Where do I start
>inb4 my diary desu
Unless yuri manga counts as reading
25 Years Old Never Read a Book Before
Other urls found in this thread:
Thus Spake Zarathustra by Nietzsche
Gonna need sauce on that
is that a boy
>Never touched a book
>Comes to a literature board
My pseud senses are tingling
Tell me, OP. Why are you interested in reading?
you asked so here's my monologue
my entire life I've played videogames, I've shitposted, and I've gotten no fulfillment recently from them. After a life changing event where my life was in a sense threatened, I find everything I to do be a waste of time, and I hate that.
So if I'm going to immerse myself it should be in something that at the very least doesn't rot my brain.
I just don't know where to start, the sticky has books grouped together but I don't know.
its a girl (male)
OC from one of the trap threads on trash I think? no idea maybe check twitter
tldr tired of games need something more fulfilling
thank you user appreciate the contrib
Unironically start with the greeks.
>its a girl (male)
nice. really nice.
you need to find that first novel that you simply enjoy without having to force yourself.
No one can help you make that first step.
Most people find this not at age 25 but maybe latest 12 or 13 but perhaps you still have a chance.
My sexuality has gone down the drain
I'm not so sure about things anymore
God help me
Not today schlomo
My will is not as weak as it may appear
I must do like Mishima
The video is guaranteed to prevent erections for at least a few hours.
Anywhere outside Yea Forums, faggot. Leave and read a book. Any fucking book.
no thanks
what the holy fuck
That video is fucking visceral. I still remember watching it after all these years.
Realize that whatever pleasures you seek, they will not last. I constantly remind myself of that when I fail and need forgiveness.
start with a short story like from lovecraft if you want to read for entertainment
i recommend shadow over innsmouth
Thank you user
Are you by any chance religious?
>mfw i started with this when i was 16
Were you like a child prodigy?
Can we stop with the low effort tranny and foot fetish spam please. Go to b for that shit.
Not really, just in love with an even younger girl at the time, who read it.
Reading philosophy at 16 is equivalent to being a child prodigy? I thought that was normal.
Well why would I be reading about it if it wasn't exceptional? Huh?
I'm not saying you aren't. I started reading philosophy at 15-16 mostly because I was seeking to justify my religious faith, so i thought it was normal.
I am and try to follow my faith as best as I can but even still, I find myself failing from time to time.
The Catcher in the Rye, Slaughterhouse Five, Of Mice and Men, To Kill a Mockingbird, The Old Man and the Sea, Fahrenheit 451 and The Great Gatsby are all good picks for people who are trying to get into literature
I think this basic bitch American shit is what stops people from picking up a book in the first place. How many words should his book report be?
Honestly OP, start with Slaughterhouse V, Kurt Vonnegut.
It's an easy read, it's got some historical significance, and a very interesting concept. Vonnegut is great if you want to realize what great fun reading can be. If not that than Douglas Adams' Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy for some laughs and babby's first nihilism.
Short books and novellas like Of Mice and Men or The Old Man and the Sea would probably be more effective for somebody who hasn't read much at all. There is definitely an endurance factor if you are somebody who is not used to reading for long amounts of time each day.
Like already stated, find that first book, but not thus spoke, catcher rye, gatsby and shit, they are great, but there must be a reason so many teens are forced to read them and fail to develop a reading habit.
Just read some easy genre fiction: lord of the rings, jurassic park, lord of the flies, enders game...
Absolute kino
Riddley Walker