Why is Evola viewed as a Fascist?

I've been reading Ride the Tiger, and nearing the end. In one chapter he heavily criticizes nationalism and Homeland, labeling it another abstract idea born from the French Revolution, and throughout the book seems to praise and adore feudalist structures and societies, advocating a more natural state focused on castes and hierarchy. He honestly sounds more like a reactionary along the lines of De Maistre.

Attached: Evola.jpg (216x296, 38K)

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Because he flew to Germany during the war and tried to get the Nazis to go along with his idea.
They told him to fuck off.

He was an ultra-traditionalist/reactionary mystic with fascist sympathies, so very far right, which to left intellectuals, center-right intellectuals and normies makes you a fascist.

when he was arrested after the war he called himself a superfascist and the jury was so baffled by his high levels of autism that he was acquitted

He mentions the utility of fascism to re-orient people toward tradition, and that even if fascism is modernist and a degenerate kind of order it is still the best tool at hand currently. This is, of course, before he wrote Ride The Tiger which is Evola's blackpilled moment, writing while looking back on the failure of fascist projects of the early 20th century.

With this in mind I don't think it is unfair to call him a fascist. So what if his reason for supporting fascism at the time was mostly pragmatic and he did not view the ideology as the lynch pin of his weltanschauung? It would be, however, equally unfair to reduce Evola to only being a fascist just because he at one point in his life considered it as a possible means to an end.

I've only seen stupid people call him fascist. It's always some mixture of political motivation ignorance which causes them to think that way. They don't read his works but feel compelled to act like an authority on his philosophy and when pressed to explain why they think he's a fascist they'll usually say something about him calling himself a "superfascist."

Think about it for a minute. Evola was arrested on suspicion of being a fascist, and during the interrogation he called himself a "superfascist." Instead of prosecuting him for being an admitted fascist the police released him. Something doesn't add up and obvious conclusion that people should draw is that "superfascist" doesn't mean what they think it does. In the original language Evola says he's a "suprafascismo" with supra meaning above or over which has a very different connotation than the English word "super."

I've seen too many actual philosophers and academics who refused to look at the original language or context behind what was said because they're absolutely married to this mythic connection to Steven Bannon and Trump which is also bullshit. Bannon didn't anything more than make it aware that Evola existed but they need to find some connection to fascism so they have no trouble slandering Evola.


He was so fascist that even Mussolini thought he went a bit too far

There is unironically nothing wrong with feudalism.

Evola was more concerned about the domain of Spirit, rather than societal problems or Nazi eugenics hogwash about some Aryan Übermensch.

Concerning Evola's works symphatetic to Buddhism and Tantra like "The Doctrine of Awakening" or "Yoga of Power" it is hard to imagine him being some sort of supremacist in any racial sense.

He even writes of his paralyzation;
>"a bombing raid caused an injury to my spinal cord. The injury, which appeared lethal at first, caused the partial paralysis of my lower limbs.
>ot much changed in my life following the accident, as my handicap was merely physical: aside from the practical disadvantages, and the limitations it entailed from the point of view of my profane existence, the handicap hardly bothered me, for my spiritual and intellectual work remained unaffected by the accident.


I just discovered this video. I had no idea that there were interviews recorded with him. Also interesting to hear him speaking French.

Suprafascisti as in “over” or “above” Fascism

He was a superfascist

I don't know how it's possible to even look at what his books are about let alone actually read his books and come to the conclusion that he's a fascist. He wrote multiple books dedicated to criticizing fascism, like Fascism View from the Right and Notes on the Third Reich. When he was arrested he wrote "I have defended, and I still defend, “fascist ideas,” not inasmuch as they are “fascist” but in the measure that they revive ideas superior and anterior to Fascism" and then he went into great detail explaining why fascism doesn't live up to his views, yet people will take quotes from that very same polemic and treat it as evidence he was a fascist. People are ridiculous.


Dubs of lulz

>In the original language Evola says he's a "suprafascismo"
He actually says "superfascista" (= superfascist). "Superfascismo" would mean superfascism. In Italian super has the exact same meaning as in Latin, i.e. it can indicate either a spacial superiority (hence the abstract meaning of overcoming) or an intensification (like in English).

We encounter the same issue with Nietzsche's Übermensch. "Superhuman" doesn't mean "very human" or "human with extreme powers", but simply "beyond the human". Übermensch is the one who has transcended the human. The same applies to superfascist.

He believed in a social hierarchy and centralized government

So did Stalin, that doesn't make him a god damn fascist. I can't stand you dumb cunts.

he was a meanie :(

Then they call Stalin red fascism because for at least 50 years 'fascist' has been an insult for anything they don't like.

Evola is non-political to the point he had no problem with cozying up to fascists. Presumably he would have cozied up to any other powerful group just as readily. That makes him a fascist tool, but perhaps not a fascist.

Because getting far right types to agree an precise yet generally applicable definition of fascism is like getting far left types to identify a single historical example of "real commuism"

Because he is an evol lad

Lol, good one

I fucking hate it when stupid americans like you don't know what right or left even mean. No he was not far right you fucking dumbass.

He does write in defense of racial castes as in India, not because of biology but because of spirit and culture