ITT: books that would be terrible movies

Attached: Ulysses.jpg (386x499, 32K)

Any book you can name. For movies dont compare

Yeah the movie sucks.

what movie

They made a movie out of Jame Joyce's Ulysses.

My diary desu

your phrasing is hilarious

most good movie adaptation are different from the source material

Catch 22. It tried, but it couldn't. The mini series is awful.

Any DFW book
I mean you can attempt Less Than Zero(They did once before) but you have to have a real dedication to the source material and cast a bunch of nobodies

This, I find that the best adaptations take at least some creative liberty, or are simply based off of a book's concept

moby dick

nah, the Satantango film is vastly superior to the book.

Someone once recommend a relatively new jap movie here which is said to evoke the feeling you get when you read Ulysses. Anyone know what that movie is?

Besides The Shining, what are other notable examples?

I thought the end with Molly’s monologue was on point

Jurassic Park.

The old man and the sea

Lord of the Rings. Acting was good. Props were good. After the shire scenes it's shit though.

any Kubrick movie is better than the book ( I haven't seen Lolita though

The medium of film is superior to the novel. Any novel could be adapted into a better movie.

the fuck? lol

The Setting Sun
Colorless Tsukuru Tadzaki

No. Imagine turning the Old Man and the Sea into a film. It would just be a two hour long video of a man fishing with only a few lines of dialogue when he talks to the boy. Otherwise, they would have to overlay it with narration to represent the old man's thoughts, which would make it feel comedic and gimmicky.

Film and literature both have their strengths over each other, but I think the fact that literature allows us to explore a person's thoughts and think of things in a metaphorical way, forcing us to focus on the minute details of a scene or a backdrop and giving meaning to things that would otherwise be bland, makes it so that literature is the superior medium for storytelling; and this is attested to by the comparative lack in quality and depth of films.

Would be terrible.

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Ulysses isn't bad but I had no interest in reading the rest. It was exhausting reading it and I couldn't care less about what it had to say. That is the case with most of these meme books. I don't need the cred for reading it. As for bad movie adaptations, Notes from Underground is basically a long late-night just-kill-me post from the 1800s. The second half could be okay but wouldn't be long enough. Every book adaptation besides thrillers and mysteries only give a brief glimpse at the content of the book's story and experience. Hybrid Yea Forums post.

blood meridian wouldn't work as a film imo. you know they'd butcher it.

it's already a cult classic

Love Exposure? Although I've seen that compared more often to GR