"We Are the Nerds"

Has anyone else read this book about the history of reddit? I just got through with it and, man, what a frustrating read. The people they interview, like Susie Vass (u/redtaboo) and u/sodypop (whose name was mentioned, but which escapes me) are just insufferable. These people want some bullshit safe space, not anything interesting or even vaguely related to the original intent of the site.

Attached: reddit-alien-red-st.jpg (900x675, 36K)

why the fuck would you read this or expect me to know who these people are

I do not concern myself with the affairs of mere redditors.

>reading a book about Reddit
>expecting there to be any depth behind the façade of progressivism and group-think to farm “karma” to makeup for their failure in the real world

Why does Yea Forums hate Reddit so much?


How does Yea Forums not display group think and make up for its failure in the real world?

we don’t. but we don’t try to deny this fact, whereas redditors do.

It all makes sense now. Thanks.

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Yea Forums isn't one person, everyone here is constantly disagreeing with each other because you can say what you like. Reddit is the same person talking to himself over and over again.


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Indeed. It's been quite some time since I've deigned to visit Reddit, and the downvoting system is virtually Maoist in its promotion of rank conformism.
I've opted to join the elites here instead, where truth and free-thought may spread its wings.

anyone else eaten mud? it's not good

I actually want to punch a hole in your head

*presents head*
Do it then, tough guy.

Thanks for the head faggot

I'm glad you enjoyed.

Because I can say what I want without fear of silence by moderation or group opinion
I hate women

Thats actualy a zinger desu

Yay I can call this guy a fag you fag. BUt afterwards you can call me a fag and all is right.