Is this legit?

Is this legit?

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It has a sciency cover and NLP sounds scientific because it's an abbreviation, so I guess it's legit whatever it is.


maybe so!

Yes but it’s mainly used to rob people.
Ex of personal NLP usage- getting haircut. Tell salon owner I’m in a rush. Small talk,etc. Time to pay. Flash hundreds in her face but really hand her a $20.
>My face when she asks coworker for change for $100

Another time I got free fries at a restaurant bc I distracted him by saying something random. Just try it when purchasing things. Worse that happens is you go back and correct the error.

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Forgot to add-you have to casually say here’s a $100 and continue with the small talk. You must have good social skills which means a lot of practice outside talking to people.
If not their they’ll always be on the defense around you to a degree. Enough to tell you’re basically robbing them.

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>imagine not being autistic

What NLP resources would you recommend to start?

so NLP is basically esoteric Judaism

Skip it. Instead read:
>Anything about Milton Erickson
>The Silva Mind Control Method
(the latter is about controlling your own mind, not other people by the way)

All this shit is non-scientific pop-psychology bull shit from the 60s and 70s. Hippy dippy self help improvement scams. NLP, in particular used to run a lot of high priced seminars hyping their stuff. It was very successful in separating dumbasses from their hard earned $$$, and not much else.
Silva mind control is just as bad. Munbo-jumbo at its finest.
>tl; i'm an old hippy that explored this shit, back inna day. Read about it if you must, but don't spend any $$$ on it.

>Is this legit?
No, it's so not legit, calling it pseudoscience would be a compliment.

So it's a more academic dissertation of distracting and robbing people?

Calling something pseudoscience is vague. What specifically are you talking about?

as far as I know some techniques could work to manipulate people.

I believe that hipnosis is possible.

But the science is bullshit.

It's not going to give you Jedi-tier mind control powers, but in subtle ways there is something to it. Even if you don't put it into practice, it will give you insight and make you aware when others are trying to use it. Try reading it, then listen to 30 min of NPR or the Colbert show, for example.
Recommended reading, but not recommended practice. Just be honest and kind to people, but shrewd and wise as a fox.

You are an asshole and can't grill for shit. Burned the peppers, and the mushrooms will either be charcoal or cold by the time you're ready to serve. manlet too, I bet.

forgot to add that your dog looks like a fag too

It's pseudo-science.

>tfw the original and most scientific book on NLP looks like a D&D rulebook and the title gives no hint to the contents

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I got a gf because of nlp

Go on....
>t. everyone here

Do you feel bad about it?

My friend originally told me about it in a convo. Googled it. Watched this video and a Tony Robbins video on it and that’s all.

I have a ton of sales experience so it’s not hard for me at all to implement. Been selling about 8 years,since 15. It really has to do with your level of communication skills.
But really don’t do it. Bad karma. You’ll get it in the end.. I’ve been robbed magnitudes more than what I’ve ever taken from people. There probably are some higher universal laws in place you should abide by..

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I don't want to rob anyone, user. I just want to be more charismatic, have better experiences with people, and defend myself from NLP-abusing thieves.


Nobody abuses NLP lul..
If you want to be more charismatic talk to more people-like 200+ a day. You’ll be at this “unreachable” goal in a month..
Get a canvassing job or a brand ambassador job. Both pay well for entry level($18+/hr+commission) and will give you a reason to talk to people. Google positions in your area now.

All the books do are freeze you up and set you up for stilted convos. It has a lot to do with instincts and being a vibrant person. A book WILL NOT get you there unless you’re already actively committed. In that case the book will take a few degrees further or teach you a little something here and there. Btw most of these social skill books are written by unsociable people lul. If you are going to go this route(the Weenie Hut Jr. route) take a look at the author and see if you really want to be like him..

He's saying that because he hasn't personally experienced the evidence of its validity, that he doesn't believe it.

I met her at a NLP seminar and bonded over the fact that we both got rippedd off.

>If you want to be more charismatic talk to more people-like 200+ a day. You’ll be at this “unreachable” goal in a month..
I already talk with a lot of people on my uni campus. The more I talk to people, the less I want to talk to people so I can avoid annoying them with my autism.

>A book WILL NOT get you there unless you’re already actively committed. In that case the book will take a few degrees further or teach you a little something here and there.
Well that's what I need. A little bit of guidance so when I go out in the world, I have something to practice or to look out for, so I don't fail like a clueless moron.

>I already talk with a lot of people on my uni campus. The more I talk to people, the less I want to talk to people so I can avoid annoying them with my autism.

That’s the thing.. this notion of annoying people doesn’t matter at all...
I’ve had police called on me for bothering people on campuses. It doesn’t phase me. I just go back the next day and try to duck them. People will hate for no significant reason really. Their hate affects them more than it effects me. If you’re flying high you barely notice it..they just look like ants. I’ve had weird feminist girls yell at me for bothering girls or whatever. If you’re in the zone it won’t phase you. Matter of fact you need about half the people to hate you so everyone will know you. I want you to get people seething my bro...

>Well that's what I need. A little bit of guidance so when I go out in the world, I have something to practice or to look out for, so I don't fail like a clueless moron.

Commit by going into a canvassing job part time and chill on your campus. Get to know people. You’ll even get a gf..

You want tactics to practice,here ya go:
•Whenever someone has food or drink just be like,”Hey,let me get a bite/sip/slice!”(always a positive reaction)
•Whenever anybody has sportswear be like,”Hey what’s up with them *fill in sports team*.”(I don’t even watch sports lul but will have full on conversations about them)
•Girls like to be led so you can put your hand around their shoulder and direct them a bit to your booth.(this got me in a bit of heat tho bc of the previously mentioned feminist girls)
•For guys shake their hand and don’t let go til you’ve gotten them to agree to signature or gotten them to your booth.
•Also good pitch my beach bum friend taught me is this,”I’ve got bills.”Say it w your hand over your heart to feign sympathy.(works best on community campuses lul)

Release Your Brakes is a book to teach you the skill of affirmations. I want you to have higher expectations than your coworkers.

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>Matter of fact you need about half the people to hate you so everyone will know you

what if everyone i know already hates because of my bad social skills?

Lol nice. I thought you used NLP to get her or something haha.

Depending onyoyr goals and how much you want to invest in getting there, I can't recommend the Dale Carnegie course enough. It's probably like $1000 for a 10ish-week course and you get a lot of 1on1 time and practical experience.

>everyone i know already
If they hate you,like honestly hate you it’s bc you’ve been around them too long. They know you too well and now there’s a confirmation loop. You think they think you’re garbage which acting out confirming to yourself through whatever thought patterns making it harder to be positive and change. It’s not hard.. Changing your environment will change your behavior instantly. You need to get around new people as well. Delete everybody and start over. You won’t miss them after they’re replaced w better people(which you’ll eventually replace as well).

>I can't recommend the Dale Carnegie course enough. It's probably like $1000 for a 10ish-week course and you get a lot of 1on1 time and practical experience.

This is the one Warren Buffet was on. Damn! I’m thinking about getting this too.

lol haha ;-)))

NLP is astrology for dudes who have bought into the productivity mindset. It's entirely pseudoscientific quakery, stray away from this.

I used to run a room hire business and got some custom from a nlp guy who used our space for his seminars. He was a very outgoing, superficially charming guy, but everyone found him really fake. Also he kept trying shit to avoid paying his invoices, and I'd have to be like 'dude the payment terms are 30 days. It doesn't matter how you frame this conversation, thems the rules, this is a business I'm running'

NLP is a collection of techniques developed out of models in psycho-linguistics, a branch of study in linguistics and psychology in process. The entire NLP model is based on two scales, or models of linguistic hierarchy, called the 'Meta model' and the 'Milton model'. The idea presupposes through various reasons, and seen in results, that the mind accesses concepts through sub-modal means of storing and eliciting associations, while creating or introducing a means of parsing and understanding in a process of creating meaning, a measure of categorical association.

It does this by utilizing the most stable and process oriented steps in the natural linguistic process. Words that give direction to meaning, to create a path towards meaning or bridged association.

It's not a science any more than anything else that takes measurements in a controlled fashion is a science. It is, however, a small glimps into the lingusitic process at the psychological level of association, and techniques that produce reproducible results in agreement or (client/patient) perceived meaning. Making such a set of ideas, as tools, ideal for psycho-therapeutic or sales endeavors.

Sounds like he was just bad at it.

>dudes who have bought into the productivity mindset
You say this like it's a bad thing.

what fucking book do i read if my social confidence and stuff is fine but my superego drives me insane, to the point where i don't do anything and just sit still becoming more and more anxious? what book will teach me to find the drive to work?

>Whenever someone has food or drink just be like,”Hey,let me get a bite/sip/slice!”(always a positive reaction)
Yeah I still got the moves

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a book on cognitive behavioural therapy and anxiety maybe

>it works
>is bullshit
sounds like "scientists" dismissing bro-science about diet and exercise, only to find out the bros were right.

underrated post

It's based around the fact that using language you can sort of program people. For the biggest part of their lifetime a regular human being acts in autopilot mode doing habitual things since it's easier and takes less energy then paying attention to every single detail in your mind, in your activity and in the world around you. Many people don't even pay attention to their inner dialogue/monologue, the phrases and songs that play in they minds. Some others use it and make lots of money. Advertisements are based on NLP or whatever you may call it, and I bet some people wouldn't like something like NLP to be widely considered legit.

So it only works on NPCs?

Is this something like Chinese stratagems?

having started entirely from scratch with a new and bigger circle of friends who have zero mutual connections to past people i knew i can confirm that it's so much better than it was because you get to start fresh and reset your mind as a human, without going off of preconceived pressure

how? wouldn't you be stuck with the same old mindset that led you to into the old rut? feels like it's hard to reset, even in a fresh environment, without rethinking everything you do first. there's often a good reason why one gets viewed the way they do.

Being productive is toxic masculinity and affirms capitalist ethics, you pig

Stirner quite literally punches the superego in the stomach and sets it on fire, so you might look into that.


i moved to a new city and gained new perspective. i'm still the same person but the difference is i got the motivation to change myself for the better with mindfulness and being more aware of how i treat or interact with people. it's hard to do that, but probably not impossible, in the same city/place, but for me it just forced me to start with a blank slate on everything which was what i personally needed i think. everyone's different tho so take that with a couple grains of salt. good luck user

>rob people
Not really. More for spergs to function like normies.