What books will your children read to combat modern degeneracy?

What books will your children read to combat modern degeneracy?

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Anything as long as it's not the Bible.

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Pic related, and help them cultivate a profound love for Kipling. They'll grow up all right.

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Harry Potter erotica, mostly


I wonder what reading Plato’s dialogues would be like. Imagine having a childhood connection with Socrates’ Apology.

it would produce a sociopathic asshole. I would smother my child with a pillow if I caught him/her reading anything by Plato

Anti-semitism is modern degeneracy.

I just found my old copy when I was cleaning out my parents' house. What an underrated kid's book.
>tfw my mother still has pictures of me dressed up as the math magician for Halloween.

Anti-semitism has existed for as long as Jews have, so about 1,400 years.

>1,400 years

"Jews" as they exist today didn't exist until several centuries after the crucifixion, after Pharisaism had absorbed several other sects, incorporated elements of paganism, and mutated to the point where it was unrecognizable, and the Talmud was written down. AD 600 seems like a good founding year for the "Jews" as we know them today. They have little in common even with the Pharisees of Jesus' day besides being totally consumed by hatred and arrogance to the point of self-defeating insanity.

I don't read so I won't read to my children. Honestly it's the woman's job to raise children anyway so I won't lift a finger.

>I don't read
>Yea Forums - Literature

I'm just here for shitposting and memes haha

That one Goosebumps book called How I Learned to Fly.

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Is that Latin script? Cuz I can't read it.

yes, but it's some crazy form of early 20th century German cursive. I can barely read anything but the first word of the title and the author's name

it's again, I think it's Kurrent

Lord of the Rings

You're not deceiving people, you're convincing them!

Gravity's Rainbow