What does your favorite author say about you?
Include stereotypes of said author.
I'll start:
Kafka, Thoreau, Hemingway, DFW
What does your favorite author say about you?
Include stereotypes of said author.
I'll start:
Kafka, Thoreau, Hemingway, DFW
I don't know if it's a stereotype but I imagine you feel alienated somewhat. Also a cool guy. Maybe you smoke cigarettes.
>cool guy
>reads Kafka
Pick one.
I think expressionism is cool
cool =! popular chad
You have almost no real friends but you're genuinely happy nonetheless
Most of the so-called German expressionist writers were jews trying to corrupt the high arts with weird shit. They were subversive, not cool.
Kafka, Dostoevsky, Steinbeck, Kierkegaard
You're American. Still young. Fresh out of High School, or in any case still in College/Undergrad age. You dream about being a writer. You want to write a beautiful novel that will be appreciated for its prose and its relatable sentiments. The novel which will make you famous, as you imagine it in your head, is probably somewhat depressing and melancholy, but with a sort of sweet interior happiness to it. It will be based on your own experiences. You keep imagining this novel but you will never write it. You have friends and a social life, but you are the quiet and intelligent person in your social circle. You have eclectic taste in music, but most of it is contemporary stuff. You don't know too much about classical, but enjoy hearing it.
kafka: introverted, very intelligent, misunderstood, has few friends but very close and true friends.
Similar to what I wrote here
But you are getting into a philosophy and existentialism phase. The novel you imagine in your head is darker and less consoling.
Fuck you nerd. Expressionism is part of life lived intensely.
You probably aren’t turned away by dark or depressing things in life, you don’t try to ignore them or pretend like they don’t exist, and you occasionally have a sense of humor when shit goes down in life. And you have pretty good taste.
What if my favorite writer is Herman Melville? I have only read Moby-Dick, Billy Budd, and Bartleby the Scrivener, but I am pretty sure he is the writer I most admire.
smart and life of the party. you are religious, positive and optimistic.
Hunter S. Thompson, Pynchon, DFW, Nabokov
Ayo faggots do me:
Henry James
Rene Guenon
Friedrich Nietzsche
Gustav Meyrink
Michel Houllebecq
Antoine De Saint Exupery
Max Stirner, Krasznahorkai, De Sade
You're quiet and intropsective. You are very skeptical and a critic of society. You know more than you let on. You've been through some shit and that has made you stronger.
you're addicted to Yea Forums and hate yourself
european or a pretentious american. "what's the difference?" one might ask
thomas campion
walt whitman
hart crane
rainer maria rilke
You are a literati, you are a very creative individual, have high standards and have a very difficult mind to process, not many people understand you. You are educated, articulate, and well spoken.
Murakami, Sartre
Edgy teenager complaining about everything but doing nothing, will hopefully be saved by Christianism in few years...
Gregory Palamas is cool, but Christian exclusivism is dumb and utterly implausible. Same goes for other religious exclusivisms. I also really like C.S. Lewis' fiction. Definitely not a teenager.
You are kind of a weeb. You are just getting into literature and are not sure what to read. You heard of this Murakami guy and everything he wrote feels pretty comfy. Also you are probably a woman.
>walt whitman
Trying to pretend you are an intellectual by reading walt whitman. You've seen dead poets society one time and decided to read walt whitman.
>rainer maria rilke
russian literature ~ a great choice. you like complex things, you like a challenge and don't want to take the easy way out. you like to think.
You have an artsy head so relate to Sartre. Also watch anime
St. John of the Cross
Calderon de la Barca
Herman Melville
Literally are the same thing you describe the other person as
Stephen King, Robert Cormier, HP Lovecraft
Hemmingway, Bukowski, Kafka, Harlan Ellison and Elmore Leonard
Terry Pratchet
Roald Dahl
Paul Jennings
Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, Hemingway, Nietzsche, Joyce, Twain
A really calm and patient man.
You feel alienated by the world sometimes, but you also think you will change it for the better.
You are an individualist. You like to create things and you don't like when other people try to influence you.
I havent read that much authors to have favorites
You have a short attention span and like potty humour. You love Marvel films.
>late Burroughs
>St. Augustine
>Melville, Conrad, Coleridge, Junger
You are the strong silent type.
>Short attention span
>potty humour
>you love marvel films
any other takers?
Deleuze, Laozi, Perec
big brained nibba
Tolstoy, Nabokov, Mishima, Pavic, Pelevin
What about Gary Cooper?
Melville, Conrad, Fielding, Wilde and Bronte (Emily)
You're probably like me. What would you recommend of Fielding and Wilde?
You have a neurotic personality. Your parents were cold and or distant. You have been diagnosed with anxiety or depression. If you are a male, you feel alienated from masculinity
Thoreau, Tolkien, Vonnegut (I know), Bulgakov, Tolstoy, Lewis
Pearl Poet
Proust, Beckett, and Jean Toomer
Kafka, Conn Iggulden, Yann Martel
I'd recommend Tom Jones by Fielding, it's one of my favourite novels. Regarding Wilde, I'd start with Dorian Gray and then branch out to his plays, poetry and short stories.
Jung,Thoraeu and Plato.
Oscar Wilde, Fernando Pessoa, Machado de Assis, William Faulkner
You've probably only read one book at most of many of these authors that you consider to be your "favorites", if even one book.
Céline, Proust, Trakl, Adorno, Bataille
You're projecting, mate.
Gabriel Garcia Marquez
You are the kind of person who argues at parties about that age of consent laws are tyrannical.
Franz Kafka, Adam Lanza, Kevin MacDonald.
You are 16.
You are a catholic and want to spend your golden years in the Italian mountains
Simple but sophisticated
You read mostly for pleasure and don’t understand why people read Joyce and such
You smoke and have a martyr complex
You have a small attention span
You fell for the Yea Forums meme
You have seen the abyss in man and came back to tell the tale
You want to fight in a war, but would never sign up for fear of brainwashing
You are schizophrenic
You are depressed
You are just getting into serious reading and or just have vanilla tastes
You have BPD
You like caviar
You like smoked meat, but heavily spiced
You used to do hard drugs but found the light
You want to kill yourself
You’re French
How right am I?
someone do me
Rabelais, Sterne, Joyce, Pynchon
Montaigne, Goethe, Stevens. Shakespeare is a given, but I could never weary of those either.
you have the big brain. lost many IQ points abusing mdma in my youth.
Kierkegaard and St Augustine
Do you long for faith but have a hard time embracing it?
>You want to kill yourself
i-is it that obvious?...
you used to be left leaning, but now you don't believe in morality anymore and barely even care about politics
It was the Pessoa and Wilde that gave it away
Why Wilde?
Yeah, I’ve gone to almost every church in my city and I’ve tried out a ton of denominations but I can’t find anything that truly connects with me
Just remember, if you don't find the one correct Church, and it could be any of them, from the largest, to the most out of the way and minuscule denominations, you will go to Hell forever.
Hunter S Thompson, Salinger
not him but closet homos often off themselves
Most people who I’ve met that love Wilde were horribly depressed or just lived a sad life in general. I think people who like his work just generally have a worse quality of life than others whether it be socially, economically, or any other category
"Nietzsche" is shit tier btw
>insecure about status
>doesnt understand descartes
>used to watch peterson (still in your recommended)
>believes lives value is measurable in succes but perceives himself a loser
>closet homo
Nietzsche, Goethe, Stendhal, Hemingway Deleuze,
Tell me more about Hemingway Deleuze
Nice try, nerd
Explains your interest in Kierkegaard.
I love Wilde and I fit the bill
Umberto Eco, Dostoyevsky, Nietzsche, Shakespeare
some kind of visual creative who loves visual art purely for beauty and not for any sort of political thing.
for me it is melville, dante, pynchon, sterne, milton and browne.
Pynchon, Borges, Plath, O’Conner, Baldwin, Bollanio, W.S. Merwin, Ballard, Baudelaire, Deleuze, Lacan, and de Man.
an american francophile
Joyce, Shakespeare, Byron, Rossetti, Bronte (Emily), Dumas, Dostoevsky, Milton, Chaucer, Hugo, Kafka
a cute twink desu
It was actually heavy right-wing leanings, but other than that you’re spot on
Proust, Maupassant, Tolstoy, Nabokov, Dumas
Borges, Valéry, Gómez Dávila
You are a just an average frog
Probably an architect who smashes tons of blonde artsy girls in the weekend
Went throught a commust phase. Now converted to catholisms and got baptized.
Hölderlin, Joyce, Heine, Balzac
you still live with your parents and think your brother is an idiot
Anne Frank, Sylvia Plath, Dante, Hemingway
Dostoievsky, Borges, Alexandre Dumas, Terry Pratchett
after 7 years, it's still this guy
you hate yourself
DFW, Huysmans, Stephen King.
You are not wrong, but I'm pretty sure you could apply that statement to anyone on his board. I guess I was expecting something akin to 's analysis
Milton, George Eliot
You're not white
Jesus Christ, I feel called out.
your expectations are too high for the company you keep. rattle me again for more magic 8-ball-tier ministrations
Oscar Wilde
Hunter S. Thompson
Stephen King
Ernest Hemmingway
F. Scott Fitzgerald
Frank Herbert
I think I'll put the computer away and do something more productive
Celine, Borges, Plato, Witkiewicz
E.L. James
Stephenie Meyer
Tina Fey
Tara Gilesbie
Rose Christo
closet gayboy
neckbeard but lowkey cool
fatty, but likes to party
plays vidya 3 hours a day, has unopened copies of tolstoy, dostoevsky, dante, joyce, cervantes on shelf
you were raised in a college town which you never moved away from and assume pretensions of intellectualism by proxy
Negative on the vidya but direct hit on both Dosteovsky, Joyce and currently reading Tolstoy.
My three favorite novelists are Hamsun, Sebald, and Tolstoy
My three favorite poets are Eliot, Akhmatova, and Celan
My three favorite playwrights are Shakespeare, Pinter, and Chekhov
I like many other writers
Do you like Petrarch?
Hemingway, ayn rand, vonnergut
You have never seen a vagina up close
Sorry but inaccurate
Although I mainly sleep with asian girls
>everything I don’t understand is because of Jews
Throw yourself off an overpass, incel
You are ver high IQ and the envy of your very large social circle in regards to intellect, class, wit, status and wealth. Undoubtedly a prominent member of the aristocracy.
nietzsche, plato, heidegger, junger, evola, spengler
Heminway (going to his Key West house this week), Tennessee Williams, Sylvia Plath and Jack Kerouac
I don't have BPD as far as I know
P.G. Wodehouse, G.K. Chesterton, John Swartzwelder
García Lorca
Italo Svevo
Oakley Hall
I want to die every day.
20th century vagabond
based on an analysis of your favorite authors I surmise that you wish to die every day
you were raised catholic or have a boner for catholicism
mo yan
yu hua
ding ling
osamu dazai
proust I say despite failing to make it all the way through in search of lost time three separate times
Keep at la recherche friend… Proust had open eyes.
Im actually switch, honey
top kek
Marcel Proust
Denis Johnson
St. Augustine
>expressing yourself through the media you consume
J U S T fuck my society up senpai
>You smoke and have a martyr complex
You may well just be right
Reclusive paranoid dope smoker
Dante, Giacomo Leopardi, Alda Merini
danilo kis
You start masturbating in the middle of a smoke.
I should offer Eve the apple.
fetishize an older England
older than 25
Aristotle, Seneca, Cervantes, Nietzsche
Friedrich Nietzsche and Ayn Rand
Kafka, Dostoyevsky, Faulkner, vandermeer
>Cormac McCarthy
>Gene Wolfe
>Kafka, Dostoevsky, Steinbeck, Kierkegaard
absolutely unable to marry or settle a final deal
(reading advice: The Art of the Deal by Donald J. Trump)
Juenger, Wyndham Lewis, Schiller, Vico
Hesse, Borges, Dostoevsky
>E.L. James
>Stephenie Meyer
Please be joking. Either you are a fan of literotica or YA, you just read for fun, you pick up a book for no reason when you should actually be doing something productive, please kill yourself.
Tina Fey actually isn't that bad, but still.
personal favorites:
you're very intelligent. object the status quo.
you're a nazi
you like fiction, classics, and horror.... you're very smart and big brained obviously. you don't need our opinions.
You delve into the depressing side of things, but with sardonic humor of course. not everyone understands you. great story teller, and your true friends appreciate you.
you just got into philosophy, you are a brainlet. (ie play do and neechee.)
literally me when i was 17 or 18 and first knew what philosophy was so i bought will to power and the anthem. nice try
not bad desu all great authors and people who have influenced many and you can learn a lot from them.
are you in high school?
not american
don't let anyone ever dull your sparkle.
Gogol, Kafka, Houellebecq
you're a girl
wow you know me so well lmao
list is way too long imo
all of them are good ones, but just too much variety. pick a genre, god DAmN
thoreau - nature freak. want to quit your job to become a farmer. /nightwalk/
tolkien - trash
vonngeut - communist / liberal
lewis - okay
tolstoy - /myguy/
You have scoliosis.
you are BIG BRAINED, my duuuuude, you are the smart one in your friend group if you have any
are you me? you are literally amazing, you are GOD. you have great tastes. but you are deeply isolated by the world and you are weird AF, man. [stay woke tho.]
>nobody replies to me
>[Book you like]
Did I summarize the thread accurately
you are correct lol
Bataille, Schopenhauer, Baudelaire, Ligotti
true intellectual, you don't trust anyone, don't like the government or authority
>Walt Whitman
>Gabriel García Márquez
you spelled dostovevsky wrong. big brained, big headed. love debates. into politics. classics reader
>no Calvino
>García Lorca
We spell F. D. like that here in México.
oof my mistake
Horrific projection.
Gene Wolfe
William Gibson
Clark Ashton Smith
Jeffrey Thomas
Question Authority
Big Brained
you like to pick a nice quiet spot to read. you are skeptical of many things. you are very honest but can come off as very blunt and sometimes condescending. you spend all day browsing lit
Robert Aickman
Italo Calvino
Arthur Machen
Malcolm Lowry
Samuel Beckett
>Christian exclusivism is dumb and utterly implausible
>I Iike lewis
pick only one of these
you're cool
Jung, Conrad, Huxley
Psychedelics using neo-hippy.
You got the psychedelics half right and the rest wrong.
You got a fascination with the uncharted reaches of your psyche; you think there's truth to be found in even the most uncomfortable discoveries, and psychedelics are your vessel into your heart of darkness.
>You got a fascination with the uncharted reaches of your psyche;
>you think there's truth to be found in even the most uncomfortable discoveries,
>and psychedelics are your vessel into your heart of darkness.
Joseph Heller
Nisio Isin
I don't fear brainwashing
Wilde, Chekhov, Melville, Emily Dickinson, Cormac McCarthy, Henry James
Quirky, but with a strong moral foundation.
Hates the modern world.
Nope, just gay
Plato, Nietzsche, Hume, Machado de Assis
Thoreau, Epictetus, Asimov, Michener, Emerson
very into nature
you just started reading
>david ohle
>rené daumal
Oh, and Nisio IsiN.
What if William Golding is my favorite author?
Sophocles, Bernanos, Céline, Pynchon
weird flex but ok
John Dos Passos, Vasily Grossman, Melville, Joyce
You have no trust in any modern institutions whatsoever
You hike or at least go outdoors a lot
i indeed have vanilla tastes
>John Dos Passos, Vasily Grossman, Melville, Joyce
W-why user? Just because of Joyce?
i could keep @ing ppl but it gets tedious
youre all boring white guys who arent nearly as smart as they think they are
Yeah welcome to Yea Forums faggot
ik it comes with the territory but i think a reminder is helpful
whats sad is theres no where else b/c reddit is filled with teenagers and adults who collect funkopops and forums are dead afaik
im sorry desu. i made the thread and it was fun in the beginning but now im running out of things to say for people based on their authors >:(
my favorite author is sean goonan lmao
Mine are Calvino and Alighieri
Why would you read fanficer
Bulgakov, Jünger, Bordewijk en Hermans
Je toont altijd degelijke en sterke pik, even when the going gets though.
Streuvels, Gezelle, E. Jünger, Spengler
Forgot Ignatius of Loyola desu
You're a pewdiepie watcher
You have learned to laugh at what disturbes you
Peter Hitchens
You're a sinner
Lekker Belgisch manneken met een duidelijk beeld van schoonheid, jeugd en deugd. Ondanks uw inzichten in de grote beweging van het leven ontkom ge niet aan de onzinnigheid van uw daden; ge pist nog altijd tegen de maan.
>You're a pewdiepie watcher
couldnt be more true, i like those authors as well
Nondedju copain
>You have learned to laugh at what disturbes you
This means you are a god among men.
thank you, kind sir. *tips fedora*
> Bukowski
> Fante
> Kerouac
> burgess
Yeah, I like Lovecraft a lot. He's virtually the only horror writer I've ever been able to get into.
all great authors and unironically, you seem cool, and fun to be around.
actually, wait,
30 year old boomer
Thanks brother
there is literally nothing wrong with being a homoromantic sailor
Bolaño, Pynchon, Lispector, Bulgakov, Borges
>white man bad
>European novels are too complicated, you must be pretentious if you like them
>I wish I could go back to r*ddit to discuss YA
lmao exactly. you back you plebs
Most of the people who post things like this are fundamentalist boomers from /pol/ and they can fuck off right back there.
> Just keep lurking and built your confidence
> It took me a while to get the meme thing
> I red pilled by 75 year old father
btfo boomers
Roald Dahl
Antoine de Saint-Exupery
Hans Christian Andersen
Louisa May Alcott
i think of childhood desu. avid reader, you were the smartest pupil in your youth. melancholy and nostalgic is what i imagine when i think of those authors.
Houellebecq, Bolaño, Dostoevsky, Rosset
based and faggotpilled
can we be friends
s-sure, user ;-;
you are sadist and you don't trust people
>Jordan Peterson
no but seriously I love Robert E. Howard
what every person should be desu
you enjoy a good story. you aren't afraid of weird or absurd things. you aren't afraid of loss, grief, or heartbreak either. you love a good book and you are not afraid of a challenge.
>Robert E. Howard
yee haw
how about emmerson?
you don't like living a normal life? I dunno
>Tarjei Vesaas
>Henry James
>Margaux Fragoso
>Kate Skylark
you watch anime
Franz Kafka, Ernst Jünger, Thomas Bernhard
Orwell, hemmingway, kaczynski and camus
misunderstood, lonely, and depressed
literal unabomber
Do me please
Boris Vian
t-thanks user, don't let anyone ever discourage your kindness!
:3 np
some what of an elitist
you really like wine
Do me as well, please
You're senile but don't realise it yet.
>Do me as well, please
t. 30 year old boomer
all those are really good authors tho, you might be senile
Don’t use my face please
sorry hun
Oh noooos
Emily Bronte
Read the essay by Turgenev on Hamlet and Don Quixote.
female or under 30, has an office job. positive or over all happy demeanor. cries often and likes reality TV.
>jordan peterson
>karen slaughter
>jojo moyes
>kate atkinson
Perec, Borges, Pessoa
hopeful romantic
spanish, into art, absurdist
like mystery
All that's coming to my mind right now
Depressed and new to literature
hunter s thompson, dostoyevsky, joyce, hemingway, dazai, jack townsend
absurd, like tragedy, has depression / anxiety, thinker
traditional, into weird things, like long novels
Homer, Aristotle, Boethius, Blake, Goethe, Hölderlin, Kierkegaard, Tolstoy, Heidegger
studied philosophy or sociology in college
elitist and some what pretentious
you read too much. you do have amazing tastes desu
Hesse, Steinbeck, Orwell.