What is the reason behind the abundant Christfag infestation of this board?

What is the reason behind the abundant Christfag infestation of this board?

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Mental retardation and sheep-like mentality. Don't be a Jew.

The root of the problem is that lots of people seem to be under the impression that Yea Forums is a self help board. Jonathan Edwards sees right through it:
>and then it may be they set themselves upon a new course of fruitless endeavours in their own Strength to make themselves better, and still meet with new Disappointments: They are earnest to enquire what they shall do? They don’t know but there is something else to be done, in order to their obtaining converting Grace, that they have never done yet. It may be they hope that they are something better than they were, but then the pleasing Dream all vanishes again. If they are told that they trust too much in their own strength and righteousness, they go about to strive to bring themselves off from it, and it may be think they have done it, when they only do the same thing under a new disguise... thus they wander about from Mountain to Hill, seeking rest, and finding none.
>From “A Faithful Narrative of the Surprising Work of God...”

Because Christianity is the most logocentric religion, John literally begins "In the beginning was the word"

contrarians like Yea Forums

Newfag get out

I hate how it pushes down the race bait and misogyny threads which are the reason I come here. Yea Forums should be for hating Jews, blacks and women, not for discussion of the world's most influential moral and philosophical system and the most widely distributed book

Young men reacting to the loss of authority and growing sense of alienation that defines the current 'progressive' era.

there isn't a religion forum for them to make death threats to muslims on.

Holy neck. Now THIS is a based triggering of Nazi snowflakes.

It triggers those kids so much that I'm Christian, I live a great life with my wife and her two African-Irish-Scottish children


honestly don't know if bait or not

Ironic use of a meme in juxtaposition to Christianity. Ironic for your sake that is, and one reason why Christianity, regardless of its metaphysical validity or lack thereof, is appealing. You just are not well read, and most likely are a brainlet. I don't believe in God but it's a bit like getting upset at posters for discussing Grecian mythology and calling them Zeusfags. Read Augustine and some preliminary theological texts and you can enjoy these discussions. I used to rail against Christianity, yet, despite my continued nonbelief, I still draw from the immense well of untapped information I previously rejected out of a near autonomic dismissiveness. Christian thinkers have very unique, and dare I say valuable perspective, especially with respects to hardship.

pasta potential

This. I’ve been visiting Yea Forums since moot created it, and when it started everyone loved Dawkins/Hitchens and shat all over Christfags. Now that being an internet atheist is trendy, these memesters - who have no identity except that which they construct in opposition of the normie - love Christianity. It’ll swing back the other way, given time.

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Nobody admits it obviously but many people here come from peterson and the likes. That is also why you see so much nietzsche and dostoyevski. Honestly though I have outgrown peterson I cant deny his influence. He is a sharlatan but he (partly) gave me the impulse to better myself and to start reading. I was even considering becoming christian because of that faggot. So yeah petersons influence is insanely strong on this board despite everybody dismissing him

they are trolling; do you really think anyone actually reads summa theologica

t. brainlet that doesn't use his prefrontal cortex.

It's obviously a sarcastic response you dimwit

prove me wrong

Good post.

I blame Kierkegaard.

>John literally begins "In the beginning was the word"
It's like when you have a book report and don't know how to start it so you use the first line of the book.

>i'm too busy living my best life and surfing the chans to bother with working out my salvation
>original sin isn't real so i'm just hear to eat and breathe in comfort and see memes
>memes are what I live for, not Christ
t. OP

Sounds about right, OP. All these people bothering about redemption really get in the way of my enjoying inside post-modern jokes and bloated hegelposting. I hate people who attribute meaning to life and say that it isn't just a big all-day bouncy castle that daddy paid for.

You saw what you wanted. The main position in the early early days was agnosticism.

>it's a bit like getting upset at posters for discussing Grecian mythology and calling them Zeusfags
Except nobody actually believes in Zeus.

It's not an infestation, just that everyone hates reductionists and atheists.

I am sincerely interested in Christianity largely because I found the ethical implications of modernity, especially materialism, impossible.

I do not want to live in that world where nothingness became atoms and stars, and 14 billion years of unintelligent collisions resulted in the existence of my conscious observation of many more such collisions, and which has therefore no humanly intelligible purpose.

I am tired of my bones and my walking, tired of restless dreaming of the self in the face of the cheapness of this life, tired of being led astray by my own desires, exhuasted of trying to trick myself into doing what I do not wish to do and succeeding.

I am weary of my mind. "We wretched mortals, lost in doubts below, but guess by rumor and but think we know." Here and there the mind goes, in a frenzy and a flourish, from small-truth to big-lie and back again, the days coming and leading us to death all the while. Shall I work hard today? Shall I look at you with suspicion? Shall I imagine death is far off, that I can "somehow make it out of this life alive"? Shall I pretend that riches or glory or fame make me other than dust, heading to dust again?

I feel sad about the wars and the shootings, the poverty and the heartlesnnes with which men are prone to see one another. Something deep within me always knew life mattered. What man does not fear bandits in the night?

And I am disturbed by the way we live now in the West. That millions could watch this latest shooting with a callous curiosity haunts me. What is it in my own mind which is curious to see children bleed? Something evil is afoot, creeping, beguiling, enticing.

So we look to what might be good instead. And with all this bad news what might be good news. Could it be true? Death has been conquered, for "God so loved the world"? Could it be, against the grain of the very "reason" which has led men to build nuclear weapons, to build servers propogating pornography and hatred, to create a heavenly dream of gluttonous consumption in which none are happy and which rests upon the poverty of sweat shop labor and drillings down towards Hell itself?

Why does my heart hope it is so? That "the suffering of the present are as nothing compared to the glory to be revealed in us"? Are we loved by He who fixed the firmament? Did He Himself become one of us and suffer and die? What is impossible for God? What did he say when He spoke with a human mouth?

Oh, you will say I have given up my mind, my commitment to truth, my philosophical independence. You will accuse me of retreating into this or that aspect of the subconscious, and you will say it is no good. And you are the one who lives in a world spawned by nothingness, with no purpose, and thus with neither good nor evil, and truth itself but an arrangement of particles congealing before the dust of dying stars.

Hope, faith, love... not of this world...

Newfag. It’s been like this since the great Aquinas posters of 2015. It goes in waves. I suspect a lot of breadpillers nowadays are /pol/ immigrants who are attracted to Christianity because it’s the most localized semblance of “muh Western culture” they want to cling to for meaning.

It's a backlash against the new atheism movement that got popular like 10 years ago on the Internet, which was a backlash against religious fundamentalist zealots. Ironically, what the new atheism movement spawned was an army of laymen who bought into Scientism out of ignorance and are basically the fundies of this decade.