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Books #127
What is your biggest fear if your novel does get publish?
Musical literature thread
Does going off estrogen make you more Yea Forumserate?
Why were all the classics I read teaching premarital sex as bad when the society around me reveres it?
I just saw this, wait what?
Whats up my future reddit commie friends
Subtle body
What do you think THEY read?
Post your novel ideas. It's not like they're going anywhere
So was he flat out wrong, insane, or just taking on too much with this?
Authors you could beat in a fight
I was just a /fa/ fag who wanted to read Beckett...
What books should I read to understand the true brutality of humans?
Who had less sex
Talk not to me of blasphemy, man; I'd strike the sun if it insulted me
Tolkien discussion
Evolian Autist Seeking Apoliteia
Write what is on your mind
What are his most essential works, or do i have to read all of das kapital to really understand him?
What books will your children read to combat modern degeneracy?
Dude god is real because we're imperfect but we can imagine perfection lmao
What's the Yea Forums equivalent?
Remember that time PewDiePie got 50 innocent people killed? Gee, I wonder what he’s reading at the moment
Is this the single greatest self-own in literary history?
Considering the amount of venerable hindufags here, could anyone tell me how to learn pranayama without a teacher...
Now that the dust has settled what is Yea Forums's thoughts on this contemporary masterpiece...
How to stop being cucked by materialism and determinism?
*Stretches his legs*
One meta thread allowed per board
You guys ever get tired of thinking? I have been working on idea's from morning till night...
Why do Danielewski fans disregard this masterpiece?
I told four people about this book, and they are going to purchase it on Amazon this weekend...
What is some blackpilled literature?
How do I learn French in 2 years to the point where I'm basically fluent? I need it for law school
The only poet who doesn't give a fuck about murrica (because he's too smart to care about it)
Sweet reminder that there are no successful arguments against antinatalism
Reminder not to fall into the trap of only reading novellas or ~300 page books
Calls García Lorca "Lorca"
American Psycho
What are some good books for a person who's currently Agnostic but grew up with Catholic customs and traditions?
Unironically what is the most pathetic thing you've ever read?
Who is similar to Keats and Yeats?
Recent Purchase thread
Reading Dostoyevsky has changed my life and I am convinced God planned for me to join an Orthodox monastery...
Do you browse Literotica, Yea Forums? What do you like to read there? What's your favorite story?
Can we get another Yea Forums wisdom thread? I missed the last one
Tfw went 3000 miles away from home to study in uni
What should I expect?
I hope you guys don't sip on hot drinks while you read
Where you discuss economics?
Going to my first local book club meeting this weekend
Why is the idiot considered dostoevsky's worst novel?
Say something nice about him
What is the Persona of literature? Analogous books in terms of style and themes to the movie
Name the three authors/thinkers that influenced you the most
What are some novels with this aesthetic? I've read Mishima
Why are they considered to be wrong nowadays?
Is it viable to publish english book in Brazil?
What should I read next which is highly "aesthetic", and classic? I love Shakespeare, I love Homer...
Post Yea Forums comedians
Capitalism promotes hedonism, stupidity, and the degradation of culture through enslavement to progress...
Woke up
Moving Flesch Reading Ease Score
Neither Hegel, Nietzsche Kant or Schopenhauer could've explain this or predict it...
Is there even a point in engaging in intellectual pursuits if you're not brilliant...
How Yea Forums is your city?
Share the opening of your novel. I'll start
Tfw intelligent and have talent for writing but spending days watching porn and browsing Yea Forums instead
Morality is just applied aesthetics. Things which appear to the mind as beautiful are assigned to be moral...
Was Thrasymachus really wrong? To me Plato's argument was that we have an immortal soul...
Hello, smoothbrain here, could you please explain what makes Thomas Pinecone 'post-modern'...
Write what's on your mind
Have you overcome your Anima complex yet Yea Forums? Surely you don't suppress the feminine parts of your personality...
Books for this?
Have you ever been reading a book and you just have to stop to go jerk off?
Has tinder given women a god complex? They have such an abundance of choice that saying this actually works
I don't want to further the indoctrination of the kids I'm working with, they're currently being spoon-fed faggotry...
I'm reading this and it's pure fire kino, but should I be reading Tom Sawyer first...
Three words sentences
A bloo bloo bloo
Learning the big 4 (four)
The Nigger Novel
Neo-user arrives from the future
Tolkien BTFO
What are your thoughts on Alan Moore? Both his comic work and his literature
What are some good books about the tarot?
Was it Evangelion for adults?
What are the philosophical roots/foundations of SJW identity politics...
What did they think about each other?
Girlfriend got drunk last weekend and told me she's really only attracted to masculine men...
Art is the only thing that makes life tolerable
Is this the best novel written by a non-European writer?
Book suggestions for a 19 year old that has spent his last 3 years on /pol/ and is afraid of what he is ideology is...
Rich man bad
What is the greatest wisdom you've ever gained from reading a Yea Forums post?
Good night frens
/sffg/ - Science Fiction & Fantasy General
Who kill they dad?
Post an image, get a /rec/
My son is 6 years old and I know that's pretty young, but I'm looking for long-term solutions...
Meet Sonny Hall
What philosophers do women prefer?
The Hero with a Thousand Faces
What would literature be like if Christianity didn't ruin Hellenism?
The Downfall of Western Civilisation and Western Thought
What does Yea Forums think about the Emerald Tablet of Hermes ?
This is our time lads. No man left behind...
What works properly describe the emptiness and alienation that we suffer from in our capitalist/liberal society...
Can you draw this but with words instead of lines?
Roast me, Yea Forums
Any monks in here? What do monks read?
Is semiotics just a huge meme? I will admit that I know next to nothing on the subject right now...
How is it even possible to read?
Have you read The Republic by Plato yet?
Edition related. Should I read the Bhagavad Gita first, or start at the beginning?
Does Yea Forums like Arundhati Roy?
Is he right that "democracy" and "communism" are merely differences of degree?
What was this character supposed to symbolize?
Is Marxism-Leninism a science?
Thoughts on A Clockwork Orange
What are Yea Forums's thoughts on the short story "I Have No Mouth. And I must Scream"?
Who/what is the transcendental ego?
Stack Thread
Is there really no morality without God...
Good to know
What is *really* Postmodernism?
Be honest, how many of you came here from /pol/?
Was it him?
Over half way through The Inferno by Dante Alighieri. Here's my initial thoughts
The world is the totality of facts, not of
I think I'm in love with a man, Yea Forums. Does this constitute a valid reason to kill myself?
What do I read to meet the aliens?
Max Stirner died in Berlin on 25th June, 1856, after being bitten on the neck by a winged insect
Tfw i've discovered i'm god
Cuck Pallachuck
Horror writing I just finished
Was he alt-right?
What are some books where the protagonist is:
So according to Yea Forums you should start with this book
Little sister bought me Lolita
Is intellectualism dead?
Video games can never surpass litera-
Noir literature
What are your favorite manifestos, Yea Forums?
ITT: phrases that instantly identify a pseudo intellectual
Absolute brainlet here
Lets talk about the word cope. Why has it become so popular?
Leo Strauss
So user, do you live in the best possible world?
Eco-Fascism Thread
Does this happen to anyone else?
How’s the night going faggots
Right Brain vs Left Brain
My friend is convinced that Brave New World is utopia
Can I get some books about musical concepts, history of music, artist biographies, etc?
I'm sorry but the Greeks are just too fucking gay
Write what's on your mind
Is there a genre that blends autobiography, essay and fiction?
How's the writing career coming, Yea Forums?
Is Walden worth a read? I've been thinking about getting into some transcendentalism/American Romanticism
Creative and Critical Thinking
Is there an alternative to communism that isn't just reactionary 'grug no like change'...
What is the Point of Reading?
Fixed critique thread
Help a brainlet with Spinoza
So why did communism only arise
OMG! user you gotta read Sapiens it's soooo good
How is it possible that people in their 20s have read 2000+ books?
Revolutionized modal logic
Mom said she'd increase my allowance if I started attending church with her
What's your pseudonym Yea Forums?
Is my poem any good, Yea Forums?
Which is the best introduction to accelerationism? #Accelerate? Fanged Noumena? Zeroes and Ones? Random CCRU writings?
Why are Sufi mystical texts so banal? Rumi is such a hack
What are some artists that would be considered far-right by today's standards?
Are there any women writers who don't write about affairs, adultery, and sex?
Are there any books about learning to live with yourself despite having hurt people who didn't deserve it?
Can censorship be occasionally based?
Was Gandalf the same "species" of "angel" as Sauron, but with his powers blocked?
Ten pages in and this some of the most poorly-written, half-baked nonsense I’ve ever read
Books for when you feel lost/confused/hopeless
What should the Christian’s refute/answer to evolution be? What are the dumbest ones you have heard?
Write what's on your mind
Was he right to say that philosophers are nothing more than creative essayists?
So what's wrong with stoicism? Do you think theres any flaw with that philosophy?
Stem vs humanities fight
How do leftists feel that future generations will learn of communism and its history only through boomer enforced...
My favorite book
He think monolingual Anglos can bes the Yea Forums
Important books
Critical thinking
What Canon Is It?
Should I read the Bhagavat Gita before starting with Guenons Study of the Hindu Doctrines...
So many books to read
He owned illustrated copies of Don Quixote and Robinson Crusoe, which he ranked...
I'm reading lolita right now and although good, it's hard for me to read...
Hey Yea Forums, what language should I learn in Uni?
He's right, you know
I don't enjoy anything in life. I see no meaning, point or worth in going on through it
How browsing Yea Forums and never talking to anyone can ruin your life:
Tfw the idealists were right all along. How will realists and sobjectivists ever recover
What works of Iiterature explain the mental/spiritual effects of severe childhood bullying in later life?
How can anybody realistically look at the modern west and think censorship and authoritarian moral systems are a bad...
This is Neil Gaiman, world renown writer. Which of his literary works do you like best?
Itt we write the new Jordan Peterson book
At this point I'm just waiting for the livestream of her suicide
This book blew my fucking mind
Now that Yea Forums is dead, what other places online are good for discussing literature and philosophy?
What is the reason behind the abundant Christfag infestation of this board?
Why the fuck is rupi kaur considered an actual poet?
Democracy doesn't work because a majority of people are stupid
Starting to read again
What do we think of him?Is he our guy?
Fresh take: it is pretty much necessary to be university educated in philosophy to be a halfway decent philosopher...
First worlders, you realize you live in a Brave New World, right...
Post your novel ideas. It's not like they're going anywhere
Everyone of the wide web of Deviant Art
Has anybody read the manifesto? On a purely literary level, while considering the context, is it worth reading...
/sffg/ - Science Fiction & Fantasy General
What are some books about an individual standing up for virtue in the face of violent systematic depravity?
How come whitehead thought it was necessary for his metphysics to have a god but deleuze's didnt need one...
He read more books than all posters on this board combined
What am I in for?
Post your ethnicity and favorite book before the jannies come
What's the most overrated book you've ever read...
What are some books about the radicalisation of young men through seemingly innocuous internet memes?
Where were you when this man destroyed metaphysics?
Do you remember what you've read?
What the hell was this moron's problem?
Is it possible for someone to write a good book without being an avid reader?
Be me
Dostoevsky, Fyodor. Dislike him. A cheap sensationalist, clumsy and vulgar. A prophet...
They must be tightening their belts at the Peterson house
Ok, I LOVED this. Any more books like this that explain lefty politics but not in a super academic way...
What STEM degree would you suggest me to pick in college if I wish to become a writer?
I'm starting to think humans never actually understand one another...
In which we continue our discussion of Karl Popper's paradox of intolerance
I used to expect that intellectualism - the pursuit of knowledge, cultivation of culture...
Is she right?
Is this a good introduction to occultism/esotericism or should is there something better to get into the medium?
So, what's Yea Forums's opinion on The Smartest Man In America?
Act only according to that maxim whereby you can, at the same time, will that it should become a universal law
Holy shit. Has any of you read this? It's the best book on modern politics I've read desu
What are some Yea Forums movies? I'm looking for something to watch tonight before returning to my shit job tomorrow
Are there any writers alive worth reading
Was popper right?
What books should i read if i want to BTFO normies on these topics:
I get a strange...
So THIS is the power of marxist/feminism?
I'm so conflicted as to whether I should study continental or analytic philosophy
Is christianity poorfag incel cope? Anynotable thinkers who thought that?
What are some Yea Forums university majors?
Woke up
Buying books
Interesting book. bombs thrown at Bataille/Foucault/Hardt & Negri by a guy who knows his stuff...
How do I stop rereading Proust?
Do you read books that justify racism?
What's a good book to take your mind off your crush?
I just finished pic related and I'd like to know your thoughts on it because some of you guys aren't completely retarded
Thoughts on this new book?
Searching for pitch black pessimistic mysantropic literature
Why does it seem like the ancient world was so much more exciting and full of purpose than the post-ancient world?
I am sick and tired of it. Why must they use so diificult words...
In 1950 the New York Times claimed Hemingway was the most important writer since the death of Shakespeare
How does it feel to be on a watchlist for talking about books
Why haven't you taken the Al-Ma'ari Redpill?
Books to make me stop hating people and seeing them as cattle?
What do you guys think of School of Life? I don't see them getting mentioned very often
Lol imagine how much it would sting to be a woman and know that the most influential author of your gender is this dumb...
Wait at train station
Who is the worst shallow platitude merchant in all of literature?
Who is the most Yea Forums youtuber? Other than pewdiepie
What kind of women go to independent bookstores?
Who is his literary equivalent?
Can a film be as meaningful as a work of literature? If so, what film?
Dark Ages 2 is coming lads. She warned you
What have you given up for Lent?
Capital is sentient
Why does God let bad things happen?
I don't read fiction
What does Yea Forums think about anime and manga as a format for alternative literature...
What literary movement/group would you most want to have been a part of?
How long would your manifesto be?
Yea Forums drops The Pale King pt 3
Post yor prose
Pewdiepie is an intellectual
Ye or nay to listening to music while reading?
Is Yea Forums interested in making a /fitlit/ reading group...
Where to start with Kafka?
Why does he hate Camus and Dosto so much?
Hey dude want to be manly?
Has there been a history book written in the last 20-30 years that still supports the bombing of Hiroshima/Nagasaki?
Post your novel ideas. It's not like they're going anywhere
Do I need to become physically repulsive in order to become an intellectual? If so, how?
Why are people attatched to arbitrary things like race, gender, nationality, etc...
Who is Yea Forumss current booktuber crush? Asking for a friend that likes books and cute grils
So who was in the wrong here?
Out of Yea Forums
What's Yea Forums opinion on fetishism? What's the most lit fetish?
What are some awful manifestos I need to read?
Sign of a bad book
These are the 10 greatest writers of the 20th century, but who is the best of them?
How quickly do you read?
What is a genuinely entertaining book that is "hard to put down"?
If rational arguments ultimately come from flawed presumptions and our senses are deceiving so they cannot be trusted...
Rate my used book haul my lads
Is this actually a valuable take on internet culture, or is it just a lolcow meme?
What does Yea Forums think of evolutionary psychology? Is it a viable methodology for analysing human behaviour?
Sean Goonan
Why did god show moses the promised land but not allow him to enter?
Who is the literary equivalent of Borat?
Post Yea Forums qts
Books that invoke this feeling
Greatest living american writer
What do you think of this book?
Does anyone ever feel like Christianity is Boomerism: the religion...
What are ya
Are there any books about girls who have huge boobs but are still chaste and innocent? If not...
Incels ideology is born out of the need to deny the subjective depths of those who judge them as inferior: the horror...
What are some Yea Forums podcasts?
Books that can inspire a doomer to turn his life around
Well, Yea Forums, is the New Testament a good book?
/sffg/ - Science Fiction & Fantasy General
Best lyricists (bare with me mods)
What are some books about being disgusted with the ideologies and dogmas of christianity, islam, scientific materialism...
Why is Evola viewed as a Fascist?
What do you listen to when you read?
A God who could make good children as easily as bad...
Clean your room
What do you sip while you read Yea Forums? For me, it's luke warm matcha
My grandmother unironically thinks we have free will so I tried to tell her why we don't
The Ajivikas were based
Books on pol tribal mentality and how fuckers like this becomes e so deluded in the first place?
Reminder it is not materialism that is the problem, but low-brow materialism...
Was he as bad as Jordan Peterson
Theism - Bluepill
What book would you have recommended him?
Is his manifesto the most lack luster?
Can there be difference without hierarchy?
New Analysis: Emily Bronte's poetry manuscripts stained by her own tears, settling sexism dispute
What are some books that deal with suburban sprawl?
Light novels are literature r-r-r-ight?
I ordered a copy of fanged noumena and I want to get deeper into acelerationsm
Explain why this book is valuable without resorting to: "Muh human depravity"
Greek and Latin are overrated. Here are the top 5 Yea Forums languages:
What's some gud ecof*scist literature?
At library
Was Whitehead a mystic?
Plato Reading Order
What are some good books explaining the increasing madness of the modern world considering that barely a day ago a...
Tfw I'm a 28 year old ugly beta meek charismaless nofriends loser with no friends or social experiences since school...
Why didn't he just kill himself?
Post yer own poetry and we’ll discuss it
Philosophy before the 17th century
Who else here has read The Tale of Genji
Let's have another one of those bible threads. If you have any questions I can probably answer them
Suicide Notes
Is his the only terrorist manifesto worth a damn?
Good night frens
What are some books about 20-somethings with no direction or purpose in life?
Where do I start with this man?
Is this true? What works of genuine literary merit argue against this?
Recent purchases thread
Is it worth reading?
Write what's on your mind
Critique thread
Tolkien’s demonization of the orcs in The Lord of the Rings without seeking to understand their motivation betrays a...
What's your favorite book?
Why does Yea Forums hate Dickens?
Is Agnosticism becoming outdated?
Why, yes, I am in fact an accelerationist. How could you tell?
It's not even that hard you pseuds
Wtf m8 lmao bro
What do you think of the NZ shooter manifesto? And as a piece of literature?
Platonism Thread
Anti-Fascism Book Club
How do I become a cosmopolitan with worldly knowledge and wisdom like my hero Sam Hyde?
What did Baudrillard think about terrorism?
Is it even worth living in a world where something like Christchurch, NZ is possible? Why or why not?
Eco-Fascism Thread
It feels like the internet fried my brain
How can i even compete?
Why do INTPs (like me btw) make the most based authors?
Anti-Fascism Book Club
Is Paradise Lost canon?
Books that will help me with porn addiction? Specifically sissy hypno videos and interracial porn
Yukio Mishima
New Zealand Mosque Shooter Manifesto
Be me
Will his manifesto be up to par with Elliot Rodgers of Ted Kazcynskis...
Can we analyze this?
It's time to settle this:
How's the writing career coming, Yea Forums?
So I got memed by Yea Forums and just got these in the mail. Best editions coming through...
What stories have given you that ‘spine chill’ effect or that ‘electric feel’ Yea Forums?
Actually good and important controversial books
Itt we post books we are thinking of picking up and others say if is worth a read or not
Do think reading Yea Forums posts over the years has made me and you better readers?
Anyone else reading the document right now?
Bonjour mon cher. Assied-toi, le petit déjeuner est servi~
I haven't read anything in years
Thoughts on digital libraries
Be me
What are some good books on the female nature...
Recommend Me Something Actually Scary
Fuck advertisements. Fuck capitalism. Fuck liberalism. And fuck normies
Started reading Infinite Jest for school this week, about 130 pages in (just past Lyle). How...
NYC Meetup
Would anyone else consider MC Ride, lyrically, the "Pynchon/Joyce of hip hop", in terms of complexity, abstraction, etc...
Books/idea about being less self-centered. Sort of like the underground man...
Tfw you remember Gilgamesh got his wish for immortality in a way
Who are some genuinely funny writers?
From a Yea Forums point of view, what the FUCK is this about?
Whats your favourite book for kids?mine is pic related and the little prince
In this thread we describe our lives with a title from books
Does anyone on this board have a literary idol? Someone all of whose works you've read several times...
Elite political knowledge
Remember when Yea Forums used to be a Stirnerian and Hoppean board?
This is a question for you bilinguals or any other polyglot in Yea Forums. When you write...
Why, yes, we are in fact Nietzscheans. How could you tell?
Dezso Kosztolanyi
I'm looking for a hyper-real book. Some say a character is flat and one dimensional. I want hyperdimensional...
Quotes thread
/sffg/ - Science Fiction & Fantasy General
Is intelligence an emergent property or a transcendental principle?
ITT: We come up with imaginary Bible verses. The winner gets to go to heaven. I'll start
What do we do about the Christian problem on Yea Forums?
I don’t think morality is real. Where do I even find moral axioms?
Any books with this aesthetic?
Language Learning Thread
Did I waste my time reading the Stoics? I read Seneca, Epictetus and Marcus Aurelius...
How the fuck do people get over their first love...
Favorite Quran translation?
What side would you have fought for Yea Forums?
I found a guy from my home town who’s advertising writing papers for people across various subjects on twitter...
Post a stack of books you own that, out of context, might concern your friends and family
George Orwell 1984
I'm a college dropout who's going to be the greatest novelist of my generation
Opinion on Sanders
Year to date
Want to become a published author
On the conception of plot based beauty
Chart thread. Can someone post the one with the three best authors from their respective countries?
What books encompass the anime aesthetic?
"Edel had heard hints of bad behavior...
Tell us about a recent dream you had user
Fire thread
What's the point of being accepted into life, and being rejected by everything in life?
That beautiful sensation when you close a book that you read from back to front
So let me tell you an adorable story about two posters. Butterfly and ‘:3’
What are some decent Identitarian-like books to give to a 15/16 year old?
What do you think of Saint Augustine?
Are accelerationism and Yangism thesis and antithesis? What will be the synthesis?
Who are the best women authors? For me, it's Savannah Brown
Why is he constantly derided when his books are often more factual and based directly off primary sources, documents...
How the fuck do you retards deny the leftist infestation in universities...
So if a SINGLE FOOTED creature makes a SINGLE step sound, it is a footstep...
In this thread, we'll discuss the literary merits of stand up comedy
Cringey shit Yea Forums does
Being alone and happy as a man without female companionship
Have you read the Twitter trilogy?
What is the correct political ideology?
What author being revealed to be a serial pedophile would rock the literary world the most...
Why did he wear a bandana?
The television shuts down; it's all black again: here, the Infinite Jest ends
Yea Forums drops the pale king
Israeli literature thread
Religion is just a peasant tier interpretation of metaphysics
So... is he unironically get zoomers to start with the greeks?
Name ONE (1) literary genius to come out of this continent
What are Yea Forums's thoughts on Chomsky? It's time to prove you're not jingoistic /pol/ retards
How do we get kids to read books again?
New hitler
The latest edition of Lapham's quarterly is here, I'm enjoying some nice Goethe...
Nietzsche said about Islam
Was he really insane or was it just a bullshit excuse made to keep him from being executed for treason?
Does this book contain the knowledge necessary to become a Chad? I'm literally 18 and still a virgin
Culture of Critique Pt. 2
Tfw you will die and be nothing but nothing
Our Father in heaven
ITT: Favorite poets
Just finished this
I always hear "start with the greeks"
Where are the Zoomer novelists? Any novels published by big companies by authors under 30?
What are some books that make me straight
Do you believe that intelligence between races exist?
Yea Forums tries to write thread
/g/ absolutely btfo
Really makes you think
Analytic Philosophy hate thread
Is rap considered poetry? also who is the literary equivalent of doom?
Bookstore stories thread?
Books about decent human beings
I'd like to read Taleb on uncertainty, where do I start?
Just finished this
Has there ever been a decent criticism of Debord?
Yeah man I killed an Arab because the sun was in my eyes, please let me go free now
What books are red flags
I hate the government. I think taxes are bullshit...
Pull out book in public place to get some reading done
Goodreads thread
Who is the Phillip Glass of literature?
What translation of Demons should I read ?
Jonathan Bowden is the most underrated mind of the 20th Century and is 10x the intellectual giant compared Yea Forums's...
ITT: Draw one of your favourite books and have other anons guess it
ITT: INTP (i.e. based) writers
Can a virgin shut-in autodidact be a good writer?
How do i get over my inferiority complex towards musicians...
I'm an atheist. What books might change my mind about Christianity?
Dante's Divine Comedy
Do you want eternal recurrence to be true? Or do you despise your own fate?
Wasn't sure whether to post this here or on /tg/. Should I get into Warhammer? I know next to nothing about the series...
Books about finding authentic meaning in life in this here postmodern world?
Does the sentence "most things don't seem worth it to have said" make grammatical sense?
What language has the best poetry?
All your books are just props
You guys shit on pic related all the time so now give me 3 (three) books that will allow me to understand and speak...
What are some examples of non-philosopher philosophers?
Did you know most women cannot read?
Self improvement
1 What are you reading
Who are the most Yea Forums Yea Forumsscians? I'm trying to expand my taste in music. So far I have the following:
Kantian vs Deleuzean
Death Anxiety
Why has there been no galvanizing literary event for the 21st century like there was for the 20th?
Anyone read this?
Tfw not a single Great film, book or album released in the past 9 years
Culture of Critique
Tfw too far gone to believe in christianity again
Gf told me she wanted to read Venus in Furs and strongly suggested I get it for her birthday
Daily reminder in case people on this board have forgotten
Original Philosophical Ideas
Is it pathetic that I get deep meaning out of Star Wars?
Just finished reading these. Am I a stronger person now? I also have Leonidas Boy of the Agoge coming as well...
There are unironically people on Yea Forums that read the bible without reading the catechism of the catholic church
Why is it popular to hate this guy? He has superb observational abilities making the mundane seem interesting. Too...
How do I tell my father I am gay?
/sffg/ - Science Fiction & Fantasy General
It's about one man's slow descent into madness
Who are some authors that make you feel really good and sparkly inside? (:
Books for coping with a fear of death
Is it true, Yea Forums...
Spit some bars Yea Forums
Can someone debunk marxism? It's making me nervous
But why literature anons?
Post a stack, rate a stack
DEATH IS THE VERSIMILITUDE OF THE SYSTEM: being is a numb positive that cuts the zero's gordian knot with the...
ITT: worst opening lines you can think of
Are these books based?
What is the best version of The Histories by Herodotus?
Author isn't an aristocrat or at least educated at the best university in his country
I don't get it
What is his greatest play?
How would one write the "2001: A Space Odyssey" of literature?
Picked this up for $1. Worth reading?
What's the correct order to read the works in this book?
Can some femanons tell me if Dazai was handsome?
ITT: Books men can't understand
Books that will prepare me for the harshness of life...
The Higher Man and the Herd
Books that improve mental health
Stupid question here. Why do you guys think the medieval setting captured our collective imagination? Games, movies...
Did the web helps or hurts Yea Forums?
Books and quotes to understand the Female Nature
Books about fiction writing process
Why do women do this?
What should I read before digging into this one?
We havent had a shakespeare thread in a minute
Tfw all I want is a cute grill who I can recommend books and ideas to and with whom I can discuss books and art films
Tell me PewDiePie isn't based. he's gonna tell a bunch of 12 year olds to read Plato
Which books, exactly, started the myth of widespread and accepted homosexuality among classical greeks?
A friend of mine is bragging about having read animal farm
Reminder the only true intellectual of today and the future is the autodidact
And they rode on and the bloody sunrise crept in over the flat plains and The Judge killed and murdered and raped...
*knocks on your door*
Is yang a deleuzian? will he complete the BwO?
Why are we witnessing so much promiscuity in our day and age? Aren't we devaluing sex for what it is...
Jerk off
What is the significance of the horse being whipped that caused Nietzsche to cry and go mad...
Why does he hate Mishima and everything he represents so much?
What are you reading?
Is Buddhism basically Occidental stoicism? The more i talk to Buddhists, the more or sounds similar...
Make a successful bad boy muscular man
Books about making it as an underdog in the literary world?
What book/author will help me reduce the amount of fucks I give?
WTF did a Black man just read?
Sterotypes Thread
What caused him to move more towards the political right
Critique thread, I'll start
What’s wrong with Lolita, Yea Forums?
How important is diversity in literature?
Hey Yea Forums
Dylan won the nobel
UK vs. USA
Books to read while in rehab?
What books can help me understand transgender behaviour and psychology...
How accurate is this book?
French postmodernists are all a bunch of charlatans
Recommend a book to give my father as a gift
Take the blackpill
There's no good book published in the 21st century. Prove me wrong
Can we ban incel topics on this board?
Lads, why aren’t you reading the Old Testament?
Is being a journalist still the most Yea Forums profession? It seems that back in the old days...
I'm reading this
Characters like Bill Gordon from The Sun Also Rises?
Post books that women can't understand
Theodore John Kaczynski
25 Years Old Never Read a Book Before
You have reserved your copy, right?
Is beauty a disvantage?
If you're British, which university did you or do you go to for your undergraduate degree?
So, I finally got around to reading Stoner, and I really enjoyed it...
Where do I start with Tolstoy ?
Best comfy books for bedtime
I'm feeling like shit and nothing is enjoyable anymore, maybe philosophy can help me
This will NEVER be you, no matter how much you lift
Situationists rise up!
Shelf Sharing
We live in a growth capitalistic, ironic...
Books (other than Demons) that portray leftists as contemptible fools?
The Death of Boromir
Dumb and potentially foolish question, but I figured I'd ask anyway, what do i need to read to become an intellectual?
Why is this still the best analysis of inceldom? isn't this a radically understudied sociological phenomena?
Who else here /notgonnamakeit/?
Well, Yea Forums?
/sffg/ - Science Fiction & Fantasy General
What are some examples of empathy and loving-kindness in literature that brings you to tears?
Best travel Yea Forumserature?
What is the self?
Are there any books explaining goth culture? Seems like a very strange cultural niche
Tfw stoicism and minimalism was right all along
I'm italian, I am jainist...
Who was the most Yea Forums president?
If Westerners fetishize "authenticity", why aren't they traditionalists...
Books for this feeI?
Is Uni worth it?
Why aren't you a Catholic yet, Yea Forums?
Is it not weird how 90% of the canon is about depressing stuff?
But that is how I have always lived. I had no wishes. A man over forty-four who can say that he never strove for honors...
Less Than Zero
John Williams And The Canon That Might Have Been
Am writing a story set in Canada in the 80s...
Write what's on your mind
Why the fuck are there people posting on this board who haven't read
"Start with the greeks" Why not start with the Rigveda Samhita?
I have read C&P, Idiot, Gambler, Notes and TBK...
Books about the life in a monastery?
What should a pedophile read?
What is it that made Nietzsche just a sad and depressing nihilist? Why do people enjoy his dark and worthless drivel?
I know English, Russian and Hebrew. What language should I pick up next?
Your government finds you a threat to their system, you are exhiled to a small island in the Pacific Ocean...
What are some good anarcho-capitalist books?
Be one of the greatest writers alive
Didn't know where else to ask, so here I am:
Is this book still making Yea Forums mad as fuck for no reason?
Writing Advice Thread
German colloquial word for mobile phone is "handy"
Can the esteemed intellectuals of Yea Forums use their extensive philosophical knowledge to disprove my following...
How many hours do you spend reading per day?
Is being a priest Yea Forums? My parish priests are trying to push me in that direction...
Your favorite book
ITT: Cursed Yea Forums images
What is the anti-Kafka?
What are some books about the commodification of the Negro in the age of mass culture?
Black people can't write good literatu-
Should I keep blood meridian
Is this worth reading? Have never seen any discussion about this work on Yea Forums
Is unhappiness addictive?
What's the Yea Forums equivalent of Crystal Castles
Does reading books make you smarterer?
Reminder: Hating Pinker is the most normie opinion there is
Why is this so good?
Can visual novels be literature?
What do you think of Thomas Aquinas?
They're making a movie out of the Bell Jar. Is it a big deal that they're going to whitewash it?
What books should I read if I'm interested in Eco-Fascism?
Holy...i want more
Why does old-assed English poetry look so fuckin' WEIRD, Yea Forums? WTF were the writers thinking back then?
Wow, she's so right. Any vaguely decent guy is beating off girls with a stick!
Well you're pontificating
Tfw discovering that I actually agree with Marx on almost everything but am also a die hard anti-Semite at the same time
Why do people call it literary?
Hamlet thread
What are some (somewhat)modern books about incels?
Why are the upper class of today cultureless fucking retards...
Should I glorify it or should I demolish it with my writing?
I just got blood meridian, what i am in for?
How many pages does Yea Forums aim to read a day?
Why is Leopardi barely discussed here?
Ok brainlads, if books make you so smart, answer me this:
Is it possible to fix libraries? What I mean by fix is make them interesting for normal people to go to...
Why are modern writers so cringe. Maybe if they wrote a good book we'd actually read it :^)
Yea Forums cringe
No « Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ » is a guy full of pics of an unaware webcam girl. It's a joke got out of hand
Is this legit?
Books to deal with cocklust?
Favorite rolemodels from literature?
What translation of this book do I get?
Boston Yea Forums Meetup Group
Is medieval philosophy worth reading?
One must imagine sisyphus happy
Anna Banana
/sffg/ - Science Fiction & Fantasy General
What's your favourite non-fiction book user?
What's your red flag for the writer when you start a book?
>I'm a Propertarian
Academia life
What's the big deal with Harry Potter?
Milf literature recs?
Yea Forums Music Thread
What are some books on left-wing populism?
Tfw I grew out of non-racism
Stop reproducing
Hot Take: Yea Forums is Plato's Republic minus the guardians meant to steward and protect the populace
Poems. By user
I have finally completed it
*Gives you an erection while reading his book*
When did you realize 90% of human population don't read and stupid?
Greetings and salutations Yea Forums...
Is this worth getting through?
"Sacred Marriage"
Find a flaw
Anons who read for more than 2hrs straight, how do you do it? Is it out of pure enjoyment or is it discipline?
Is Austria the Ireland of German speaking countries?
After rolling, tell us which book you recommend to her to comfort and entertain her in the doldrums of purgatory
Give me your favourite non-fiction book
Do you respect writers of young adult fiction as much as you respect writers of old adult fiction?
What's it called if I'm economically left wing and socially right wing
Why do Writers love Manic Pixie Girls?
Should reading every single one of these books be required for posting on Yea Forums? How many have you read?
Does Yea Forums have any recommendations regarding homosexual literature? Just finished reading this
Let's talk bathroom reading. I want to know if anyone has the same quirk
Marx’s diagnosis is right but his remedy is wrong
I hate cities and had a nervous breakdown and lost direction in life...
So this is the power of the Western Canon
Yea Forums humor thread needed
Most countries hold a single stamp of identity that they're renowned for to the world. It might be films, literature...
Admit it, you live in the best possible world
Holy... I want more!
I'm currently 26% thru a kindle copy of the Complete Writings of St. Augustine...
Is classical music the only genre of music acceptable to listen to as an intellectual?
Whats the iq on this lad?
Which philosopher has developed the most radical philosophy that BTFO everybody and that nobody has any response to and...
Good night frens
4Craft: Join Yea Forums
Why You Should STOP Reading Books If You Want To Be Successful
Post your novel ideas. It's not like they're going anywhere
What are some good books on semen retention. Is it scientifically valid? Is it bullshit?
Is the Labor Theory of Value inherently subjective?
Does Yea Forums have an opinion or even experience with CBT? How about it?
Write What's On Your Mind
How do I raise /lit children?
What's the most interesting book with the driest prose you've ever read?
Oh look! it's english! the tongue with the most complicated and absurd system of vocal phonemes
Cough kuh
Were they neo-libs?
Why is Russian literature so depressing?
The mind is just neurological activity produced by the random mutations of evolution
What went wrong?
Last threads
/f1/ - Relentless Formula 1 General - Sudden Change Edition
We are back bros
Video Games
Finally finished Elden ring…
Video Games
Why are games so god damn frustrating?
Video Games
Star Trek
Television and Movies
Socials 4
One Piece
Video Games
ASMR/ Youtube/ Twitch girls you would like to fuck
How come videogames dont have such profound and meaningful dialogue?
Video Games
Obi-Wan series: this is Reva's lightsaber (the black woman)
Television and Movies
Blood hunt
Video Games
Bought the trilogy for 10 bucks, is it really that bad?
Video Games
Socials 3
What defines a great vidya ass?
Video Games
Zoomers consider the PS3 retro
Video Games
Hey guys watch my nude vids and pics @