Books to make me stop hating people and seeing them as cattle?

Books to make me stop hating people and seeing them as cattle?

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there's no book that can do this unless you wish to return to falsehood

Siddhartha by Hesse

It won't make you stop seeing people as cattle, but you will love them for the cattle they are.

religious books.

not because of the moralizing, but in suggesting that humans are cattle of the gods, and when that is, then any human can't see their fellow humans as cattles, as long as the human does not act and be as god.

Besides, your sentence is contradictory, if you really see them as cattle, you wouldn't hate them. No farmer despises their cattle, he just understands they're beneath him.

Yea Forums is not a self help board. Take it to

A book can’t give you this. Every book only shows you the mind of the individual. You see people as cattle because to you “people” is a singular concept, composed only of the minds of individuals whose logic is inaccessible to you because it is wrong. The category of people as sheep is a tautology. As long as there are people who you think think wrong, they will be people, and the writers of books will be individuals.

>if you really see them as cattle, you wouldn't hate them. No farmer despises their cattle, he just understands they're beneath him.

I think the hate is mostly a reaction to the high expectations he had of people and the disappointment that followed.

Anything by Anton Long/ONA

get a kind and pretty gf

no milk will inevitably lead to dislike

What are some books to START me hating people and seeing them as cattle?

Religious texts

Not a book, but:

Seeing them as cattle is the cure to hating them, it lowers your expectations to a reasonable degree.

This. Minus the hate because that's dumb and slavish. Honestly wish I could see everyone just as things interacting and playing out, not so good or bad, just sort of natural and interesting, then I wouldn't have to get annoyed at their subhumanlevel retardation.

War and Peace.

Cows are lovely. They just want to eat grass and wander around forgetting if they've eaten any grass today and thinking about maybe drinking some water or sitting down. You should hate humans for not being like cattle. Cows are great.

Most of the people who regard others as cattle are themselves cattle, of a different camp. As far as I'm concerned, an enlightened and actualized person will not see themselves as such, and will spend their life in service of helping the world around them. If they act as cattle, he'll help them actualize into individuals. He will not hate them, but will see them as a parent does to their child: recognizing the deficiencies of their being, and wanting nothing but to help them grow out of them. This is how I personally proceed in life. I try to grow in wisdom, and simultaneously try to share it with others and help them grow too. I will never hate anyone, no matter how far they fall from their potential as people. I will only try to help them, however I can.

This. Cows are such sweethearts. Personally I'm vegetarian now and I feel so much better about myself.

No such book exists. There are many good books that contain these themes, but it sounds like you are seeking growth, and that must be nourished internally, actively, in the mind. As with all growth on this planet, you should get out in the sun, breathe the air, find comfort in the natural virtues offered in your environment. Being around mankind and his imprint too much is overwhelming though we seldom admit it. Try walking on a trail, user. Slowly, and with purpose. Devote time to notice the little things. Above all else, you should avoid a lot of media exposure. After all, those are not your thoughts, rather than the thoughts of another broadcasted. Try to find your own organic thoughts again. When you do, it becomes quite easy to process the thoughts and behaviors of others, with empathy, and some sympathy. Happy st pats day and a good afternoon to you :)

I still eat them, but they're dead then, so it's not like they care. I just get them from people who were nice to them and let them wander around thinking about grass and shit.

but animals are frens and u can't eat your frens :(

>comes to people for advice

I'd totally eat humans if they weren't riddled with diseases were okay with being eaten. That's just two more ways humans are less bro than cattle. Apart from the ones who let cows do their thing and make sure they don't get sick or lost while thinking about grass.