintelligible. Watch his interview on the JRE. Yeah he gets fired up but he states clearly what he believes.

mad mag desu

whitepapers in computer science, eugenics, and luciferianism


Read the Illuminatus! Trilogy but completely misunderstand it.

>tfw nobody has recommended Foucault's Pendulum yet

I'm disappointed, Yea Forums.

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Definitely this one

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The Decline of the West by Oswald Spengler

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The solution to Alex Jones is simple: Stop taking him seriously.
Does people know that he is just acting, right? He was a comedian! Why americans want to get their opinions from Night shows tier people so much? yez