Has anybody read the manifesto? On a purely literary level, while considering the context, is it worth reading? I somewhat enjoyed Eliot Rodger's manifesto, and can somebody say if it's comparable in quality?
Manifesto: pastebin.com
Has anybody read the manifesto? On a purely literary level, while considering the context, is it worth reading? I somewhat enjoyed Eliot Rodger's manifesto, and can somebody say if it's comparable in quality?
Manifesto: pastebin.com
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It’s riddled with /pol/ and cripplechan in jokes that no one outside of those communities are going to understand. Not much of it rings seriously to me, this guy clearly thought everything was a hysterical joke.
This “manifesto” is the product of a much higher iq mind than the Elliot Rodger, Dylan Roof or Anders Breivik ones. That being said, it is mostly irony and clickbait.
>On a purely literary level, while considering the context, is it worth reading
Not really. He wasn't as smart as he thought he was and the writing reflects that.
Your taste is already pretty shit if you consider Rodger's manifesto good so this seems right up your alley.
Unless you like 'so bad it's good' stuff, in which case it's again, right up your alley.
What made Rodgers's manifesto so entertaining was the lack of self-awareness. This guy, on the other hand, is entirely aware of the impact and optics of his actions in a strategic manner. He has a good amount of Twitter memes in his writing but I wouldn't call it comparable to Rodgers's at all. I think this manifesto will be remembered as actually fairly important in the future, whereas Rodgers's is literally just a giant meme. Tarrant isn't a good writer by any means but he seems to understand pretty well the implications of his actions.
He reminds me of the guy that did le epic barrelroll with the airplane.
These losers are so utterly nihilistic
I didn't say it was "good," only that I enjoyed it, and not from a, "'so bad it's good" level, but it actually gave me an insight into the sort of mind that would commit such atrocities. There was a level of incredibly oblivious narcissism and delusion in Rodger's writing, (a good example is when he's complaining about his mother not marrying her boyfriend, even though it would be better for him), that I've never read from any other writer, so it's an insight I would not have received had I not read the it.
If there are any insights in this person's writing, I would be interested, but skimming it, it just seems like wacko right-wing bullshit.
>What made Rodgers's manifesto so entertaining was the lack of self-awareness.
Yes, this puts it well.
The episodes relating to the lottery tickets were incredibly hilarious and made it worth reading just for that.
>This guy, on the other hand, is entirely aware of the impact and optics of his actions in a strategic manner.
Well, is it little more than accelerating the race war, which was basically Charles Manson's plan?
Sounds like you read only the jokes and assumed that was the entire thing. Most of it is ideology and calls to action. Don't even have to agree with it to acknowledge that.
No the best part was the glass of red wine and the cocky smirk in first class.
one of my niggas on discord word vomits this on the daily
I appreciate the humor. Who didn't enjoy the sly addition of Dostoevsky's existential catchphrase “Truly great men must, I think, experience great sorrow on the earth,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Nick Land's epic Gotta Go Fast. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Yea Forums's genius wit unfolds itself on their computer screens. What fools.. how I pity them
So, it's shit?
It had like 3 jokes, i don't think you actually read it.
You guys didn't read it, its almost all serious.
>Well, is it little more than accelerating the race war, which was basically Charles Manson's plan?
That was his goal, yes, but his comments on the exact process of how this would happen seem to be coming true already. He was aware that his actions would give liberals in NZ and the US fuel to clamp down on guns and we're already seeing this coming up in political discourse. I don't think it's fair to compare him to someone like Manson because while Manson obviously said that's what he wanted to do, his actions didn't really reflect it and his "how" didn't encompass anything more than "duuuuddde kill niggers". Tarrant is more in line with someone like Zarqawi in Iraq, albeit obviously on a much smaller scale.
It's fucking boring and cringe. This guy is a retard and I curse his soul for all eternity.
Has there ever been a shooter who actually incorporated some advanced philosophy into his policies?
Define "advanced philosophy"
No, the closest its ever gotten is Ted K. As a rule mass murderers are fucking retards.
>Riddled with jokes
This isn't true. There's the spyro3 joke, which is mentioned in the same paragraph as Candace Owens, alongside the navy seal pasta, but beyond that the rest of the document has a serious tone.
>Purely literal level
On a purely literal level it sounds like common conversation and its prose is not fluent or otherwise literary. There are maybe one or two grammatical errors as well, he had a short amount of time to prepare the document.
>Is it worth reading?
In my opinion, yes. Don't expect a rationale for his viewpoints so much as an explanation as to why he considered terrorism to be in the best interests of his worldview.
Critical theory
The thing about him making money from bitconnect is a joke too, but yea that's it.
I thought he was being serious when me said that he profited from bitcoin.
baudrillard encouraged his readers to do suicide bombings
I'd say about 70% of his manifesto is typical ethno-nationalist extremist nonsense but he raises concern for plenty of legitimate social issues too (loss of faith in western society, unreported child sex rings, etc...). I didn't see any Twitter or internet memes/jokes in his writing, these all seem like pretty standardized arguments made by people like him
He's a Kantian
P.S. if you want to find more people like him, go look up 12th century latin hymns or gregorian chants on YouTube and check the comments section. theres thousands of these deus veult EVROPA faggots out there
>Loss of faith is a legitimate issue
>Being a minority in your ancestral homeland isn't
Pretty low IQ take tbqafh desu
Was this the guy who posts the cringy stock photo threads on /pol/
This only thing that proves he is retarded is that he didn't embrace it, but instead tried to fight against it.
and vulgar accelerationism doesn't count as embracing it
Elliot Rodger's manifesto is the most unintentionally brilliant piece of writing I've ever read. It's so dense with hilarious, pathetic, pretentious shit and he's so oblivious to how humiliating the lot of it is that the fact it even exists at all borders on surreal. When you add onto that the knowledge that his whole retribution turned out to be an insane comedy of errors, it's a masterpiece of black comedy.
I expected to get some similarly entertaining Yea Forums out of Christchurch, but this new guy is different. Memes aside, he's not crazy or pathetic like most of these guys are. Whether you agree with him or not, he gradually came to the conclusion that violence was the ideal solution to a legitimate problem and he acted on it. That scares the fuck out of people because it makes him more lucid than all of the other recent shooters put together. He comes off as a passionate guy who saw the state of things, lost faith in civility, and succumbed to evil. That's not how this is supposed to work. We're all used to shooters being easily dismissed lunatics, and now here's one who actually showed up with- again, whether or not you agree with him- an actual, studied argument for mass murder. He's also the only shooter I know of that meaningfully accomplished what he set out to do. Though it probably won't have the long term ramifications he hoped it would, he got the entire worldwide media to straight-up do his bidding, and his manifesto is undoubtedly going to inspire imitators. This creates a really bizarre forecast, because this isn't some one-off Kaczynski shit. This guy addressed a problem half the world is already fucking angry about. We're probably about to enter a new era of mass shooters who aren't motivated by mental illness, but the genuine belief that they're saving the world.
If you consider AWD and dubschan yahtzee propaganda mixed with memes and varg speak interesting, go for it.
>aren't motivated by mental illness, but the genuine belief that they're saving the world.
Yeah, that sounds just like mental illness.
The only time a manifesto has been worth anything is when the unabomber wrote one. Every single narcissist after him has been a low iq one who thinks people care about what they have to say when they are just morons
What exactly do you mean by embrace it? I agree but curious if it's in the same way.
Elliot's is really that good, eh? I never looked into it because the concept of incels is so dreadfully snore-worthy.
>What made Rodgers's manifesto so entertaining was the lack of self-awareness.
He was NOT unaware of his self. On the contrary, he was HIGHLY aware of himself, of his good sides and his bad sides and why he was being treated the way he was. The things he WAS unaware of, were social interaction and how people react in different situations. That was because he was AUTISTIC. But obviously, you choose to tell that he was lacking self-awareness, as that is a FASHIONABLE SLANDER TERM to put other people down, to lessen their value.
And yeah, Elliot was fully aware of what his last actions would lead to as well. That is why he sent his manifesto to several people, and why he published his retribution video on YT. He knew that those together would shake part of the world to its core, and give him an eternal fame, as they did.
>He knew that those together WITH massacre would shake...
bsaed trips
He might be overselling it, but the delusion and narcissism is entertaining throughout the work, and some parts are extremely hilarious.
I don't agree. He knew, of course, his final action was wrong, (or at least had enough knowledge to understand the import of his actions), but how the fuck you can read his schemes to get rich and not consider him incredibly delusional I simply do not understand.
Does he talk about his journeys?
That's the only thing about him that is interesting to me.
"Goodbye, god bless you all and I will see you in Valhalla. EUROPA RISES"
Christ what a fagot.
Briefly, yes.
He seemed like a chill and compassionate guy which is fucking weird.
>Being a minority in your ancestral homeland isn't
Oh yeah, im sure you care greatly for the plight of Aboriginals in NZ and Aus and Native Americans in the US. Oh wait, i know that’s not what you mean and that you’re a hypocrite because this isnt about the sanctity of ancestral lands, but about white supremacism. NZ is about as much the ancestral land of white people as it is for arabs. ideology makes ppl like you blind and dumb. You pretend this is an issue yet you don’t give a damn about the history of colonialism which ironically is the reason white people are on this “mess” to begin with.
>this isnt about the sanctity of ancestral lands, but about white supremacism
It's a bit of both, really.
Thanks for informing me of my own motives dude, learn something new every day.
If you consider reddit-tier shitposting literary then go for it
New Zealand wouldn't be New Zealand without the British. Same goes for Australia, Canada, and the US. Also, the immigration situation is not really a "colonized peoples seeking retribution for injustices visited upon them" situation. The State is inviting the Arabs to settle in New Zealand because they want more bodies in the economy, similarly the Chinese are invited to settle there to make house prices go up. Insofar as there are actual refugees there, they're fleeing wars ultimately being carried out for the sake of Israel, which makes these female politicians donning hijab to show their solidarity with Muslims a bit hypocritical since these same governments are providing support for Israel. Furthermore much of this rhetoric about "you are a colonial bigot who deserves to have revenge taken upon him" has had its roots with Jewish nationalists who are doing the same things they criticize British colonials for in Israel except worse.
Is this any more hypocritical than celebrating victory while lamenting defeat? The examples you gave are great lessons for anyone who would want to preserve their own culture.
>Elliot's is really that good, eh?
It's literally nothing but him crying his eyes out about how women won't fuck him and describing pretty embarrassing instances where he acted like a piece of shit and got treated like one for it. It's pretty great.
>New Zealand wouldn't be New Zealand without the British
What does this mean, user? That because another group took over the land, it is now their “ancestral land”? Is that to say tht if arabs and asian took over Europe it would be their anecestral homeland? NZ and any New World nation is not white people’s ancestral homeland. No land belongs to anyone. You’re spooked because you attach your personal identity with a piece of land and an ideal of culture which are both false.
Explain something to me. Why is the white race worth preserving if most of its members dont belive in it and are more than willing to let their “homeland” be overrun by other races and intermix? What white race are you trying to save, the one in your fantasies or the one that actually exist?
I fail to see your point here? Who is celebrating anything here? Colonialism is but one manifestation of the fluidity of culture and peoples. Culture isnt monad, it cant he preserve. Any attempt at preserving culture only congeals it and kills its nature as loving relation amongs people,
I fail to see your point here? Who is celebrating anything here? Colonialism is but one manifestation of the fluidity of culture and peoples. Culture isnt a monad, it cant he preserve. Any attempt at preserving culture only congeals it and kills its nature as living relation amongs individuals.
Australians took the land and made it their own, for better or for worse it is now their land and their people as long as they can keep it.
Almost all white people believe in a white race and no country voted for mass immigration.
You can fuck right off barrel roll-kun seemed like a great guy this faggot murderer is nothing like him
Doesn’t this logic apply to everyone then? If muslim immigrants can take over Europe and such, wouldnt it be theirs as well?
Show me your proof. last I checked there’s a great mass of people who refuse to believe in race at all. Also, no one votes for mass immigration becaus that’s stupid, but lots of white countires have voted in leaders who support more lenient immigration polices and support the creation of santuart cities and the such. The immigrant crisis in Europe is a direct results of those voting patterns.
I don't think anyone believes it was wrong for Aboriginals to resist european invasion.
Immigrants turn culturally European within a generation
The celebration of victory is analogous to regarding the colonial lands as their rightful homes. The other side of that is trying to prevent the loss of what they consider their home to the same sort of force that got them there. To me it seems no more or less hypocritical than any war, or any competition at all.
>Culture isnt a monad, it cant he preserve. Any attempt at preserving culture only congeals it and kills its nature as living relation amongs individuals.
This is tangential, its own discussion. If you want to try to convince them that they shouldn't want preserve their culture, I wish you luck.
can someone link that actual good pdf please
Go ask any american on the street what race they belong to.
Sounds like you're in a tranny bubble.
"If muslim immigrants can take over Europe wouldn't it be theirs."
Yes. Which is why why need to stop these policies and get them out. No fucking shit dipwad.
>you choose to tell that he was lacking self-awareness, as that is a FASHIONABLE SLANDER TERM to put other people down, to lessen their value.
Somebody's been hit close to home.
>colonialism is why white people are in this "mess" to begin with
No, it's certainly not. We're an extraordinarily successful people and we're only in this "mess" because it's the natural course of empires to become complacent in their stability, fall into nihilism and hedonism, and start engaging in the self-destructive practices we are now. Only white nations are having these issues because white cultures are the only ones experiencing the cultural decay they mistake for the moral high ground of one-sidedly "sharing the pie." Japan wouldn't let in millions of undocumented, culturally contentious people. Saudi Arabia wouldn't. Mexico wouldn't. Read your own fucking post- what's happened to the people who don't successfully repel mass groups of others, again?
>im sure you care greatly for the plight of Aboriginals in NZ and Aus and Native Americans in the US
Yes, actually. It's a sad story, but one that took place over hundreds of years and now here we are. My family's been here for most of that time. In any meaningful sense, America is as much my land as it is any living Apache's. We're talking about the here and now, you disingenuous fuck. The NA's would've been within their rights to chase the outsiders back into the ocean, but they couldn't. We can. We should, at least.
>Doesn’t this logic apply to everyone then? If muslim immigrants can take over Europe and such, wouldnt it be theirs as well?
Yeah, come on mate. By assuming everyone is retarded you look like a complete retard yourself.
>We can. We should, at least.
Agreed with you up until here. It would take a complete cultural revival to get people to start having families again, and I don't see that happening in due time. And should you? Maybe a limp and dying culture deserves to be replaced by one that still has its vigor, I have a hard time deciding.
anyone who takes subversive, deconstructive "critical theory' serious is a foolish lemming at best.
Also, skimmed through the talking points here - it's clear that no one wants to be a minority in their own country, do I feel bad for some aboriginals losing their ancestral homeland to whites? No, frankly I do not, in the end you can feel whatever you like but all that matters is power and the ability to wield it.
>limp and dying culture
>replaced by one that has vigor
Darwinism doesn't choose the most worthy creature. It chooses the creature that just happens to benefit in the current circumstances best. The West (led by white people) has been the biggest contributor to creating global prosperity. People's lifespans are multiple times as long as they used to be. Starvation and poverty is as low as they've ever been and are dropping exponentially. We can trade and travel literally anywhere. The technology behind basic commodities is so fucking magical that nobody even notices it anymore. We've done so much to eliminate the tyranny of nature, but we've thrown our doors open like morons and now the people who are going to benefit from our system the most are going to be whoever compromises the least and breeds the most. I'd hardly call that "vigor." And you bet your ass if they overtake us, they're not going to be able to maintain it at all. Our culture evolved alongside this prosperity. As a collection of ideas, what has Islam evolved alongside?
The proponents of multiculturalism are trying their very best to keep the manifesto and video from being seen because they don't want people to know what the consequences of their social policy is. There is not one single multicultural neighborhood, city, or state free from ethnic conflict.
I don't know what the Maoris or Abos called it but it isn't New Zealand.
>no land belongs to anyone
Well, the British currently possess it. To say that it rightfully belongs to anyone presupposes a sovereign imposing said notion of rightful ownership. Furthermore, if you're a Stirnerian why are you pearl-clutching over colonialism.
the manifesro is valuable, not particularly well written but it is important
Most modern European cultures were founded as petty medieval squabbles, and the greatest achievements came from global expansion and the eventual embrace of industry, which also ended up being their own defeat, after the cultures had already been largely established. Even if you take the position that Islamic culture is more primitive, less virtuous, it's not hard to imagine it now taking on a European flavor and growing into something more potent in the next era. The fact that they are breeding and not compromising is exactly what they would need to propel them to the forefront, and then seize it.
fucking cringe bro
So European culture dialecticaly solved its own retardation. Why am I supposed to be saddened by this?
As usual this ignores that the same thing is happening in Europe, which when confronted with you either ignore or fall back to the eternal argument of "everyone who doesn't agree with cosmopolitan progressivism is an incel"
Seemed like the usual rhetoric you'd expect from someone like him. I will say the only part I found interesting is the parts where he mentioned he traveled to places like Pakistan and whatnot and had no problem with the people there even found them kind and hospitable.
While what he did was absolutely retarded I can at least understand where the frustration stemmed from. My mom was born in France and the last time we visited her hometown the place was filled with rowdy arabs and africans who did nothing but loiter around and harass people, mostly women. Obviously these groups aren't a representation of an entire race of people but repeated run-ins with these types eventual cause resentment to build up. I've also had a plethora of negative interactions with African Americans in the US. So while I'm not racist I do have a bias and am cautious around blacks.
>Maybe a limp and dying culture deserves to be replaced by one that still has its vigor, I have a hard time deciding.
The culture is only "limp and dying" because of the proliferation and de facto state enforcement of nihilistic progressivism
"hey, we're risking another Yugoslav war, but house prices must rise and the people must keep buying stuff."
>the usual rhetoric you'd expect from someone like him
>My mom was born in France and the last time we visited her hometown the place was filled with rowdy arabs and africans who did nothing but loiter around and harass people, mostly women
Hi, it's me, the right wing, just calling to ask why you identify the problem and dismiss it as irrelevant in the same brainwave
Well you're not necessarily, but then do you think should you be saddened by any culture being replaced in its homeland?
English isn't my first language so I guess I didn't really say what I wanted coherently. My first sentence wasn't meant to blindly attack. I wasn't try to dismiss the problem I was say that I understand the problem but the way he went about venting his frustration helps nobody.
If there's any culture you shouldn't be saddened over its Abo culture.
>I will say the only part I found interesting is the parts where he mentioned he traveled to places like Pakistan and whatnot and had no problem with the people there even found them kind and hospitable.
The overhwlming majority of the people you think are racist feel this way. Hell, the majority of the people who say they're racist today actually feel this way. They don't hate anyone for being who they are. They're just rejecting subversive globalist bullshit, and usually aren't educated or articulate enough to recognize what's actually upsetting them and express it any other way than "I hate niggers."
>It's not hard to imagine it now taking on a European flavor
Yes it fucking is. Do you know absolutely anything about Islam?
>The fact that they are breeding and not compromising is exactly what they would need to propel them to the forefront, and then seize it.
And that's exactly what I'd suggest white people start doing. Cut the bullshit and start thinking about themselves and their families first, just like all their neighbors are doing, just like every successful culture in human history has done.
>de facto state enforcement
I'm skeptical, I think this is only possible because the culture is already acquiescent. Maybe you're right though.
You're right insofar as culture is downstream from power and Power has decided on as much immigration as humanly possible because it makes money for them, so basically a total moral collapse.
>Do you know absolutely anything about Islam?
Probably you're alluding to the fact that Islam and its central text are inherently Arabic and embody Arab culture, but consider how far removed the Ashkenazi Jews are from their spiritual ancestors while still being decidedly Jewish.
>And that's exactly what I'd suggest white people start doing.
You can try to convince them, I suppose.
The state is at this point just an arm of the real controlling power, global capitalism. Perhaps it's too hyperbolic to say "state enforced", but with the above in mind it is de facto enforced by the sovereign power in the land - wrongthink is not tolerated by the global capitalist machine, and while it always prefers to use as little power as possible to achieve this goal (like calling your job and getting you fired), it will escalate to cutting you off from payment processors if it can't find any other way
Not as retarded as your passive existence
Nah, culture is inherently transient in the grand scheme of things.
>it's global capitalism
Much of the wrongthink you can get fired for in the West will amount to nothing if uttered in China or Japan or Singapore which are nothing if not integrated into global capitalism. No one is going to try to get you fired for Islamophobia in Japan. This is a Western phenomenon driven by the ruling class wanting to make money off migration.
>You can try to convince them, I suppose
Normies are clay, 90% of people are NPC's. The problem is that, in the fight between the 5% aware "right wingers" and the 5% aware "left wingers" who'd have the power to shape cultural narratives, the right wingers are content to let progressivism proliferate because they see it as helping to expand their own power through the economic expansion caused by globalization. The left is happy to shape the narrative for ideological reasons.
I can't believe this dumb bastard thought he could get all of us to carry his damn water. All that's going to happen is a blanket gun ban in NZ and an uptick in islamist terror for a few years while everyone else placidly eats shit from western governments. Expecting a turn of fortune from "accelerationism" is naive idiocy.
lol Chinese can't even talk about what happened in their own country
I don't disagree, when I say "global capitalism" I'm referring the western ruling class you're talking about, really.
I wonder if conservatism / traditionalism is impossible to maintain over time specifically because those right wingers who rise to positions of prominence tend to abandon their convictions once they get there, while left wingers remain committed for whatever reason
In the original 250 page version he probably did go more in depth with that.
It's good that you're consistent, although you probably understand that a lot of people are going to be willing to physically defend their position on the matter.
So you're saying this meme will die out soon? Thank god.
Why have the Jews preserved their culture for 2,500 years then? Or the Japanese theirs for 1,500(?) years? Could this be related to the disproportionate success both these groups enjoy?
What's your point? A couple thousand years is eternity?
Wait, don't tell me you think Japanese and Jewish culture have been static for the past thousands of years?
No, but I think there's a continuity to them that belies the idea that culture is necessarily "transient".
My point is that it isn't impossible to preserve culture over long time spans provided the will to do so exists, and further, the case of these two cultures suggests that it's profitable to do so.
I hope so, those were really cringe.
I mean, a happily family with kids next to some military dude. Wtf was he thinking?
>Probably you're alluding to the fact that Islam and its central text are inherently Arabic and embody Arab culture
Kind of. A little more than that, though.
Christianity is the west. People either interpret that as meaning A: religion shaped the civilization according it its values or B: civilization shaped the religion based off its needs (it's both), but either way you get the same thing. Islam is the same for Arab culture, but there's a major difference worth getting hung up on that makes them completely incompatible. Christianity cooperated with its host civilizations and compartmentalized itself. It distinguishes at least in part between personal faith and society at large. There's a part in the bible where the son of God literally says "render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's, and unto God that which is God's." He allows for distinction and nuance and cooperation with the state, all under the assumption that it's God's going to sort us out anyway. Christianity is designed to rock the boat when necessary, but Islam intrinsically isn't like that. The Quran has no "render unto Caesar." A Christian rocks the boat, but at the first sign of contention a Muslim sets fire to the boat while you're both still inside and his brothers on the shore build a newer, worse boat to Allah's specifications, as detailed in the Quran by Muhammad, who is his prophet. Islam is hostile, destructive, and uncompromising to any system that isn't 100% Islam. That's written into its nature and it doesn't seem to be going anywhere or evolving. As long as it's recognizably Islam, it's going to be a problem.
>how far removed the Ashkenazi Jews are from their spiritual ancestors while still being decidedly Jewish.
Jews are the most self-ostracizing people in our society. I can't think of any group, anywhere, that does that as much as them.
>This is a Western phenomenon driven by the ruling class wanting to make money off migration.
Hush. Don't you know the commoners can read now?
No it's not, learn to recognize that taking sides in a conflict is possible.
Good men kill to defend their family.
lmao these post modern metropolitan castrated "males" can't even comprehend the concept of picking a side in a conflict and hating your enemies but loving your own people.
Anyone who has any negative feelings towards anything is a psycho.
Believing that all extremists are psychopaths, incels, or psychopathic incels is normie cope / opposition strawmanning, beneath high IQ intellectuals like ourselves
I took my time to look up the last 10 threads on the other boards for the manifesto and this is what you reply with my dude
What family was he defending?
I never said this guy was good. He is the lowest of scum.
Then what are you even talking about. He said that it was weird that a seemingly compassionate person could murder 50 in cold blood. You responded with something about defending your family. Think before you speak, idiot.
The white race
His people you metropolitan soulless subhuman
Muslims have no place in the west
End of story
The rationale of why you should arbitrarily favor or love your family (or not) also applies to your co-ethnics
yeah nah cunts that mosque shat out literal radical terrorists, 2 guys from Al qaeda that got droned in Yemen some time ago, also police reportedly said that they had to disarm IEDs in the mosque and you can sure as hell say that the guy put no explosives during this time
All the sources in the text are from mainstream media
then it shouldn't be a problem for you to post a real source.
You can choose to believe in spooks if they benefit you
Fucking brainlet
Getting life in prison isn't a benefit dumbass.
Would immigration be fine if all the immigrants left Islam and embraced Western culture instead? Some people have expressed hope that the interet and mass media will play a decisive role in helping Muslims secularize and leave their religion.
>Stirner: "Dude I mean you can believe in God if you benefit from it lol"
When did this start? When did all intellectualism get infected with this disingenuous leftist talking in circles spiral to nothing? Don't you feel like a fucking faggot?
not an argument. try again
I'd rather help the tribes regain sovreignty than help the fucking United States government perpetuate itself, and I think you're retarded for unironically supporting nation-states.
That's literally what he meant, he has multiple paragraphs on the concept of love and why it's a spook he chooses to believe because it benefits him
you fucking sub zero iq retard
Your basing what you think you love on a spook. Why would you pick white people instead of just loving individuals?
Has this led to the liberation of the working class? Is capitalism more or less entrenched than before? Is this actually serving the interests of the worker, or is it just indulging your need to actualize your self-conception as an intellectual owning the chuds?
WTF did you actually read the ego and his own? what the fuck is this retarded question?
If race is a spook (it's not) you can choose to value it and believe in it.
Nah, that was poetic. If anything, the barrel-roll guy took things very seriously, right up until the end.
>talking in circles
Getting life in prison because you think it will benefit the white race is a literal fucking spook. Turns out the guy Marc hated doesn't agree with nationalism either.
>t. hasn't read stirner
Stirner explicitly said that believing in spooks enslaves the individual. He said that you can make use of them and bring them under your subjection if it benefits you (eg following the law unless you know you wont be caught) but he would never advocate actually believing in them.
>(it's not)
It is you retarded xenophobe.
If you don't think race is a spook you're too stupid to be reading Stirner
Why don't you open the damn post and see for yourself you mong? Do you also want an audiobook recording as well?
He did, about love.
>dude just read this source from literal nazis
no dude. stop clowning around
Race is as much of a spook as geographical borders.
You fucking retarded castrated teenager.
stop giving this attention. Unless you want to further the cause of a terrorist, you should avoid anything this guy has to say in any way. I don't know his name, I haven't read his manifesto and I have no intent to give the guy any validation. The man needs to die alone and forgotten in prison, washed away by history and completely unaccomplished
Behaving as though something was true isn't the same as believing in it, you pitiful creature.
Borders are, literally, also a spook. You're making yourself look very stupid and foolish. Please stop.
But the source isn't from "Nahtzees", why is your reading comprehension so terrible?
It's funny to me how much you guys enjoy reading into these things. Listen, that retard's a dime a dozen, we've got like ten thousand other kids just like him over here at /pol/. What are you getting so excited about? It's the same recipe every time. It's not exactly well adjusted, successful family men who do these things.
I'm not giving you clickbux, stormfaggot. Post the actual sources yourself or fuck off.
>site is literally named after stormtroopers
just stop
You and your type will be the first to submit in the most submissive way possible when any semblance of force is applied to you, when any party gains power and threatens you with direct physical violence you will submit and you will never stand up for yourself if your life is at risk.
Keep jerking yourself off your sarcastic vocabulary meanwhile.
Yeah great plan dipshit the dual strategy of pretending white ethnocentrism doesn't exist and calling everyone who advocates it a virgin has totally worked and definitely not planted it directly in the center of western discourse
Sovereignty's great. Exactly how would you propose we do that?
>implying that wasn't the plan all along
He never said he believes in love. Stirner's view of his relationships was entirely self-interested. He said he only cherishes another person if he gets joy from them. You clearly don't understand what a spook is
Literally delusional. You're posting fanfiction about your fetishes. Do you not understand that you're sick in the head, and that it sickens people to watch you behave like this?
The same way your view about race or environmentalism can be out of self interest.
I read it before you were even a sperm in your retarded fathers barely functioning nutsack.
don't ignore the problem but ignore what the guy has to say. You don't have to validate any of these types of opinions by putting them into serious conversation, instead you can focus on taking on a more general picture in fighting the white power movements
i can almost guarantee that more people will follow suit if they find out that people are suddenly taking what they have to say seriously, writing their own shitty little manifesto before going out to shoot up another mosque.
If no one listens to what you have to say, then why waste time, effort and your own life on making a statement?
It's wrong to ignore him. He needs to be understood, so we can help prevent further occurrences.
If you suspected someone you know was being radicalised, you'd be better able to handle the situation if you have previously exposed yourself to radical thoughts/ideas. Locking your door and shutting the blinds only makes your world smaller. It doesn't do any benefits.
This isn't fan fiction, your type has no spine and you are not ready for any physical confrontation. You're a castrated caged creature.
then let's make some efforts to understand people who hold these types of opinions, trying to irk them out of their mindset, but in no way should we validate killing 50 people as a method of getting your voice heard
Why are you trying to prevent further occurrences? What do you have in common with the goals of the muslim infiltrators and invaders of the west?
And yet this is the central strategy of the cosmopolitan response to neo-nationalism, ignore it as much as possible and, if forced to confront it, only engage with it indirectly by reducing everything to ad hom
Stirner said that believing in a spook is partly egoistic because it satisfies the quality in you that corresponds to the spook. However he rejected this as it takes only one of your qualities and sets it up as your 'higher essence' to which you have to become subordinate, instead of considering the whole ego. You clearly didn't read the book if you don't know this, or at least not carefully.
More fanfiction. I've seen combat. It'd be a shame for an energetic kid like you to get himself killed over a spook.
Are you even getting paid?
A major diagnostic criterion for autism is a lack of self awareness.
Those 50 people being dead is the culmination of 5 years of "there are two possibilities: either you believe in cosmopolitan universalism, or you are a virgin"
There's literally nothing wrong with acting that way about a spook, you are taking this concept as complete gospel and it's extremely pathetic to witness.
What the hell man, I was just goofing around in this thread. Don't get so mad it's only Yea Forums. I've fought people before and that type of thing doesn't really make you a crusader, it usually just makes things worse for yourself.
>race isn't a spook
Imagine being this spooked.
>stop giving this attention. Unless you want to further the cause of a terrorist
That's the purpose, dipshit.
Alright you daft cunts, hope you look a this shit and then get the fuck out
It was funded by the IDB en.wikipedia.org
they then spill their imams, like they did in Algeria/Morroco/Tunisia in the 90ies. In France/Germany/Belgium/UK in the 2000.
>peeslam was thrust into the national spotlight this month after media reported two Australian men killed in a US drone strike in Yemen had met and been introduced to radical Islam in Christchurch - claims fiercely denied by the city's Muslim leaders.
other facts:
>UK Home Secretary Amber Rudd released only a 430-word summary of the report, saying that most income for extremists comes from UK-based “small, anonymous public donations,” with some groups receiving hundreds of thousands of British pounds a year. The report indicated that “overseas funding is not a significant source” for most UK-based extremist groups.
>The summary did not name the countries of origin of such countries or mention Saudi Arabia or any other nation.
ALSO the IED disarming (reported by police) despite none being planted
*Punches your face*
Was this a spook, bitch?
who the fuck invited all these leftypol/chapo refugees? if they had something of value to say then there would be no issue but there is some seriously low effort posting itt
>he isn't even doing it for free
Why are you complaining? This isn't a literature thread and political threads have always been low effort trolling.
>Throws away your life for the possible benefit of some social category you feel "obligated" to save
You're literally brainwashed.
>I read it before you were even a sperm in your retarded fathers barely functioning nutsack.
Anons who pull a seniority card in a conversation like the one you're having are either lying about their age or so fucking stupid that they never learned how to communicate well. Either way, you don't matter. I'm betting you're in your early 20s and so desperate to show up anonymous strangers that don't know you're embarrassing yourself.
there's a rather large difference between overt trolling and just being a fucking retard
Then post better bait. This sucks.
You sure that wasn't Kondo?
Keep pushing multiculturalism and see what happens. White people aren't like Muslims, they're competent. They're not going to shoot pathetic little rockets and blow themselves up on a bus.
Who the fuck are you even talking to? Lol
redditor spotted
I just want to [REDACTED] people like you, there's nothing else to it.
Start here. I don't think you're ready for the Greeks.
Anyone who supports multiculturalism, obviously. Are you stupid?
Mass murder is not the ideal, it's a means to an end and it indicates that there are problems that aren't being solved diplomatically.
There are active infiltrators that smugly abuse the niceness of modern whites, while those just let them.
Maybe the white race doesn't deserve saving, I am becoming Chinese now.
I wouldn't bet on white people in general. At least white people in the current state. Obviously things can change, though.
Oh yeah, Sir Not Appearing In This Thread. Now I can see him... hahah... don't let me interrupt you two!
Been some time last time I've seen it
However many Muslims "[threw] away [their lives] for the possible benefit of some social category [they] feel "obligated" to save", and now the West tiptoes around them and kowtows to their sensibilities.
Syntax is garbage and filled with chan meme basically. As for it's content - I couldn't agree more.
What the fuck are you even saying?
Clearly not, since you're here complaining about it
Is this peak leftist intellectualism? Not very impressive...
On an anonymous anime imageboard, because I will be unpersoned for broaching the subject in public
Well, yeah. Because you're retarded, and your ideas are bad. That's what happens when you bother people with this horseshit.
>I will be unpersoned for my beliefs
Then move somewhere that isn't filled with retarded xenophiles
>Jews are the most self-ostracizing
They're the first blackpilled people. In the same way Christianity modified itself to a ethnic space, so were the Jews economically appropriated as tax collectors, as in Poland and Ukraine. They don't self-ostracize, they just know they're fucked no matter what they do to belong, so they emphasize family and community, which is why Jews mesh well with other outsider communities as in NYC.
Where? China?
This has to be the shittiest thread I've seen on Yea Forums in my life.
Fuck off back to your dens, political larpers.
these people always argue in bad faith. better not to even engage with them
I don't understand people like this, even if we were to ignore the ethics of it, why go around and shoot up some random mosque with old people and kids, who will most likely be replaced by more muslims either way.
Why not go and shoot up some jewish business man that figures in one of those /pol/ infographs, or politicians, or maybe Jeff fucking Bezos, I'm sure you could get close enough to put a bullet in his head before their security gun you down.
It's against the Bible to have churches and to express your faith publicly.
He gives answers to these questions, though there's a good chance you'll disagree with his reasoning.
That mosque was a confirmed radicalization center, like every mosque in the west is, because of the nature of islam.
Because they're used to "debating" on reddit where they just downvote/upvote whatever fits their ideology.
If you have (reddit) power you don't need arguments.
Jews are our allies
We might live in dens, but you're living under a fucking rock.
How new are you that you don't realize nobody fucking cares that you learned what arguing in bad faith is on /pol/ this most recent happening?
>what's the cringiest shit you've seen on a book?
dis shiet
Yes, as the big words on the top of the screen say, this is Yea Forums - LITERATURE, not Yea Forums - RACE & POLITICSL WITH CAPS LOCK AND EPIC SIMPSONS MAYMAYS
This is a discussion about a very recent, very topical piece of outsider literature and the political/racial themes that are quite explicit in it. I'm sorry that the fact someone isn't discussing it the way you'd like them to. Maybe you'd be better off somewhere more curated? I'm sure other anons have advice on where you could go. Also, I promise fuck your asshole wide open with my epic Simpsons maymays if you promise to cry about it more.
autistic post
>We're an extraordinarily successful people
nigga you didn't do anything.
>bait newfag into a frothing rage
>he starts typing in all caps, telling everyone to go back to plebbit and responding to every single post
Assuming that all collective identification is merely making up for a lack of personal merit is brainlet-tier rhetoric to herd normalcattle, though of course you could have been identified as such regardless with your muttspeak
Pretty much every left wing terrorist of the 60s and 70s?
shut the fuck up you psuedo-intellectual. Chances are you are a filthy fucking mutt.
>I-I-I'm W-w-w-hite cuz I have blue eyes
lol the delusion of you mutt-Americans.
But the text isn't discussed here at all. People are only discussing things that the text refers to, and those are entirely the domain of political boards.
>Maybe you'd be better off somewhere more curated? I'm sure other anons have advice on where you could go.
I heard that r/thedonald is a great place. Think I should visit it?
Triggered. top lel at a non-american using the term "nigga" calling anyone else a mutt
>Everyone I disagree with is a "leftist"
Didn't claim to, but we were talking about cultural legacy. Do honestly think you aren't just stating the obvious by suggesting that I didn't personally colonize America or invent most of the medical miracles you take for granted?
I think you're just underestimating how many people in this thread think you're dumb.
>People are only discussing things that the text refers to
Not completely, but considering how recent the text is, debating the reality of the current sociopolitical climate it discusses and exists in is important for contextualizing it and understanding the author's views. It's not anymore off-topic than how every "how do I into Marx" thread mostly just turns into arguments about genocide, American socialists, and Venezuela.
>mfw this autismo becomes the John Brown of the second american civil war
What event is this and where?
Sorry fag, you keep wasting your life for your precious "cultural identity" and I'll keep living the good life
The law of merited imposibility strikes again.
I find it offensive that you're trying to take credit for what my ancestors did in America. I am a proud southerner and can trace my heritage back to before the American revolution. You are most likely a pasty buck-toothed angloid who's ancestors fapped to Uncle Tom's Cabin. My culture is not your costume.
probably some ariana grande concert or something
I think if we want to preserve our neo-liberal social order, the free movement of capital and people, we have to suppress nationalism and other collectivist ideas. We can't have people value anything over individual consumerist pleasures.
The best thing to do is to associate nationalists with evil violent stuff, so that we can maintain a higher moral ground and don't have to engage with them.
In addition, we should make effeminate males and women believe that they're leftist rebels and that they're fighting for the good of humanity when they support immigration and the status quo. They're basically doing the work for us.
Why does he wear the potato sack? He looks like a Roman slave.
Thank you Mr. Harris, I love my hedonic treadmill
It's scary that someone can be so meta and yet commit such horrible acts. Rodgers and Breivik were too invested in themselves as serious martyrs to be self-aware enough to see how ridiculous they seemed, yet this guy was both self-aware and capable of this kind of thing. Scary what internet addiction can cause.
He was a cringey memelord. He wasn't self-aware.
Everyone who isn't anti muslim is a leftist or a muslim
I live a great life
‘You dogs! You thought I’d never return from the land of Troy, so you laid waste my house, forced my maids, and wooed my wife in secret though I was still alive, without fearing the gods who rule the wide sky, or that mortal vengeance would find you. Now the net of fate is thrown over you all.’
odysseus killed over 100 people in his realm for these reasons, i think the actions of odysseus and Tarrant are similar.
When are you gonna write your manifesto?
Pretty sure when he said he expects to be released like Nelson Mandela, who was also a terrorist, is also a joke.
Didn't read Rodger's, so I can't compare. I found it interesting for historical reasons, literature-wise it was... I'll call it a quick read? I was mostly surprised by how lucid he seems.
Athene held out her fatal aegis, and the Suitors’ minds were filled with panic. They fled through the hall like a herd of cattle goaded and stung by the darting gadflies in spring, when the long days arrive. Odysseus and the others, set upon them, like vultures from the mountains, with crooked talons and curving beaks, swooping on smaller birds that skim the plain beneath the clouds. The birds have no defence or means of escape, and men exult at the chase. So they set about the Suitors, striking left and right through the hall. Hideous groans rose from them, as heads were cleft, and the floor was drenched with blood.
She found Odysseus standing among the corpses, spattered with blood and gore, like a lion come from feeding on a farm bullock, his face and chest drenched with blood, a gruesome spectacle. Odysseus was stained like that from head to foot. Yet she, on seeing the pile of bodies weltering in their blood, was ready to shout aloud in exultation at what had been done. Nevertheless Odysseus restrained her eagerness, and spoke to her winged words: ‘Old woman, feel joy in your heart, but control yourself, don’t shout it out. It is impious to rejoice at the sight of dead men. These men were destroyed by the gods and their own wicked deeds, respecting no one on earth, noble or base, who mingled with them
Everything they abused was Odysseus property or a servant of his. Kiwi boy was a foreigner who shot foreigners.
No problem. Just make sure to avoid hot stoves. They increase your net suffering and are therefor immoral.
Can someone link me the manifesto, I don't want to put myself on a list by searching for it
tarrant was not barbarian,he was not foreign in look or language and culture.
Well... it's not exactly inside the overton window these days. Even when the state calls for violence it's to be done by drones in some far-off place that could be cyberspace for all we know or care.
And yet here you are. His name was Seth Ritch BTW.
you're already on a list by virtue of being here
aka it's cringeworthy pretentious crap written by a Yea Forums retard
>Yea Forums's genius wit unfolds itself on their computer screens. What fools.. how I pity them
I'd rather you talked about books tbqh
don quixote would kill a muslim on sight
Was the bitconnect part a joke?
Odysseus was in his home. Kiwi wasn't in his home. This is a very simple concept.
Invoking bad faith is the only genuine bad faith argument. It's tantamount to admitting that your position can't stand up to scrutiny. That the term has become the most recent piece of highly repeated leftist rhetoric only shows how desperate they are to maintain their hold of the discourse, anything from a perspective outside of their narrow moral window must be dismissed without consideration. It is not surprising that the lefts vaunted intellectualism amounts to nothing more than rhetorical trickery.
I was disappointed that he didnt name the jew, he just talked about "x", globalists, billionaires, 1% and stuff while acknowledging the problem that Muslims arent the underlying cause... this makes me wonder if he decided that it was already a lost cause and intentionally left certain aspects of the immigration problem out to make the manifesto more approachable and spawn more copycats. I'd be really interested of his original 240 page version.
That being said hes a mental midget compared to kaczynski and contradicts himself on several occasions by declaring his moral/philosophical stance on a given issue and then proceeding to explain his world view and position as the polar opposite.
The west is the home and bride of those willing to defend it.
Sure. And the earth is flat, and vaccines cause cancer, and crystals promote healing.
If the people arguing it genuinely believe it, it's not in bad faith. And if you can't argue against those points and have to resort to using the term, it's more indicative of your stupidity rather than the intention of the argument.
"Bad faith" is a phrase for brainlet drones who just want to repeat whatever new meme their favorite thought leader said.
nobody was inspired by rodger, he was a meme and a failure, but le epic WAS GETTING CAUGHT PART OF YOUR PLAN?? man is going to stir every reactionary wehraboo gamer faggot into a monkey see monkey do frenzy and all i know is i'm never going into a religious space or anywhere that might piss off a reactionary brainlet for a good long while
lmao he's a manlet
Who's manifesto?
elliot's was at least somewhat introspective. this last manifesto was unprocessed regurgitation of reddit tier stale ethno nationalism.
>dissing Skyking
>comparing him to a mass killer
His name was Richard Russell and you can go fuck yourself.
Elliot's manifesto is good because you can see through his mind like pantyhose
Skyking was trite & cringey my man.
Elliot Rodger's manifesto is The Room of manifestos. His egotism was off the fucking charts and he never ever showed any self-awareness. Some of his rants are so divorced from reality they read more like a satire of a loser than the actual ramblings of a loser. He was that unhinged.
>Elliot Rodger's manifesto is the most unintentionally brilliant piece of writing I've ever read. It's so dense with hilarious, pathetic, pretentious shit and he's so oblivious to how humiliating the lot of it is that the fact it even exists at all borders on surreal. When you add onto that the knowledge that his whole retribution turned out to be an insane comedy of errors, it's a masterpiece of black comedy.
what are those places he contradicts himself?
Just don't be a brown muslim
Where he pretends not to be a piece of shit then kills people.
I didn't think that was a joke.
Even if you agree with him you wouldn't expect a guy who carries out a mass shooting to seem chill.
Or a guy who mercilessly gunned down civilians as they begged for help to seem compassionate.
He's completely sane and lucid. The world around him is what's insane.
Just go to kiwifarms
Lol, don't address his concerns, just try to suppress those voicing their concerns. Sounds like a great plan.
Shooting a woman who's begging for her life isn't very sane
Her living doesn't align with his or his peoples interests, he owes her nothing, she has nothing to do with him and doesn't belong there, she died in a foreign land to her because of this.
>his whole retribution turned out to be an insane comedy of errors
How so? I never read on the details.
Not that user but I remember that Elliot's grand plan was to break into his college's sorority and kill every woman in sight. The problem is on the day of his uprising the sorority was locked and no one would let him in. So he ended up having to settle for driving around and killing a few random people on a sidewalk. His ultimate moment was fucked over by a locked door.
‘Achilles, at your knees I beg for your acknowledgement and mercy.....‘Fool, do not talk to me of ransom, make me no speeches! Before the day of fate overtook Patroclus, I had a mind to spare you Trojans. Many I took alive, selling them far away. Now not one shall keep his life, of all the gods send to my hands before Troy not one solitary Trojan, and least of all the sons of Priam. You too, my friend, must die:
the heeelp meee heelp mee lady
Proud Achilles’ horses trampled dead men and shields alike as grain is swiftly trampled under the feet of the broad-browed bellowing oxen a farmer yokes to tread white barley on a stone threshing floor. The axle and the chariot rim were black with blood thrown up by the hooves and the wheels as the son of Peleus pressed on to glory, his all-conquering arms spattered with gore.
running over the corpse of the heeelp meee heelp mee lady