What are some books that I could use to help cure my own depression?

What are some books that I could use to help cure my own depression?

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knowledge is only half the battle user. remember to make knowledge practice

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Here's a quick book:
Sleep properly and exercise

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Ive tried this user, and it only goes so far for me. At the end of the day im still lonely and depressed. Ive actually lost a little over 20lbs, and im still working on my weight, however, im still depressed.

DESU the great gatsby got me out of my malaise. Its becuase its not a happy story, it doesnt try to force you to be happy, it's melencholly, bittersweet, and compact enough that it gets its themes in fast and solidly with little confussion. The idealism of it, and really its ending paragraph has always stuck with me and got me through some times. Everything may be futile, but the struggle is the beauty. I dont feel like pulling up the exact quote, but there is something in the book thats goes along the lines of
"Gatsby shot for the moon to get closer to the stars, but once he reached the moon he noticed the stars where just as far away."

Nothing wrong with that. If you don't have friends you should piss on people though. Its good for a laugh.

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Hermann Hesse: Siddharta

The only book that matters in this regard many respects, has helped millions.

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Start going on walks and then read "Invisible Cities."

Action will cure your depression, not ideas you read in books. Simple as

Should I get Starting Strength?

What depresses you user? We know its hard but we living anyway

Get a job.

>just be a wagecuck for 40 years bro

I do have a job. Infact, I have a career that I actually enjoy

Also sprach Zarathustra

>no one with a job can be depressed!

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My job makes me depressed

>cure depression
Lol, you can’t actually get health back, that’s not how life works

Its not just books, youve got to understand and differentiate your time and what you consume. Too much entertainment/news etc you lose focus on what is important to you. You have to step back and reassess where your focus should be and have an outlet.

Take a class, go for a walk (without headphones) stargaze etc, books are good to drone out the excessive nature of our current year but they won't "cure" you.

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Stupid answer

The Book of Ecclesiastes

This book actually helped me a lot. It makes you feel warm and held. It is also small enough to read in a afternoon. Hope you get through this time OP. Also exercise, it'll release endorphins and make you feel better. I suggest rock climbing, it's fun.

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Anything that stimulates you intellectually. Something that interests, challenges, and provokes you. For me it was Jung, Nietzsche, and Spinoza. Also listen to Alan Watts on yt.

Read something that makes you laugh, it's the only thing that works.

I only know good literature on curing other peoples depression, sadly

starting strength

Cannery Row

Try reading Pull Yourself Together, Faggot by Anonymous.

Try "Feeling Good" by Dr. Burns. CBT is old news, but surprisingly effective.


What's wrong with listening to music on walks?

It divides your attention. Bliss is attained through contemplation of something, not distraction from it. By all means listen to music, but not while you're doing something else.

Depression cured! Thanks user!

It's what I do.

Thank you for your post, user. It's made me come to terms a bit with how much I drown out important parts of my life. For instance, I routinely listen to podcasts while I sleep. The time between hitting the hay and actually conking off used to be A+ prime thinking, creativity time. I guess I started playing podcasts because, one, it's a friend simulator, and, two, too often my unchecked mind would be too energetic and with every new interesting idea, I'd immediately have to get out of bed and note it down. So I suppose listening to podcasts helped me sleep better, but it gave me much less time to think. Perhaps the key is to carve out time specifically to doing nothing but thinking?

also, at this point, I'm honestly a little scared of sleeping without a podcast playing. It's a so comfy hearing the same soothing, friendly voices laugh and joke around every night.