How accurate is this book?

How accurate is this book?

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Other urls found in this thread:'s_History_of_the_United_States#Other_editions_and_related_works

America was founded in 1776 so it's already kind of sketchy

USA is a joke

> A People's History was a runner-up in 1980 for the National Book Award. It frequently has been revised, with the most recent edition covering events through 2005. More than two million copies have been sold.

>Zinn described himself as "something of an anarchist, something of a socialist. Maybe a democratic socialist."

idk man

>History begins with the start of something

>Zinn was born to a Jewish immigrant family in Brooklyn on August 24, 1922.

i don't believe the Jewish conspiracy myself, but I can't say I'm surprised

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most things have a beginning, yeah

and a beginning history before that

It's pure propaganda. Hell, the author even shilled very hard to have the book put on public school curriculums by publishing "young reader" versions of the book.

>In his introduction, Zinn writes, "It seems to me it is wrong to treat young readers as if they are not mature enough to look at their nation's policies honestly. I am not worried about disillusioning young people by pointing to the flaws in the traditional heroes." In the afterword, "Rise like lions", he asks young readers to "Imagine the American people united for the first time in a movement for fundamental change."

>In addition, the New Press released an updated (2007) version of The Wall Charts for A People's History—a 2-piece fold-out poster featuring an illustrated timeline of U.S. history, with an explanatory booklet.

>In 2008, the Zinn Education Project was launched to promote and support the use of A People's History of the United States (and other materials) for teaching in middle and high school classrooms across the U.S. The goal of the project is to give American students accurate and complete versions of U.S. history, with full historical complexity.[26] With funds from an anonymous donor who had been a student of Zinn's, the project began by distributing 4,000 packets to teachers in all states and territories. The project now offers teaching guides and bibliographies that can be freely downloaded.[27]'s_History_of_the_United_States#Other_editions_and_related_works

Zinn's book consists of primary sources which aren't factually incorrect but which are selected in such a way as to push Zinn's idea that "America is bad". Many, many important things are excluded from Zinn's narrative, to the point that someone relying on his book as a "history" would effectively have no useful knowledge about the United States or its history -- again, beyond "they bad".

What about it is wrong?

What do you mean? The entire book is nothing but cherrypicked facts which promote a narrative of oppression in America.

Wish there was a textbook that combined the perspectives of The American Pageant with A People's History of the United States while adding a lot of quantitative historical atlas-like data to really understand economic, social, and political trends. That would be nice instead of getting shilled "Ameriguh GUD" and "Amerikkka BAD" all the time.

It’s about oppression in the Americas. This is a thing.
It seems your agenda is to wipe the suffering from the collective consciousness. Why is that, user?
What do you have to hide? You’re a white man? A fascists maybe?
The agenda is to teach another side. Publish a people’s history of Israel, I don’t give a shit

White men got oppressed too, translady

>bad thing happened in the past
>now pay up whitey
really makes you think

>pay up
If it's in the public schools, I'm pretty sure you get it for free

You're right. My mistake.

And his book will probably tell you about that. I don't see where the issue is.

I know all about it, lady boy.
Not asking for fucking payments. I was fishing around why why in the hell do people want to sweep this under the rug.
You really should think.

100 years from now, someone will write a book about the women’s pay gap. Dimwits like you will take it at face value. The problem with the book is that it pushes a narrative with no context.

nobody wants to sweep anything under the rug except you. the anons you're responding to are arguing that the book doesn't present ALL of the facts, just cherrypicked ones that agree with the author's narrative. That's not history, that's dishonesty. Provide all the facts and let the reader decide on their own. Anything less is sweeping shit under the rug. Fuck off.

I never understood other women's obsession with their pay.
If someone doesn't pay you enough, get a different job or become your own manager. It's not that hard.

need mo money fo dem pogroms

Have you read the book, user? I don't see what going back several centuries before the founding of the United States would accomplish other than providing a context.

Yes, no shit. But it’s still a narrative that gets pushed. It’s the same as the selected narrative of contemporary history.

We do need a good pogrom

I have, history major at uni. Its primary purpose is to push the “muh high school history dosent shit on America enough” narrative. Naturally begins by attacking Columbus, who has virtually no connection to Americans circa 1776 apart from his skin color.

what do you not believe? that there is a thousand year old belief of ethnic supremacy in the jewish community that manifests itself both consciously and unconsciously in their massively disproportionate presence in the apparatuses of power and influence in western civ?

Columbus was actually a black man

>capitalist apologist
Get your own damn name

The most dishonest post ITT.
>won’t some please tell the story from the —-perspective we’re all already familiar with. You know. To drown out dissenting voices.
And you wonder why no one will mate with you

>And you wonder why no one will mate with you
I have a black bf


Yeah, I pretty much deny that shit. Any bro who's motivated can become a lawyer or banker, and when you've got a subpopulation who is motivated to obtain higher education, such as the chinks, you get an overrepresentation of them relative to the complete population.

History is not a "story". History happened one way. It's up to the reader to interpret it. Purposefully leaving out facts that disagree with your narrative is not history. Faggot nonce, you're not even the real butterfag. Dumb bitch's trip started with an M, I still have it filtered all these years later. Why on earth someone would pretend to be her of all people is beyond me but thank you for allowing me to never have to see your retarded posts nonetheless.

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are you denying the unspoken nepotism in the hiring practice of journalism, entertainment, media and banking by the jewish community and their massively disproportionate presence in these fields relative to their tiny global population?

So, oppression is a thing. Yeah, and? Power and oppression are as old as humanity itself. When a group of people come together to form a society it's only natural that hierarchies or power develop out of necessity. No matter how big or small from the family unit to the polis as a whole, enlightened, rational, or sophisticated the community is, someone is always being oppressed. Even modern democracy is oppression by the majority. What do you expect to be done about, have one form of oppression be replaced by another? Just let groups take turns being on top through some musical chairs of power and have white men sit out this current round?

Underpaying someone based on their gender for the same job is already illegal, and if the gender pay gap were real, we would actually be seeing lawsuits, many lawsuits about this, yet we have never heard of a single one. Funny, isn't it?

naw mayne, columbus wuz white

Purposefully leaving out facts that disagree with your narrative is not history. Faggot nonce
Do you fucking get it yet? This book doesn’t wish to replace all other history books, it’s an extra chapter, a footnote really, that has been continually left out. It’s suplimental material.

Why so triggered?
It’s not such a mystery

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He literally is asking for none of the shit you mentioned. The book exists to detail oppression in history, not to call for a goddamn revolution.

Nope. Just another lie whitey told to keep the black man down.

>trip started with an M, I still have it filtered all these years later
This is me too

Post feet

wrong mayne. see .
>beethoven - black
>mozart - black
>cleopatra - black-presenting
>shakespeare - black, without question
>lincoln - race unknown, possibly black
>columbus - white (lol, ofc)
>henry VIII - black
>Tom Jones - black
we'll see you in captivity, whitey

op here, /pol/tards go away

My point is oppression is a fact of life. Why bother even discussing it like we can "fix" it until we are blue in the gills?

>why bother curing diseases, they are a fact of life

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Columbus was originally from the coastal part of Cameroon. Elijah Muhammad proven right again, whiteboi.

That wojak is an apt description of an obtuse user such as yourself. You can be rid of disease, but you can't be rid of oppression.

The fact that Jews cure diseases is proving how they're racists, curing diseases that affect them while people who are underprivileged, Africans, poor pepole from Australia, Inuits. They're trying to kill off all non-whites so there's no competition to procreate with whites. That's why we need to make curing diseases legal. Destroy the Jews.

No, you aren’t too bright.
You can stop posting now

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haven't read the book, just felt the need to jump in right now because this is the stupidest post i've seen in a while. or, fuck, maybe i'm an idiot, maybe you're the great philosopher of the next generation. fuck, like, yeah, why "discuss" it like we can "fix" it? so obvious, yet poignant