Ye or nay to listening to music while reading?

Ye or nay to listening to music while reading?

Attached: Listen-to-music-while-reading-beauty-Wallpapers-HD-1680x1050-901x563.jpg (901x563, 61K)

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Is the other thread gone?

Yea. People who live by the word alone die a little inside

Only instrumental as a sound barrier.


Only instrumental and only if inside, outside the ambience makes up for it

Yes, but only music without vocals.

Fuck you.

I don't listen to music reading but here's a fun song by a really fun band who used to put on such a great show :) Its called: Steve Got Arrested

yes, and add chess for triple pleasure

You wanted that get?

I find music with lyrics you can’t understand also works out.
Ambient noises, such as rain or surf, is also nice.


Attached: readingmusic.jpg (1024x768, 256K)

Ambient music is pretty good... Brian Eno, Phelian, Helios, Stars of the Lid, Moby out some great long ambients not too long ago

Sorry forgot the :3

Thought that second album was White Pepper by Ween and was about to be surprised that someone on Yea Forums was based

I'm a pedophile. :3

Not me. But those girls do get pretty young sometimes

Sorry, do I know you? :3

Also HNW works well.

Can you actually please leave? I'm being serious. You lessen the quality of this board and whenever I see a thread with you in it saps any joy out of it.

Even if it's instrumental I pay too much attention to the music and it colors my experience because I just end up being moved to emotions by the music, not necessarily the text. So, no. Thinking back on things I read while listening to music, I find that I don't actually remember things too well.

How can anyone read while listening to music? It's nearly impossible for me to focus on the words I'm reading. While listening.

This for me as well


If the music isnt completely distracting you from the writing, or the writing from the music, you are listening to or reading garbage.

I can only read in total silence

good answer


Choke to death on my feces-encrusted penis kthx

No, I want to analyse what I'm reading and music gets in the way of that because I would want to analyse it too.

I appreciate how you set out on this board every day to secure your place as worst lit poster.

I play metal and things that are loud so I can practice to ignore them. So that when I'm outside reading, I won't be distracted easily

You’re not fully absorbing the text if you’re listening to music


i listened to wagner while reading mein kampf - the only time i've ever listened to music while reading.

Agree completely.


What nonsense