I haven't read anything in years

Can someone rec me something easy to ease my way back into reading? not a classic. something more obscure.

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friedrich schiller, "on the aesthetic education of man"

unironically read the old ass 40k novel Space Marine by Ian Watson. It's fucking great.

pic related is a pretty interesting read

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those cropped off sides of the circle

>can you guys suggest a short book no one has ever heard of so that I can pretend to be Yea Forums in front to all my mouth breather coworkers?

Read some Michael Lewis. The big short or flashboys

glad that people are pushing schiller on here

>Calculus of friendship, strogatz
>Satan cantor infinity, gaymond smelly
you're welcome


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something by vonnegut

The Wanting Seed

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Disgrace by Coetzee is pretty accessible read, complex in its own way, and certainly entertaining. I highly rec, OP.

lmao thanks for starting this thread

no problem

are you projecting? I did not say that

you mean
he's SCHILLING him

the wanting sneed

that's a paddlin

here are some books for your reading level
Turtles All the Way Down by John Green
The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian by Sherman Alexie
Eleanor & Park by Rainbow Rowell
The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas

I know you'll think I'm just shitposting and yes that's a part of it, but if you REALLY haven't read ANYTHING in YEARS you should not be starting with the fucking Greeks and philosophy textbooks you fucking moron. YA fiction is designed to be easy and fast to read. You can finish a 300 page YA book in a day if you want to because the writing is usually so sparse and heavily dialogue based.

actually kinda based, user. I'll go with Eleanor & Park.