I think I'm in love with a man, Yea Forums. Does this constitute a valid reason to kill myself?
I think I'm in love with a man, Yea Forums. Does this constitute a valid reason to kill myself?
Depends whether she (male) passes as a girl
No, love makes life worth living.
If anything, you must love more people and things.
Depends whether she (male) passes for a girl
Yea Forums isn't homophobe. You are thinking of /pol/
are you a man?
>Yea Forums isn't gay and off-topic. You are thinking of /pol/
Yes, obviously, if I wasn't I wouldn't have to ask whether or not I should kill myself.
well the answer is yes then
If you were to kill yourself you'd be committing another sin.
You have just to avoid the physical contact
wittgenstein was a fag, which basically makes it ok. the romans were too.
at least that’s what i tell myself. homosexuality is patrician.
It's fine as long as he's younger than you. Also not Yea Forums,
this, liking men is the ultimate redpill
all sexuality is pleb
Stop posting.
How do I make people gay for me?
how big is ur dick?
Just be happy and stay away from lgbt community for your own health.
It's okay to be somewhat aroused by this pic right? Because it's a feminine pose, feminine clothing, and feminine shaped behind? My brain is j-just being t-tricked right?
No, I don't want to have sex with men, I want people to be gay for me. I want to experience the euphoria of being a person (it's usually women who get this) who have thousands of men unironically in love with me while I sit here, unrequiting all their feelings but knowing deep inside that they're pathetically jacking off to pictures of me. Nothing would bring me more joy than to humiliate thousands of men by making them gay for me.