There are anons on my literature board that unirionically voted for Drumpf in 2016

>There are anons on my literature board that unirionically voted for Drumpf in 2016

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>mfw I never vote, therefore I cannot be blamed for the actions of any politicians

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What was the other option, to vote for a technologically illiterate bedlamite warhawk?

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>American hours are coming up on Yea Forums
Abandon ship, take any books you don't want chewed with cheeto dust.

Imagine voting lmao, voting is essentially doing the exercises in your liberal propaganda textbook.

I really don't understand why one would be a leftist as a non elite white hetero, unless you are a masochist or completely brainwashed. le Drumpf is the only candidate that isn't overly hostile to our tribe's interests unfortunately, so I'm going for him over whatever corporate globohomo puppet the dems put out this year

I always spoil the ballot.

He is a shitty president, but all the other options were worse.

>le we need more h1bs and legal pacos cheeto tard

if you voted for hillary you are a dumbfuck tho

I legitimately believe that Trump is a Democrat/Zionist sleeper agent

yeah le blumpf is a zionist shill but all the other options are literally an order of magnitude worse. My first choice will always be an NS ethnostate, but by this point I'll rather live under sharia law surrounded by pious brown muslims than under a globohomo regime surrounded by queers and sick, liberal whites

Why don't all white americans just move to Australia and leave usa to spics?

All five of them?

Oh yeah sure a pro isreal billionaire brain dead bougeois elite pedo rapist is the representative of working class interests

So who are you going to vote for?
Unfortunately Hitler isn't running this year.

I mean have you interacted with any leftists recently? these people lack a coherent ideology and adopt and double down on intentionally retarded and hysterical positions in order to spite the outgroup, so why shouldn't we do the same? As Jim Mason said, in this dirty struggle, the ultimate prize will go to he who is the dirtiest.

Go back to /pol/, faggot. No one likes you, and you keep derailing almost every topic into politics. Also, no one likes Americans. White Europeans do not like Americans. Even White'ish or brown looking Middle Easterners do not like Americans. No one fucking likes you; get that through your goddamn head. Why? Because you bastards do not read or do anything noble or sophisticated. Your idea of sophisticated is babbling NON-STOP about fucking polarized politics and watching superhero trash movies; these issues of philistinism were going on in American society even before Jewish nepotism. Just read Klages and Evola's criticisms of America. Nuance is beyond your capacity as an American. FUCKING GO BACK TO /POL/. You don't have an anything regarding literature to talk about, fucking mutt.
Goddammit, I am happy I am a light-looking Middle Easterner. One day I will mix with Americans and just start culling you people.

Anybody else feel the bern?
He seems kinda based even though he is a jew.
He said that he is against immigration and that we need to reduce birth rates in developing countries aka shitskins to save the world from climate change.

i'm from bulgaria and made 1.5k$ from TrumpCoin trading
thanks dumb americans

As a white European
Please kys you disgusting shitskin

If you're a White European, then you have to understand Americanization is the root of your problems, and pretty much every far-right European figure in the past disliked American. Becoming on good terms with America will be your undoing.

Yeah, you are right, these people are totally not cultural marxist lunatics and have our best interest in mind

There are anons in This board that will unironically vote for him again in 2020 Because watching you seethe last time is the most similar thing to the love of a woman that I'll ever have.

Who cares about Amerimutts dying? Just let them die. It shouldn't be Europe's problem. Most Amerimutts are trash irrespective of their ethnic or racial background. I'd argue working class Americans are more sadistic than the Satanic elite.

What the fuck goes on these people's heads

Satanic Paedo Elites are ubermenschen who deserve to rule over the masses by virtue of their amoral superiority

I don't get what's up with this blind sympathy with working class Americans? They are more sadistic, stupid, and trashy than the Satanic elite, who may largely be Jewish. I'd rather deal with an Epstein than a fat ass stupid Americunt working class bastard. They have nothing to do with Europeans. It's actually a good thing that Jews are sending the Amerimutts to death. Them dying is a very good thing.

I agree with that user But not Because I want to be on good terms with America i Just hate you an order of magnitude more intensely than any american.
Fucking leftist in sheep clothing you think We can't tell when divide et impera is being used?

Trump is all those things

They will lose this time.
Demographics control democracy.

No, I disagree. It is wrong, but the American masses do deserve to be tortured, yes. They pretty much fit the definition of "goy" the Jews set up. Why do Europeans care about Americans? Let them die.

I doubt you are really European. It's easy to lie on an imageboard to save face.
> not Because I want to be on good terms with America
>when divide et impera is being used
You contradicted yourself, dumb ass. Go back to /pol/. There is no way in hell you are European. You may be brainwashed by CIA psyops though. I heard they have been trying to Americanize Europe more now.

I always think of what they could have been, if only they were in the right hands.

Shut the fuck up. American working class were always trash, even before Jewish infiltration or globohomo. Americans are trash people without any real or noble ethos. Americans have absolutely nothing to do with Europe, and you need to be taken away from the world stage indefinitely.

I have the weird impression that your daddy is a working class american dear tranny.

You have no idea what you're talking about, read a history book about the American frontier.

>voting for killary

Woah... Blimey

You couldn't be further from the truth. As an American, it is your nature to be presumptuous and fall back on very simple-minded and polarized narratives. Nuance is beyond the capacity of Amerimutts to grasp. The good Amerimutt is the one in the ditch.
I am not a transsexual. However, I see plenty of Amerimutts at my school that are, and they range from being White to black. Amerimutts are trash irrespective of their ethnic and racial background. It's been this way since before WWII.