One must imagine sisyphus happy

>one must imagine sisyphus happy


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gotta cope against that suicidality

Because he fucking is!!!!

You’d best not delude yourself

Otherwise we’ll have to kill our selves

Sisyphus could only be happy if he has autism and enjoys doing a repetitive activity in solitude.

There's already a thread about this, but I'll quote the post from it here:

>The constant struggle against the inevitable rolling-back-of-the-rock is a symbol of Man's determination in the face of infinite. We imagine Sisyphus happy, for we must also imagine ourselves happy - we are born to live, and if life is pushing a rock up a hill, then in that we must find happiness (or else find ourselves purposeless and doomed).

Maybe he enjoys the feeling of progress, retard

did camus ever catch herpes or the clap?

You act like being 'purposeless' is bad, this is a presupposition. We always have the option of suicide or nuking ourselves.

>Le Mythe de Sisyphe:
A CHAD who never ever suffered in his life, and by far, had the easiest life of the writers, gaining fame, money, and recognition at a young age, sets the task to talk about suffering. Since he never actually suffered, he couldn't give a coherent account on it, so he tried to move suffering to the philosophical plane, to metaphysics, and there he fails immediately. This CHAD was not built for philosophy, his reasoning is shaky and contradictory, hypocritical and lacks self awareness, but ultimately, his unability to engage with suffering (because he is a CHAD), is what makes the whole essay about suffering, worthless.
This CHAD's stick is: "bro, life has no meaning like, how bout you accept this pointlessness and do whatever you want!". Everytime you see someone depressed expressing suicidal thoughts, a brainlet has to come in and spout this exact reasoning in different words: "like dude if i was going to kill myself tomorrow i'd gamble all my money and fuck a lot of bitches!". Now you know where this "reasoning" comes from.
What this ridiculous shallow reasoning fails to account is that suffering rewrires the brain chemistry, and attatches to the patient an inability to experience joy. In medical terms, Camus (and the idiots that spout that nonsense) has no idea what Anhedonia is. I can't fault him for not knowing Anhedonia's biochemical mechanisms, but i can fault him handwaving away suffering in his pathetic essay nonetheless. He basically looks at suffering and says "like dude there's no reason for you to feel this way, just laugh at the absurd and live life", ignoring the fact that suffering that has no meaning is torture, and if you went through pointless torture and had a chance to escape it, wouldn't you simply take the chance? Or would you laugh and say "lole, this torture is absurd! i must keep getting tortured! but now with laughs!". For this CHAD, suffering must g on, the torture must be infinite, because... like... dude.. you must revolt against the absurd... by like.... enduring it all your life... that will surely show em! yeah dude...
Enough said. One must imagine this CHAD happy, for he knows not what true suffering is.
>Le Stranger:
Awful. A tense-looking but really very loose type of writing. Nothing I would care to have written myself. In mentality and emotion, hopelessly juvenile. Essentially a book for very young people.

>His father, Lucien, a poor agricultural worker of Alsatian descent, was wounded in the Battle of the Marne in 1914 during World War I, while serving as a member of a Zouave infantry regiment. Lucien died from his wounds in a makeshift army hospital on 11 October.[10] Camus and his mother, an illiterate house cleaner, lived without many basic material possessions during his childhood in the Belcourt section of Algiers. [...] Any football ambitions disappeared when he contracted tuberculosis at the age of 17. The affliction, which was then incurable, caused Camus to be bedridden for long and painful periods.

This is stupid. Are you a teenager?

quit asking everyone if they're a teenager you pedo! they're not gonna go out with you and give you a handjob through your XXXL star wars sweatpants if that's what you think, pedo!

Lol btfo!

>We must imagine Syphilis happy

So what, many anons here have lived through worse things. Was it easy for Husserl poster to work 3 fast food jobs in a shit hole while having hundreds of dollars worth of student debt? Will his work ever get any recognition? Probably not, since he's not a Chad.

>dad died or whatever
>"poor" mother.
Irrelevant, he was never that poor anyway, he had a decent life. Never starved or anything. Just wasn't rich.
>The affliction, which was then incurable, caused Camus to be bedridden for long and painful periods.
Oh look, the CHAD had to go through a illness for a week! He went a whole WEEK without fucking top tier QTS, drinking with his friends and having fun... Surely that's suffering isn't it? Wrong. Having an illness here and there means shit. You don't know the meaning of suffering, just like Camus didn't.

Because otherwise the bad thoughts come back


Tfw no bf > life threatening disease because death is release

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must not think bad thoughts... exercise... eat healthy... revolt against the absurd... yeah dude.......

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I've had anemia, ulcera and urinary infection. All these left me bed ridden for months, and i'd easily say that while diseases are bad, they aren't proper suffering. At least there is a meaning when you go through illness. There is a light at the end of the tunnell, everyday you think about how when this shit ends, your life will go back to normal, and you'll be happy. Then the disease ends and you're back to your anhedonia filled life, and there's no meaning anymore, no struggle, just pure meekness. Camus was a CHAD and didn't suffer.

You suffered more than Camus. Good for you. Want a prize?

if you have to rely upon the animalistic element to find valid struggle in life then I pity you greatly. True suffering is always consequent to spiritual lack of attainment. Thus the suicide rates in materially replete societies are incredibly high; Africa is as spiritually decrepit as the west, yet it has that animalistic struggle, and thereby the will is substantiated.

I exercise 5 times a week and eat only healthy food and bad thoughts still constantly dwell in my mind
Release me from this mortal coil

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same for me my friend. i've given up and i'm slowly learning to live like this. there are only more 50 or 60 years ahead. we can do this, just suffer until the end, the release will be much stronger than if we end ourselves right now. just hang on, buddy

Suicide would come from purposelessness, you’re just pretending there’s another reason for why you’d nuke yourself.

Why? Purposelessness feels similarly to nibbana.

Your entire argument was that Camus never suffered and you are blatantly wrong. Coming back to the topic with "so what" shows you just dislike him, without actual reasoning. Which is also fine.

That guy is not me. I've already BTFO Camus philosophical reasoning many times.

>btfo Kierkegaard in one chapter
It's sad Camus out of all people put an end to the Dane.

Puropelessness in this context is just horrible, empty nihilism, not sure how that could ever be preferable to just accepting mundanity and finding happiness in it.

Ah, yes the person who has objectively suffered the most is the only one allowed to speak about it, very rational user, I shall reflect on this further

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Don't forget you're going to get all the life expanding treatments available whatever form they come in :3

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Maybe someone gets off from being miserable and existential dread. Maybe we all do. People love to stoke their worst fears after all.

cus life is absurd and insignificant, a constant struggle void of any true meaning, we're just a biological machine of flash in the the cosmos. Still we just gotta make the best outta it and tryn be happy, that's the true meaning of life.


Where in that post was it claimed that suicide does not come from purposelessness? The only way to interpret it as such is to presuppose that suicide or the elimination of man is bad, which you haven't proven.

Most people aren’t masochists though, and masochism is just a perversion if true desires.

Well obviously, but Camus’ argument comes after the establishment that the establishment isn’t preferable. You’re arguing outside the boundaries of the argument, so I’m not sure why it’s really relevant.

*that the elimination of man isn’t preferable

It’s about STRENGTH you fucking welfare queens. Sisyphus resists. Under his own motor, he compels his existence to continue to turn. Sisyphus is the opposite of giving up, Sisyphus exists because he is undefeatable, not because his object is easy but because to defeat him is hard. One must imagine Sisyphus happy, because perpetually by nature resists defeat.

because nihilism makes albert sad so just shrug it off in denial :)

That’s not at all the interpretation that Camus intended. Where did you get that from?

Tell em daddy

I don't like the word masochistic here since it implies a sort of enjoyment (though I did say "get off"). More accurately probably some people just (want to) suffer.

What argument do you give for that? How do people ‘want to’ suffer? Not saying I disagree flat-out, I’m actually just interested in your thoughts.

Lmao, Camus didn't inflict any damage on Kierkegaard. Camus critiques Kierkegaard for giving into religion but his "just imagine Sisyphus is happy, bro" cope isn't any better.

>d-doing what the overlords tells you is really resisting
>i'll show my boss by working hard haha he can't break me!

dumb slavecuck

what is the alternative?

>using the term "welfare queens" to assert dominance in a philosophical discussion

textbook case of jumping from is to ought, or specifically, from "want to" to "must"

Too bad there's no argument for it because I'm not trying to imply that there's an universal deliberation in bringing oneself to suffering now. And I don't think I'm articulated enough to put it into words anyway if that's the case.
However, I want to talk about this. I think it's fairly apparent across existential writing of people like Hesse or Pessoa, not that they spelt it out, but I just ask the question, if life is that painful and tedious, why not just kill oneself? Or better one's life by changing one's attitude to suffering? The outcomes, pros and cons are very obvious yet there's a trend among schizophreniacs, depressive people to refuse external help. Academic literature would subsume these tendencies as results of depression "virus"/condition. But what of the experience from the view point of the depressive?
Focusing on the self-aware group and you will find within them a sort of duality, or even multiple facets to their mode of being. They are depressive, they hate the fact that they are depressive yet stubbornly resist breaking free from it, some even reinforce this cycle DESPITE fully perceiving that self-pitying comes with stigma and all the criticism for narcissism. All these (non-)efforts, not out of enjoyment or a single thing in particular, but purely to stay... depressed?
Is it true that they just stuck in the maze of their own mindset? Or is it the maze they imposed upon themselves to discover the exist at the cost of one's destruction? If that's the case then maybe depression and meaninglessness are the generator of meaning. Not a meaning that can be talked about in language, but meaning in performative.

Because Camus was a dumbass who thought everyone's life was like Sisyphus's, because that's what his life was like, due to being a dumbass.

For my part, I think suffering is just my main mode of being/ living. It has gone past the point of an underdeterministic condition but fully deterministic. I hate(?) it, but this is the only way I know how to live, how I affirm me being alive unironically and not an actor going through motions.
For those whose being have transitioned into thoughts, maybe depression is the only true living.

I haven't seen a way out and there most likely isn't a way I can go by myself, not in the short run at least. Most people would suggest a psychotherapist to fix me but I have to ask, if I go through therapy, would I still be the same person I was before therapy? Obviously not, I would be out of this mode of being. My questions and mind mess would still be valid before and after, it's just a matter of after, if the therapy is successful, I will have fully transitioned out and these sort of existential questions won't be asked in first place. I don't want to invalidate my past self like that just to enjoy being alive. (Drugs and treatments through brain signals disruptions are interesting though. I disdain the idea of science stepping on the territory of philosophy but I am curious as to what sort of changes they induce without external inputs changing the inner neural network.)

That's why I don't want to rescue myself from this dread yet. That's why I put "want to" in parentheses. People suffer, "something" that keep them suffering still. If not, everyone could be cured just by reading the Bible, overwork or a cheap self-help book on how attitude is all that matters in life etc.

Anyway, the more I write the more I think about how I can characterize these differently and how I can be interrupted mid these nonsensical and confused explanations. This is why I don't write or think anymore but just read and consume mindlessly. Yeah, if there's one reason why I would want to escape depression at the cost of "myself" it's that it's eroding my thinking faculty.