
According to Freud, how to cure an anal retentive personality type?

Attached: freud.jpg (1066x1500, 923K)

stop shitposting

For those who don't know, the anal retentive personality is somewhat similar to the Type A personality in modern psychology.

Freud, Sigmund. A figure of fun. Loathe him. Vile deceit. Freudian interpretation of dreams is charlatanic, and satanic, nonsense.

You're compertamentalizing things too much. Some of his teachings were proven wrong, while most of them were significant contributions to scientific psychology.
The world is not black and white. There are many shades of grey.

Just do some cocaine and you will be cured


Psychoanalysis doesn't work like that. Is not like you find a disease X, and then you cure it with the recipe Y.
Is up to the subject to find what is botthering him and eventually undo the knot if that what he wants, (or live with it, even enjoy), but always through a catharsis.

>A figure of fun. Loathe him.

According to Freud, this type of personality would have been the result of some trama in the anal stage around 1 to 2 years old. You need to address that before you move forward.

>stop shitposting
>stop shitting

Clearly you are displacing a trauma you suffered during potty training.

Freud isn't a charlatan insofar as he used psychoanalysis to universalise his own neuroses. Arguably the oedipus complex is 'true' at a micro level, that the model fit his own experience of sexual pathology, but ultimately sexual identity isn't one-size-fits-all. What Freud did do successfully was to innovate the methods and tools of analysis which allow one to come to terms with one's own nature. Even though he was wrong on a macro level about human sexuality in general, he was right in elaborating a discourse on desire, of which many ideas still prove valuable even today (castration complex, sublimation, the death drive, etc.)

deleuze destroyed him

Wasn't Nabokov a Lacanian?

According to Deleuze all those people who grew up without parents should be more free but they mostly seem to be depressed.

Only because society's still down their back making them play mommy and daddy.

make him wear diaper

have sex with your dad

And yet without him I highly doubt Deleuze's theory of desiring-production would be as impressive as it is today. Even if Deleuze does a great job of thumbing the nose at the father, he still depends upon the kind of terminology which Freud gestated. Arguably what Deleuze did was a bigger 'fuck you' to Lacan than to Freud

Fucking french postmodernists... Dem wanna destroy di families.

I gave you a serious answer in the other thread, now you don't deserve to be cured