What are some awful manifestos I need to read?
What are some awful manifestos I need to read?
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eliot rodger's and Kyle Odom's.
Pretty entertaining
I despise pornographers.
There's no shame in being an incel
I frequently forget how tiny female pornstars are, but holy fuck.
Agile agilemanifesto.org
my diary... desu
they're just pandering to a need. what you should despise are those who form parasocial relationships with people they masturbate to.
Is that Fred Stoller?
hey let's leave our twitter accounts out of this
She has some weird shape going on. What's her name?
Pornography is not a need and masturbation is a terrible habit that leaves a man drained and dull.
or maybe you are just drained and dull. after a good strong wank i'm ready to spend a night on the town.
t. only releases once every ten days or so
Masturbation is perfectly natural and needed, but if you rely solely on that and pornography, you're sure to have some serious issues.
>argument from nature
>biological need isn't needed
Appeal to nature and sexual release is only as much of a need as throwing up is after gorging ones self with food. If you took steps to avoid stimuli, sexual thoughts and so forth, abstinence would have been effortless and far better state to be in. The habit is so tight around your neck that you can't even view life without this "need".
It's not a biological "need".
It's a biological urge that you've taken advantage of for ab outler for pleasure, one that you reinforced and indulged in for so long that you don't think it's possible to go without.
Any notion that semen retention is somehow a path to enlightenment or higher being, youve been sold a lie, based on some weird castration shit. A healthy sexuality and libido is one facet of a healthy life
Jungle tribes interviewed by American scientists didn't even have a word for masturbation and thought the idea of self-stimulation was odd and hilarious. They just fucked all the time.
The only time masturbation becomes "natural" is when the organism exists in captivity or scarcity.
>Of all members of the mammalian family, civilized man alone is a victim of an exaggerated and morbid sexual urge, a condition which he has inflicted, to a certain extent, on the animals which he has domesticated and which have adopted his diet, especially the dog. Wild animals in a state of nature practice copulation only at certain mating seasons for the purpose of reproduction. Civilized man practices this act at all times, and in most cases without intention to conceive. On the other hand, so-called savages and primitive races leading more natural lives and who follow their natural instincts to a greater extent are far chaste in their sexual behavior, as noted by Havelock Ellis. Such considerations must lead one to the conclusion that the sex life of civilized men is unnatural and that the excessive manifestation of the sex urge among them is due to certain aphrodisiacal stimuli rather than to natural instinct; among such stimuli are a high-protein meat diet (accompanied by physical inactivity), the use of tobacco, alcohol and coffee, sexually stimulating literature, dramas, motion pictures, conversation, etc. For these reasons civilized man has departed from the natural law, obeyed by animal and primitive races, which requires the separation of the sexes during pregnancy and lactation, for the benefit of both mother and child. Violation of this law may account for the large number of physically and mentally defective offspring produced by civilized races as compared with animals and primitive peoples.
>The only time masturbation becomes "natural" is when the organism exists in captivity or scarcity.
A good point against globalized capitalism and for local autonomy. Return us back to an agrarian society.
>What's her name?
gonna need this information anons
>Return us back to an agrarian society.
You can do it, if you want. People are moving en masse to cities, where they live like cockroaches. The countryside and montain regions have never been this much of a paradise as today.
(((abella danger)))
>born 1995
my car is older than her :|
i... i think i changed my mind.
that makes her 24, old man
Imagine the schnozz their baby would have, it'd look like toucan sam
Incels embrace porn.
>called "Abella"
>her face is ugly as fuck
I plan to move to the Northwest. I just hope it stays country and doesn't get ruined by Californians. Hopefully there's a lot of single qts around who I can make great mothers. :^)
>I just hope it stays country and doesn't get ruined by Californians
>complaining even though midwesterners swarm my coast like vultures attempting to become famous celebs
Fuck off
Is she the one who an hero'd?
>Pornography isn't degenerate because markets.
Delete yourself
dorner, christopher
Sprinted and daily-meetingpilled.
Is precisely why hippie communes exist.
This photo is pure deception—Steve Holmes did not propose to Ms. Danger; he has, in fact, been married happily for twenty-eight (28) years.
Any pornography manifestos?
Would drinking cum daily give me thighs as big as hers?
Varg Thulean? The Swedish man in France?
The Gopher Manifesto
never stop believing
Maybe he’s just proposing sex.
Thats why she's called abella
From the latin preposition ab meaning away from as in, away from beauty
What is this quote from, friend?
Thanks. Got any recommendations on what I should read from him?
The excerpt is from this:
Though I'd recommend Escape from Destruction, and The Hollow Earth if you want to really open your eyes.
No jewish person is ugly
Everything that occurs in nature is natural. I.e. nothing about masturbation is unnatural. And your poor understanding of the situation isn't either.
You won't know if you don't try user, be the change you want to see in this world.
Don't be this type of change, hippies are the absolute peak of liberal communism.
is scat eating fetish natural
whats her best scenes?
For the scat eating fetishist, it is. Nature is everything, ergo, all that is is natural.
dude abella is so hot minus the face
Well it's not heavenly
why wouldn't you hate both of them?
what a fucking pseud and a brainlet. members of some african tribes copulate several times a night. it's a measure against their high infant mortality.
Real talk, yall: girls with Hebrew tattoos on their heels love anal. They even insist on it, seeing themselves as enlightened ambassadors to prudish gentile normies. Truly exceptional, inspiring even, a heel that bares any Hebrew scrawl is rarely hidden, so devoted to the tao of their tushes these women are. You can see this devotion in the anal hygiene kits organized in their innocent handbags. Several varieties of surfactant and disinfectant wipes, droplet bottles containing vitamin E, astringents, floral tinctures and always a silicone enema bulb are the norm for these ladies. There are even boutique stores in Tel Aviv and Los Angeles that sell Gucci and Bulgari designed enema kits for the discerning anal queen. Leave no doubt that these girls depart their homes, apartments or lover's domicile as immaculate as can be, having access to running water and a towel they can return the frothiest post-coital bottoms back to pert, cherubic cleanliness. But when tossed about on their sexual walkabouts away from such comforts, they will inevitably need to sanitize downstairs in the expediency of a public restroom or even a bus or subway. A deft finger gloved by a series of those wipes can be as good as a colonic to these heroic women. If you or I were to see one of these anuses, we'd think they came from a dermatology clinic that specialized in the pre-coital sprucing of the sluttiest of holes. But these remarkable damsels likely wiped themselves spotless in their Lyft while demonstrating a lived erudition in penile varieties from the Amazon to the Congo, discussing each in thorough physical detail. The Hebrew heel tattoo demarcates sexual muses who have taken up the life of a slut as a sacred calling. Few moments elapse where sex or the anticipation of sex do not titillate their tempestuous female minds. And I can't imagine these girls in any vocation but spread open and agape for the lucky guy of the hour. How were they set upon this path? They weren't born with those tattoos, obviously. But if you have a chance to ever talk to these sexual muses, they might share a bit about their past and it almost always involves some sort of unseemly incestuous gangbang in the Kibbutz olive groves, usually with an older throng of cousins pulling at their threadbare sweaty underwear until the fibers snapped and the future anal sex goddess knew their nether victuals were bared before a great multitude of onlookers, more than she could see over the looming extended family first to mount her, finishing inside her in under a minute, mercifully, and setting the pace for his countless followers, who all felt no pressure to persist and instead, each after each doing nearly the same routine, brushing the sweat and semen drenched bush, probing into it with the tips of their penises until they felt the electric warmth, the hot cum-slick slit waiting for them.
I think its inevitable that if that's your introduction to sex, having your every hole used as a masturbatory aid by every ambulatory male within the nearby valley, that sort of thing probably sets you on the course to becoming an anal sex goddess and eventually relenting and embracing the cliche and getting the somewhat ironic somewhat serious marker of sex-positive devotion tattoo implied by all heel-etched Hebrew. Thank god for these women. Am I right, fellas?
Can someone explain this weird thing to me? Why is the guy's nose weird, and why is the lady weird?
i used to have contempt for parasocial relationships, but have since grown to see that they are in fact superior to relationships with a "concrete" other. the concreteness of the other depends on oneself, it is immaterial whether that relationship is reciprocal or 'merely' parasocial
>tfw I instantly recognized the girl just by scrolling through the catalog and I wouldn't mind shooting myself on the spot because of it
books for this feel?
It's from science discovers the physiological value of continence, quoting Havelock Ellis. It's not comparable to his other works as it's mostly a series of quotes and studies from physicians the past 60 years, coeval to his publishing date of course. Interesting but crude.
Read other books and continue to avoid pornography. The pathways will weaken with time.
Eric Harris journals is a pretty good example of how to write a really threatening one.
She said 'awful'
c'mon user
It's weird how she doesn't wear nail polish like every other big pornstar. I imagine she smells, because she obviously doesn't put as much effort into grooming herself as other pornstars.
Can we shoot relativists yet?
>I plan to move to the Northwest. I just hope it stays country and doesn't get ruined by Californians. Hopefully there's a lot of single qts around who I can make great mothers
I'm sorry m8, I've lived here my whole life; you're gonna want to go for your plan b on this one.
Elaborate please. Which state do you live in?
“...being filled with all unrighteousness, sexual immorality, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, evil-mindedness; they are whisperers, backbiters, haters of God, violent, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, undiscerning, untrustworthy, unloving, unforgiving, unmerciful; who, knowing the righteous judgement of God, that those who practice such things are deserving of death, not only do the same but also approve of those who practice them.”
>Gopher Manifesto
Indeed. The most famous internet manifesto of the 90s
pls respond
Any BLACKED scene that she's in.
The one where she gets pissed in the face, don't judge pls
I masturbated for 8 hours straight yesterday
I fucked two girls in two days and am going on a date with a 3rd tonight but to be honest busting nuts to abella danger is better
is that a hookup hotshot?
Nope it's with James dean, hard to find the full video
she is jewish.
the guy is probably jewish too.
okay hebrew fren