Post your novel ideas. It's not like they're going anywhere.
Post your novel ideas. It's not like they're going anywhere
I can't tell you. It's too deep for you to understand.
Yeah its about a Tapir who is raised by elephants by a mistake and eventually ends up getting stepped on
There is the certain feeling that many people get when listening to music. For most people its quite rare, but every now and then a song will trigger a cascade of euphoria, sending chills down your spine. This is technically known on the web as frisson. However, I think this sensation is actually meaning. Meaning is not signification. Meaning is a feeling that you get when the bells start striking twelve, and for some reason, beauty is able to trigger feeling in us. However, life is still hard and filled with daily struggles. But life is so much more bearable if you are able to maintain a connection to this sensation of meaning regularly, instead of being out of touch with it like most people who only experience it rarely. I think diet plays a large role in health (i eat alot of meat and fat) and I have noticed increasing my focus on my lifestyle has allowed me to tap into this feeling with more regularity, and becasue of that, life has become so much more bearable. It isn't that life is any less difficult, its that when I am filled with a sense of meaning and purpose, I have a reason to live.
Not really a novel idea but more of a manga/light novel idea and it's really just a very rough draft. You have your average MC who one day meets the 3 daughters of friends of his parents. They drop them off and tell the MC that he has to take care of them for a few hours. The 3 girls are your typical hot anime babes and the MC thinks he'll get to do your typical harem comedy hijinks but he soon finds out that the 3 are severely mentally retarded, being biologically in their late teens but being closer mentally to 5 year-olds. They proceed to drive the MC insane by drawing all over his walls in crayon and permanent marker, eating up everything in his fridge, throwing temper tantrums whenever they don't get their way, playing with their stuffed animals and crying and whining incessantly. At one point one of them will ask him to accompany her to the bathroom since she isn't yet potty trained. The MC is so mad and frustrated that he decides to rape her in the bathroom and attempts to do so until the girl pisses herself in fear and he gets grossed out. The parents then come back at this moment, find out that the MC tried to rape one of their daughters and the scene changes to a courtroom where the MC gets sentenced to prison for trying to rape a mentally disabled person. The manga/light novel is supposed to be a deconstruction of the tendency of anime and manga to feature female characters that are physically developed but exhibit childish mannerisms/intelligence so the reader finds them "cute", and what would actually happen in real life if you had a bunch of physically developed girls who behaved like actual children.
Pige gets PTSD from fighting in the Vietnam War with the green berets. Returns home and struggles to adapt to civilian life and conflicts that threaten to tear his family apart.
Mystery novel about tracking down some tapir who keeps stealing my book ideas
Get help
Lolita but not cucked
What the hell is that thing, I hate it its one of the ugliest things I've seen in my life.
Tapir. I remember it being a mascot for north Americans on /int/ who wanted an animal to spam that was from America because of anti-old world sentiments.
A hippie in New Orleans circa 1960 comes across top secret government Intel. The story is him on the run from a US government lackey and his hardass partner who doesn't take the situation seriously, a former high ranking officer in the US army that went off the deep end in Nam and got courtmarshalled, and a Soviet special task force made up of bumbling idiots thanks to government cutbacks.
Write it.
This sounds hilarious. But it could easily go poorly if you play it badly.
It was quite a brightly sunny morning when a white Texan copper born in Florida who has the name Grapulps gulps down a contaminated grape-flavored water one sweaty evening to quench his thirsty throat for the time. The disease he contracted quickly, or slowly depending on perspective, turns him into an African-tonned gentleman of Nigerian descent. As a full-fledged negroid he goes to alleviate the local gas station of all its snacks by some instinct, but while making his escape from his crimes his partner in justice shoots him dead to death by shooting him dead. However, indeed, the protagonist dude just comes back to life just as the cop was kneeling over to dust his corpse with devil's leaf. Mr. Main Character takes him to court, not basketball court mind you, and sues the city for all its gold. It's a true comedic, satirical, ironic yet sincere, et cetera tale of redemption for the African American ethnic group who are being oppressed by police around the world.
The story takes place in Italy during the height of the Italian Mafia, basically the story revolves around a single family involved in the mafia, who discover that reincarnation exists, and basically they go on shitloads of suicide missions to terrorize the city(main motive is money and control), and years later they just show back up at the mansion, they have a butler who will kill them if they reincarnated as an animal, and they basically use their powers of reincarnation to get into high political power through abuse of karma, and in the end they control the globe, only the Buddhists realized their plan, but it was too late.
I think I'd title it:
Many faces, Simple Motive
based & pigepilled
Hahaha, I love your writing, that was great. But as far as the USA is concerned, I cant agree with your political stance about the persecution of black people by the police. Idk about elsewhere in the world, but in the US, disparities between racial group outcomes does not automatically = discrimination. There are many reasons for differences in group outcomes, we are not all the same
I'm doing a Find and Replace on the Alexiad and publishing that.
i don't think that's how reincarnation works desu
unironically write it
A very important CEO organize a big ass party with a fuckton of people on an enormus mansion in L.A to celebrate the fusion of his bank with another, but during the celebration, his handyman manage to stop an attempt to kill him
In just that night the handyman, know as "Animal" needs to find the assassin ending up undercoveriing something way bigger than him
>In just that night the handyman, know as "Animal" needs to find the assassin ending up undercoveriing something way bigger than him
In the early 30ies a kid in Germany raises a german shephard that is able to do maths. The dog becomes a curiosity because it is able to solve mathematical equasions, for instance if the dog sees 2+2 written on a board he would bark four times etc. However WW2 breaks out and the dog is used as a guard dog for the concentration camps. We see the whole host of nazi crimes commited through the eyes of a dog that is able to keep track of all the deaths. In the end the dog is questioned at Nuremberg and dies after it's testemony.
all that it's missing is some part told from the perspective of a french resistance girl, until their fates intersect one fateful night when the dog discovers jews her father has hidden in the attic
perhaps he recognizes her from earlier when he was parading through paris
woooooooooah they actually and uironically holocausted like so many people dude how could this happen??
sex scene between the dog and the french girl:
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah the war... such a profound tragedy of modern times...
the flower of youth... plucked too soon...
facist indoctrination... the inhumanity of man towards man...
ooooooooooooooooooooooooo im gonna cum
it's like Redwall but with bugs instead of mice and badgers
Erotic feminist tragedy, calling it ‘succulent’ (penis as a cactus, ultimately a bringer of pain). A woman recalls the many miserable experiences she’s had with her male lovers. Two shock scenes involving cacti, the first involves the use of a cactus as a marital aid, the second sees the heroine inserting cactus needles into her masochistic lover’s urethra.
Hey, brother, I'm this brother here So what's so cringe about my novel idea, huh, my friend, my guy? What's so cringe about my novel idea? The idea being presented to you is supposed to be a low-brow yet high-brow, because, as you know, postmodern comedy is both low- and high-brow, romp of a nice time full of goofs and gags and humor and comedic timing and and the cringe-tier nonsense postmodern poststructural stuff is on purpose. It's a work-in-progress novellette of mine.
>deconstruction of the tendency of anime and manga
Someone kill me
When I was a kid, like 8yo, whenever I sat on the toilet, I'd make elaborate plans for a novel called "The Pig Who Saved The Town". Further installments would be "The Pig Who Saved the City", and "The Pig Who Saved The Country", culminating in the pig being elected POTUS.
The story begins with an intelligent pig and his owner/best friend, a boy of 8. The boy invents a car for the pig, and the pig starts to draw a crowd from all over the town. And obviously the boy suddenly has a lot of friends who follow him around and work tirelessly to build all the boy's inventions: futher generations of pig-car and pig-train. In the later books, the pig would have his own airplane and get into dogfights.
Most of my daydreaming was about the engineering behind the vehicles. I stuck with materials a kid would have access to. Sometimes the boy's friends would go to the junkyard and find some expensive grown up thing like tires. I was a big fan of Junkyard Wars as a kid.
Then the town gets invaded by hundreds of thieves and the townspeople beg the pig and the boy to do something. The pig uses his newest car to go into battle, and he kills all the thieves. (I should note that all the guns on the car are made out of pvc, vinegar, and baking soda.) Obviously, the boy and the pig were considered heroes after that, and store owners would volunteer rewards like a year's supply of ice cream or a million paperclips because what kid wouldn't want a million paperclips amirite?
put an e on the end of pig and you got a publishing deal
Why is it boring?
Not based
someone post the tapir tier ranking
the fuck is a tapir?
based newshitter
>When I was a kid, like 8yo, whenever I sat on the toilet, I'd make elaborate plans for a novel called "The Pig Who Saved The Town". Further installments would be "The Pig Who Saved the City", and "The Pig Who Saved The Country", culminating in the pig being elected POTUS.
already been done except it was a duck.
I want to be the next Houellbecq.
Story is about lost and seeking students, antifas à leurs heures perdues, who end up torturing a skinhead in an abandonned factory in the southern Parisian banlieue.
man has vivid dreams that always take place in a house. each room of the house shows a tragedy or accident that is to happen in the future. the man can change it by taking out the room's lightbulb and throwing it into a well at a garden in the center of the house but as soon as he takes the bulb out the house is filled with creepy crawlies trying to stop him and hurt him. if he is hurt in the dream he wakes up and the scene he was trying to prevent gets worse
Cyberpunk setting. Rich people pay to live their life out in dream worlds. Protagonist is an architect of these dream worlds, but gets in trouble when he discovers the people he has been designing worlds for are actually being held against their will and their resroices being extorted
You were doing alright until you explained the point
Now I know you'll fuck it up
title? (10/10 will buy)
fuck you for spoilering
why are you burning to write this? and if not, at least add some heroine market plot twist to it
since they are evil they will all end up reincarnated lower as humans. major plot hole. but it would be a fucking great b-movie.
wtf user
>aaaaaah im gonna cum
it's okay to cum to your own ideas but you should do it in private
got a feeling that this might be alright but should be even more high-concepty
Can't decide on a narrative style. First person recollection of events sounds nice, but feel like a third person chronological development would show a much more objective development of the main characters and their transformation from allies to enemies.
an author on an online forum steals other authors ideas and faces the consequences, ie he gets fed shitty ideas that bankrupts him
>more high-concepty
What do you mean?
narita called he wants his idea back
It’s about big dicked tapirs doing their thang and making baby tapirs
>genre: cyberpunk
>setting: worlds and virtual sub-worlds
>problem: emprisonment
>topic: freedom
this is all very typical for the genre. if you don't want to write in tropes of genre-fiction, you might want to add a plot that is not realistic but is an idea or concept that is unique
Because I feel as if she’s literally waiting for it
It’s a story about me pumping my sperm into butterfly’s womb :3
That’s a correct feel..
Joseph Goebbels, the pov character wakes up in a hospital bed after he shot himself in 1945. It is over a century later. It turns out that just after his suicide attempt a time traveller took him back to his own time to nurse him back to health. This man who just invented a time machine is using it to assemble a team of historic supervillains from history to help him take over the world.
With his wife and children dead, Nazism and his beloved Fuhrer long gone, the story follow Goebbels trying to find meaning in this strange world and this new cause and interacting with other famous historical figures.
Dude is feeling emptiness because of the realisation that no god equals to nothing really matters and at the end he kills a man to feel at least something. He still feels nothing
>why are you burning to write this? and if not, at least add some heroine market plot twist to it
I'm half way done
So just Er Ist Wieder Da but with Goebbels but then it turns into some cheesy evil villain team plot?
a society of wormlike snake-people holds a funeral, the ceremony is alien yet mournful
more of a short story idea really
A family drama about a man that becomes depressed and suicidal after realising that the person sucking his dick through a glory hole is his son
nabokov is reborn as a tapir and tries get back into writing
>it's a writer's block episode
A despondent man finally finds the motivation to write a novel, after gruesome struggle with the pleasures of the flesh and the odd world around him.
its pige
yes, pige
The novel is about a hundred year old man who got really tired of scrubbing his toes, so he hires a japanese maid to do the job for him. The maid introduces him to anime and then the hundred year old man rapes the maid. The yakuza come looking for him so he decides to barricade his house because he won't live long anyway. Then the yakuza arrive for the final visit and easily break his barricades because he's a weak as shit delusional old man and then they all rape him and eat his brain.
Replace Goebbels with Doktor Mengele
sounds good