yes or no?
Is Marxism-Leninism a science?
no. at best it's "political science" which is a perfect example of humanities majors trying their darnedest to larp as scientists and not even doing it as well as psychologists
Wissenschaft isn't the same as the STEM science you are thinking of. It's like a philosophical science
no. every idea of Soviet thinkers had to be linked to Marxism-Leninism in order to be allowed to exist, so ultimately every idea was linked to it, making it meaningless
no. and im pretty far left dude. the "eternal science of marxist-leninism" is complete horseshit in terms of science. It still has value as a tool of critique and perspective, but you cannot fall into the trap of thinking it has some metanarrative scientific value.
Psychology is a pseudoscience
it's symptom of mental illness
Yes since any arbitrary criterion you pick for what should be considered science is ultimately just as equally unscientific
it's scientism. natural science was progressing in leaps and bounds during the 19th century, so a lot of cargo cults popped up. by appropriating the terminology and some surface-level concepts, they were able to surf the wave and pick up loads of followers.
No. Here is a helpful list:
>Pure math gets its own category
Science heavy
Not science but uses some math and/or scientific methods
> mainstream economics and econometrics
Autistic word salad and academics trying to justify their useless nonsense
>political science
>Austrian economics
Marxism-leninism falls into the last category
It's called economics, retard.
M-Lism is a political ideology. It has Marxist economics in it but it’s got wider aims.
But this is a good point to make. Economics is not a science. Like anthropology and sociology and others. They’re attempts to understand these subjects, but it’s not possible to be fully scientific about them.
scientific socialism is a useful term but its not a science in the same sense physics and biology are
Marxism is literally a new religiion. Check out Raymond Aron.
Is that like an American thing, to not respect social sciences? Or just a MR idiot thing? Because I never meet such opinions IRL.
Why don't you ask or newfriend. Please familiarize yourself with the rules and sticky.
It when math and Socialist economics converge
You get something useful
>basic normie socialism
>no posadism
go to /his/ shit cunt
By the look of the memes, this posadism thing is bonkers. Oof yourself
Have we also reported the video game thread?