Reminder not to fall into the trap of only reading novellas or ~300 page books

Reminder not to fall into the trap of only reading novellas or ~300 page books
What's the last book you read that was over 500 pages? When was that?
I'm currently 817 pages into Don Quixote but before that the last book over 500 pages I'd read was Catch-22 two or three years ago

Attached: monroe-reads-joyce1.jpg (580x386, 54K)

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>Reminder not to fall into the trap of only reading novellas or ~300 page books
Why not? You realize long ass fuck books like War and Peace were purposefully fleshed out to be as long as possible because they were released in segments in magazines right? Basically like fucking watching naruto or something.

Cervantes, Miguel de.
Don Quixote. A cruel and crude old book.

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>Exposing yourself to someone elses thoughts for >200 pages

You might as well call him daddy at this point. Don't do that user.

Stop and consider the following

Dog jumped over pool
The Dog jumped over the pool
The Brown, hairy dog, leaped courageously over the frigid waters of the inground pool.

You realize that if an author describes every scene or adds too many chapters, you cannot possibly hope to imagine the plot in your head without forgetting details, or making it boring for yourself because the author LITTERALLY described it like it was a picture, and now you cant enjoy the story because it's been made for you.
Also nobody wants to read 5 adjectives strung together to describe a fucking dog.

Attached: dad.jpg (200x200, 25K)

lmao I read name of the wind over xmas break
good popcorn reading

Stop forcing this shit meme

>Reading lot's of small books is somehow bad.

I’m on page 780 of The Kindly Ones

Holy shit I never thought about it this way. Is this why Tolstoy introduces 1039 characters in the first five chapters or so?

War and Peace by Tolstoy. Great work of historical fiction about the napoleonic wars. Very enjoyable, 1250 pages. I also really like Moby Dick, but some people find all of the whaling terminology annoying

God, there’s nothing more disgusting than a picture of a beautiful woman posing with an important work of literature. Ulysses is nothing more than a prop, a pretty little bracelet for her. The shallowness of women prevents them from doing anything in the realm of art but trivializing and reducing these greatest works of Mankind to their own self-centered, sex-obsessed worlds of vanity and mediocrity.

hello incel

Don't do the opposite either. I have pretty much only read long books and therefor I've been exposed to fewer authors who all have their own literary merit.

Where is all this insecurity coming from? There is nothing that threatening about this photo yet you seem to take it as an insult


What about five adjectives for a dog fucking?

Reading Manzoni's now (700+), read Charterhouse about a month ago.

frantic, sanguine, violent, malodorous, and hairy

The Magic Mountain was the first book I read this year. What a fucking ride man.

In my native language books around 300 / 400 pages are "short" and around 1500 pages are considered "long books". The last book like that was El Quijote

my language is spanish, the words in english are a lot shorter.

i’ll read whatever length of book I want. who are you to tell me i shouldn’t read something because of how many pages it has? you fucking suck

That's more in the dickensian era and only in some places

>What's the last book you read that was over 500 pages? When was that?

I finished The Savage Detectives yesterday, around 700 pages. Before that I read "Os Sertões", at around 1000 pages. I like long books, they're comfy as fuck.

Throw the book away if it only consists of fillers

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Reading C&P atm. Don’t think I’ve read a single sub 500 page book in 2019

Don Q is an incredibly long book for children

The Idiot.
Brothers Karamazov.
War and Peace.
Tolstoyevsky knows how to write enjoyable Leviathans.

Moby Dick really isn't a novel. There are like 35 pages of exposition. The rest is 15% character study and 85% cetology and whaling info.

It's just rarer for very long books to be very good works of literature. I read Kingdom of Copper last week, and it was perfectly fine for light fantasy reading, but most of the time that's all you get. There are probably no more than a couple dozen 500+ page books that can compete with the plethora of shorter worthwhile books

Page count depends heavily on edition, page size, font size, and interline space.

Reading Ulysses rn, I'm on page 406 iirc. Going slow because I am looking up words, writing notes etc. As I go, and I'm not a native English speaker.

Moby-Dick and Gravity's Rainbow last year. Currently 2/3 into Anna Karenina

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>reading for the subject

Dune because I saw that Jodorowsky documentary.

i dunno im kinda digging this dr sesuus book. this cat is such a dick

I unironically agree

Last biggie for me was War and Peace, this edition. Took forever, but worth it

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oh yeah you're such a big boy reading TRANSLATIONS ahahaha oh god

>What's the last book you read that was over 500 pages? When was that?
Clarissa, an 800 page version, bout a week ago.

Berlin Alexanderplatz, but that was back in december.
I may read All the king's men soon. Would you rec?

I enjoy War and Peace a lot and whether it was made long to keep people entertained doesn't concern me as long as it's a good read. People will binge watch TV shows for hours on end and enjoy nearly every minute. But with Tolstoy's W&P, you're learning about history and also getting exposed to all sorts of windows of vision

Last month I read Crime and Punishment and my edition was like ~550 pages long.
Before that it was Gao Xingjian's Soul Mountain in September last year.

You can finish 300 page books easily in a weekend. What's the point of being stuck with a 1000+ pages book for a month or more ? Or is your premise being a neet

Based. Women are shallow (except for the few women who are practically men).

Found the women.

The last book I finished was The Magic Mountain, 1000 pages

Of Human Bondage around last May

finally got around to a heartbreaking work of staggering genius
somewhat over 500 pages
and i hated it

Lol I'm not a woman

do people still write big books?
all the examples here are about 150 years old

let me tell you about our lord and saviour vollmeme

Attached: hans vollman.png (400x300, 70K)


over 190 pages = hack

been meaning to read him. or at least give him a try. looking online he seems to be a global warming alarmist and hated trump back when it was good to love him

Upwards of 700+ pages. Last weekend. Surprisingly quick read once you get used to the voice.

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Big books like this stretch what it means to be a novel
I like that

Last big book I read was Moby-Dick at around 600 pages, and that was in January. Mostly I've been reading sub-500 pagers. I'm currently reading Hyperion by Dan Simmons, which is around 450. I'm hoping to tackle Dos Passos's USA this year, and that's about 1100.

Interestingly she is reading (or feigning reading) the conclusion which implicitly sexualizes the image which further implicitly indicates that she (or her photographer) at least had some idea of the contents of the book. This image is high art.

the last book i read was the vorrh by brian catling and it was 500 pages and it was meh
before that i read a little life by some asian sounding lady and it was 700 pages and it was meh
before that i read the sound and the fury by william faulker and it was 300 pages and it was the greatest thing i ever read

I've just finished Stand on Zanzibar by John Brunner because some user recommended it. ~600 pages. Found the writing and plot pretty interminable so took me 2 weeks to finish. Shogun by James Clavell, 1100 pages, I read in 6 days a couple months ago. Not exactly high brow though.

Einstein: His Life and Universe, by Walter Isaacson. Read it in November.

Story of My Life, by Moshe Dayan. Read in October.

Reading Crime and Punishment right now.

>hasn't yet finished a book in 2019

oh, I forgot The Sleepwalkers: A History of Man's Changing Vision of the Universe by Arthur Koestler. Finished that in November as well.

Amazing book by the way. Phenomenal.

the meme trio
joyce, pynch and dfw

I've read at least a dozen 1000+ page novels and novellas are still my favourite form of literature

incredible book. great writing and i love the early internet setting

>writes a whole page of text to say that books should be short

>to say that books should be short

about 1000 pages into war and peace, i've been putting off reading in general for the last two months tho

Marilyn truly was the first thot to cultivate the “take a picture of me reading a book” concept.

Interestingly, she’s buried in the same small cemetery as Capote and Bradbury.

wtf did i just watch