Reminder it is not materialism that is the problem, but low-brow materialism. High brow materialism is the final redpill, indulging only in the finest arts, food, culture, literature and film. Ascetics are life denying faggots. This it the problem of capitalism and consumerism, the consumption of garbage and degeneracy, not high culture.
Reminder it is not materialism that is the problem, but low-brow materialism...
reminder that if you were able to use your brain as a chair, you would be called a scientific anomaly and would most likely be in extreme pain
your brain doesnt have nerves tho
The skull would have to expand. I believe most people with the brain deformities experience pain because of the skull.
Either that or it's a tumor, in which case, he is not happy either way.
so called high-brow materialism doesn't generate good art though, bub. the best art comes from a place of acknowledging and seeking that which is beyond the immediately obvious physical world, the desire for transcendence and communion. your so called high brow materialism was only ever made possible by a very solid foundation of high-aspiring transcendentalism
That's actually a good way to look at positive materialism, I'd say. I'm usually against it and consumption but if you're mindful of what you consume (and consume experiences over material) then I can get behind it.
It's, as you said, a good revolt against capitalism. So much trash is made literally and metaphorically thanks to the lowest common denominator and money aggregate.
>He didn't read marx trough hegel.
Trancendental is simply a form of relational materiality. It has to be analyzed as part of material reality in order to make sense of the world as whole.
What good is that to me when Im dead?
Looks like in one fell swoop you've essentially poked a hole in the entirety of materialist, if not atheist, philosophies.
We all have wills towards something, friend. Even if that be a will towards death. Life therefore has meaning based on that will.
I will towards nothing. Does that count?
A will towards nothing, until you reach that nothing, you have a will, a meaning. Life must always have meaning then.
Just ate half a box of noodles I made into pseudo pasta with white sauce. Am I a materialist yet?
>on Yea Forums
>doesn't understand what materialism is and thinks people are complaining about "being materialistic" instead of metaphysical dilemmas
Extreme brainlet detected.
>doesn't know what materialism is
Do you mean consumerism?
Uhmmm sweety... the ultimate redpill is solipsism. It is not only the most life affirming philosophy, it is also the only one you can only know.
>im an autistic retard who only comprehends the term materialism in strict philosophical terms
Art collecting is just a way to hide wealth. A more advanced method is purchasing it and leaving it in airport warehouses indefinitely to avoid paying taxes. An even more advanced method is using art as a means of money laundering.
What I mean to say is, rich people don't buy art to appreciate it or even look at it. They buy art as a means of manipulating and protecting their wealth. Same goes with sports teams, supercars, wine, real estate, whatever. The people who own such things don't actually enjoy them at all.
There's no such thing as high brow consumerism. You either greedily buy material objects to use them like a peasant, or you use your wealth as a means of consolidating economic and political power like an oligarch.
Doesn't sound like a healthy society could come out of that. The self only understands themselves through others. You would have no reason to be here if not.
>Doesn't sound like a healthy society could come out of that
Every society that has ever existed came out of that. Solipsism is natural, it's just that we are usually not aware of it. Even though you can have any kind of beliefs on top of it, solipsism is underneath them all, it is the core of human consiousness.
absolutely based
>indulging only in the finest arts, food, culture
holy shit read a book user
No materialistic """culture""" ever produced anything that could hold a candle to "Gloria in excelsis Deo", or "Gratias agimus te", or any work made by any theist.
You don't even have to agree with the theology they preach to recognize it, as a protestant I know Vivaldi, a heretic catholic priest produced that majestic music in order to glorify the Trinitarian God, even if I believe he was wrong on core doctrines such as Justification.
No, trascendental is that which is by definition immaterial.
Liar, you would be trying to kill yourself, and you are here. Life means somethings.
Dumb nigger, where do you think art is going to come from?
>the 3D-script NPC
No one living in a simple village would ever conceive of music like that. It is clearly written by an individual surrounded by buildings constantly under construction toward the heavens, a racket covering up the endless lines of servants feeding the Florentines, a modality of resonance for those confined to a beauty which is quickly being overrun by the war of all against all - and often a catharsis for their own sins after the death of any real sacrament.
These are works commissioned for people who killed 40% of the population of Germany. If anything, it is the purest sound of materialism.
>What I mean to say is, rich people don't buy art to appreciate it or even look at it. They buy art as a means of manipulating and protecting their wealth.
No, they just found a way to make money while doing their hobbies.
Read Either/Or, pleb.