Ayn Rand

After switching from conservatism to communism and then finally taking the anarchist pill, I think libertarianism is my real ideology after reading Ayn Rand.
Wealth is the product of a man's capacity to think. In the end, money is the be all end all of society.
The axioms she begins her philosophy are pretty falacious though. The idea that she could derive them in any way other than empirically is delusional and specifically the axiom of identity is a flat non-sequitur. We have awareness of an objects appearance within our own intuitions, not the objects in and of themselves. In fact we are not even aware of ourselves to a certain degree, as our internal sense is only made aware to us through external representation (see children not recognising themselves in mirrors until about 3 years old).

Your thoughts on money?

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Nice post for a goy

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Why is a complete brainlet like Rand championed in the world of philosophy?

>Becoming a communist and then a lolbertarian
I mean it checks out.

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Money is the medium of exchange. You can exchange other goods, or a service, or an expectant reciprocation as is veneration in exchange for teaching, respect for householding (family), good vibes for a blowjob, etc

See pic.

She isn’t championed in “the world of philosophy;” every professor I’ve ever had thinks she’s a wrong in dozens of basic ways. The only people who champion Rand are people who don’t understand philosophy well enough to see how deep the flaws in her thinking go.

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So you're a liberal centrist big brain that thinks they don't have no ideology taking the piss out of

>conservatism to communism and then finally taking the anarchist pill, I think libertarianism

nice meme

>After switching from conservatism to communism and then finally taking the anarchist pill, I think libertarianism is my real ideology after reading Ayn Rand.

this is an 18+ board.

Probably won't exist in the future. Ultra affluent and/or ordered societies will have no need of it

Assuming that you're not baiting, please do not waste your time reading Rand. If you are below the age of 16 it might be okay, but if not you're only going to embarrass yourself.
Her legacy is propped up entirely by edgy children and half-wit American politicians. Anybody who's spent any serious amount of time with political philosophy understands how much of a joke she is.

I think money exacerbates who you are. But I personally don’t like money, I like other people’s money. I feel like I know how to use it better than they do, and if they give it to me, I will make sure they are taken care of. Money for me is never an incentive to work, work is the incentive. If I find work I enjoy, money I get from it feels like it’s my bosses money, so I take care of him by being the best, which I would do anyway. But money I have Id put away and not think about just save it up. I think about it like water. I’m not interested in the bottle or the well but a source, a flow. There should be revenue flowing. I have thankfully never been in a situation where I was completely and hopelessly broke. I think I’ve secured myself and those around me with a tap on a source. I like many sources, but just to take care of people or to save for the same reason. I don’t believe a life worth living has anything remotely to do with something that is inherently money dependent. Money helps buy me movie tickets, but the movie I see and the persons I see it with is what makes life really special. Money buys me food, but my diet and choices of purchase is where the real joy comes from. Money helps me pay rent, but living the life I want with the people I want makes living on independently worth it. Money helps you be you easier. But money can’t unlame you.

All bitcoin owners believe in her ideology

>Your thoughts on money?
You are right that money is the be all end all of society, but society is not the be all end all of humanity. It is mostly a tool that is used to foster dependence on the state (the existence of which legitimizes the centralized currency) and on the community, as gaining cash in modern society requires specialization of your skillset rather than diversification of ability. A man who chooses not to use money will be persecuted by his government at some point -- for tax evasion, for loitering, for collecting rainwater, for growing unapproved vegetables in his government-approved zone -- and a man who is dependent on anything other than the basic needs of life (food, air, water, shelter) is not free.

Exactly. We need protection from the government

>after switching from conservatism to communism and then finally taking the anarchist pill, I think libertarianism is my real ideology after reading Ayn Rand

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Libertarian shills made her popular on Brazil sadly enough

Money is the ultimate equalizer. Anything and everything might be traded by money.
Thus money puts us in the mindset that everything must be measured and given a value in terms of money.
Because anyone thing can be made to stand for any other, given money, and due to the near constant visualization, measuring and exposition of all aspects of modern life we end up with a society of the same. A society where everything must be the same everyone must be equal. Because in the end all is just money.
The worship of money is the cause to society's currect state.

Yes. Without money we are nothing


Speak for yourself, collectivist scum

I’m not collectivist wtf. I mean we as individuals

Money is the proxy so that the middle class doesn't feel the crimson blood in their hands. Denying that is the same as saying you don't support child labor while sporting your new nike:tm: shoes

>Children not recognizing themselves in mirrors until about 3 years old.
I think you mean black children.

So you get fully persuaded by everything you read?

Lmao what, hating the middle class, seriously? Why? That’s the only reason you’d say something so incorrect. Money is slavery tokens, everyone ruled by it is suffering.

I'd prefer be loyal to a virtuous man without money, than to a worthless kike with money.

People always hand wave Rand but never actually offer a real criticism of her. If they do it becomes apparent they have never actually read her work, or don't understand it.

The ones in control are damn aware of their deeds and the lower classes survive by the scraps of the other 2. Only the affluent middle class driven by the illusions of consumerism see money as a end all be all ticket to happiness instead of a worldwide tool to keep the world order right where the ones in command want. Don't try and dodge your quota on this immoral economy

What are you, Terry Goodkind?

>"Noooooo you can't collectivize my dad's property, soviet man. he earned it I DON"T CARE ABOUT THOSE FILTHY PEASANTS REEEEEEEeeEEEeeEE"

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Well Yes exactly.

>comunism will make you share your car with poor people
>yet it was capitalism that gave you Uber and other ridesharing services
Thinking emoji

Lol okay, I’m middle class and I wore shitty unheard of brand shoes all my life while every poor ass nigger was obsessed with having air jordans. Middle class people are just those who aren’t too retarded to save.

The shoes were a example you retard. You entire life style is surround by products and services tailored by the ones that control the market to be produced for you by the lowest biders across the world. Unless of course you are a self sufficient hermit living in the mountains, which I am sure you are since you are posting in a Mongolian vase sculpturing board

You do realize that Rand died in poverty, mooching off the gub-mint like the people she despised, right?
Her own belief system failed her, and she got to live in the ignominy of failure in her own lifetime.
All that's left are a pack of vultures that try and make a buck, hustling the sack of cold shit called objectivism, that she left behind.

If only she made it to today to take part in the female golden age of taking money from men and the government without shame and living the good life.

Bad bait.

>Literally share your house with strangers bro
>Turn hospitality in a commodity
>Lolbertarians can't see a problem with this