What is it that made Nietzsche just a sad and depressing nihilist? Why do people enjoy his dark and worthless drivel?
What is it that made Nietzsche just a sad and depressing nihilist? Why do people enjoy his dark and worthless drivel?
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I guess it could help if you actually read Nietzsche before writing shit like this
ive read every word of everyone one of his books, you absolute retard
Im a Christian and I enjoy reading him, his writing style is brilliant. It's like a poisoned sweet desu
If you actually had done that and came to the conclusion that he was a dark and depressing nihilist then you are probably not very bright
If you did you wouldn't be claiming he was a fucking nihilist. He overcame that evidently enough. How can someone that loves their own eternally recurring fate be a nihilist, user?
He got blackpilled by Schopenhauer basically.
>t. Bertrand Russell
Nietzsche wasn't a nihilist.
Nietzsche lived an extremely shitty and depressing life, yet people think he was NOT a nihilist? Ya'll are confused and simply dont understand the human condition
And you do? Also, it's y'all, not ya'll
Plz try harder with baits
Nietzsche wasn't a nihilist you absolute retard. His idea of the Übermensch describes a human everyone should try to be. One that overcame nihilism. If you read all of his work and still think he was a nihilist your IQ is probably below 80.
>Nietzsche lived an extremely shitty and depressing life, and despite it all he was NOT a nihilist.
Was Nietzsche a virgin?
He did fuck whores
No. But lived without most of the time
Not likely
>In the evening a letter from Prof. Nietzsche, which pleases us, for his mood had given us cause for concern. Regarding this, R. says he fears that Schopenhauer's philosophy might in the long run be a bad influence on young people of this sort, because they apply his pessimism, which is a form of thinking, contemplation, to life itself, and derive from it an active form of hopelessness. — (cosima diary 1870)
>we read Hölderlin's Hyperion — R. and I recognize with some concern the great influence this writer has had on Prof. Nietzsche; rhetorical extravagance, incorrect and clotted imagery (the north wind which scorches the blossoms, etc.), but a fine, noble intellect, though R. says he cannot really believe in such neo-Greeks—he is constantly expecting him to say suddenly: I studied in Halberstadt, etc. (1873)
If you think Nietsche is depressed you didnt understand his work you tard
Then you are the worst reader ever. How are any of his late books dark?
I hadn’t heard of Hölderlin's Hyperion before. Only the SF&F.
Was Wagner a Schoppy fan?
>In his autobiography, Mein Leben, Wagner describes vividly his encounter with Schopenhauer's The World as Will and Representation: "The impact was extraordinary and decisive for the rest of my life." He read the hefty volume four times between the autumn of 1854 and the following summer. Like a revelation, the book illuminated for him the meaning of his own work.
>he sent the text of Der Ring des Nibelungen to him in December 1854 "in veneration and gratitude," but Schopenhauer never sent a written reply.
>3rd rate troll
Neech allows you to see what the culture you’re thrown into at birth subjects you to... whether you buy the rest of his system is m00t
i never knew wagner and schopenhauer were contemporaries of each other
user, lying is bad.
then you are absolute fucking dolt.
>this post in general
either you are a liar or are stupid as fuck
he's dark only for blind people
to all others he's just like a guy who never stops dropping truth bombs