i'm italian, I am jainist, and I'm searching for a fellow wannabe jain-monk to sell our property and go by foot to india and revive jainism. we tirthamkar 2.0 and convert all on the way and make up to 16,000 permanent disciples. who is with me?
slovenia hungary russia, kazakhstan, pakistan, we arrive. 5 months. a new life. and we become buddhas. we become fisher of men.
I am ready.
I'm italian, I am jainist...
>not being catholic but instead a buddhafag somehow
Why even live?
Daruma-san kawaii desu
there are no pedophiles in my church. you will know them by their fruits. your horrendous paganism will not help you.
Catholicism is for pedos
jains aren't buddhists
There're Pedophiles in every hierarchical power structure. Power loves pedos because they are easy to control and have everything to loose. The only reason that the Catholic pedos are so disproportionately well known is that the Western media wanted to undermine Christianity in the early 2000's.
He's using an image of a famous Buddhist missionary and referring to himself as a buddah.
gnatiputra mahavira was called buddha, it's just a title. DYOR, candala.
> he's a ''sramana''
kek, holy shit - you couldnt be more wrong, if you unironically tried to.
still dunno what Bodhidharma has to do with Jainism
rishabha was the master of both buddha and mahavira. you are dwindling in the samsara of linguistics out of envy. get out of it.
blow it out your ass, fag.
i unironically want to but I need a companion
i know all the sutras, im a living encyclopedia.
There are already millions of Jains living in India, why do you think you would be any better at converting people to it than the Jains living there who are fluent in the language?
im not indian
I would join you if you were taoist and lived in Mexico.
I know, I'm asking why would you be better at spreading Jainism in India than Jains already living there? Being non-Indian is not in itself an advantage in that task.
uh well I like lao zu, Id be a daoist ascetic with the religious, non philosophical line.
unironically want my email? the dao is wholesome and good. we can non violentize it.
they are astonished at my sanskrit skills and they are impossibilitated to add a word to whatever my preaching is. unironically, I shock indians. I shock them
and I have a fat stack of bitcoin to dump when this day will come .. ... very fat
bergamo- its walkable to there.
Then you'll get to India and find out it's already full of embarrassing Western wannabe spiritual seekers like you
>walk into india
>thru pakistan
holy fucking shit, probably the most based and insane thing i've ever heard