what is the correct political ideology?
What is the correct political ideology?
Let's just kill everybody. Gulags for all. I'm talking bottom to the top, total wipeout.
democratic confederalism
you must hold all ideologies at once. especially the batshit ones. only in observing all potential solutions can you make the right choice at any given time, and that is given there is an option present and not some non-choice option "vote for fuckerstein" BS.
pragmatic and realpolitik-pilled
thats an ideology in itself
None of them, they are all garbage that run against brick wall of reality at some point. Liberalism is the last one currently vanishing, bitterly turning against itself by abandoning all its ideals to protect its ideals.
this but just kill every human painlessly in one fell swoop. Weve done enough to this earth: we are a fucked up strain of monkeys that should never have existed.
let things go back to a natural order where even the smartest organisms arent capable of self-ponderance and hatred. intelligence was a mistake
Depends on your desired outcomes.
You want freedom? Anarchism.
A government is necessary, sweetie, sorry.
democratic socialism feminism
Ultramontane anarchoprimitivist fascism/monarchism
national syndicalism
what are the correct desired outcomes?
all other options are too boring
Cities depopulated; elites and intellectual reactionary liquidated; industry/farming/mining nationalized; population dispersed to rural collective farms; re-education camps for intransigent reactionaries
Neo-ghillbeline city state confederate elected emperorship
Because people are children, always children and can never aspire to adulthood.
Teaching responsibility to the majority of the world is as impossible as it is impractical. Leave that to the superior ruling class. They do a fine enough job of it.
Except no.
You may remain a child your whole life, but real men, real women, and and should get their lives back from the sociopathic ruling class
Kill normies too
>and and
Mini stroke?
And what is this? Anyone not diagnosed with autism?
Okay so you realize I read political philosophy also right? >:3
Okay let’s see here, you’re saying that the government teaches the public how to be an adult? That’s public education, sweetie, not the government. The Hobbesian state has existed prior to the Catholic Convent, which was the origin of schools
Anyone who says traps are gay
They are and she will think so too :3
So, essentially structuralism.
You and everyone else in this thread deserve to be euthanized. Take your discussions where they belong instead of intentionally shitting up boards with off-topic, low quality posts.
>you’re saying that the government teaches the public how to be an adult?
No. The exact opposite
You must surely be put to death
Okay it’s okay cutie. Just listen to me, you are suddenly very horny. I know you’ve done it before. Just relax. It’s time :3
Traps are gay
Unironically socialist monarchy.
Marxist Conservativism
Politics is a means to an end, and just tools for creating the ideal. It is more important to have a clear understanding of what you consider is the the ideal, and then go from their.
Ancap don't (You) me
>Neo-Ghibli leadership
Like, My Neighbor Totoro style, or Spirited Away?
I vote for Totoro
dumb and brainletpilled, maybe you'd enjoy lesswrong.com (or whatever the domain is)
My Neighbor Totoro is the best
this isn’t literature related
Unironically, national socialism
First post best post
the distinction between man and nature here is a false anthropocentric presumption. Man is part of nature. What we call artificial is merely an extension of man's- and therefore nature's, ultimate will. The destruction caused by our species simply cannot be unnatural. We are as thunder and wildfires. We are the next great extinction. And that is entirely natural.