I'm starting to think humans never actually understand one another...

I'm starting to think humans never actually understand one another. Every sentence shared gets put through the perception grinder. At it's destination, it represents something different.

Also, I feel detached from reality. It's wonderful, but unrealistic. The fact I'm here freaks me out. It's like a waking dream.

Books for these lines of thought.

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All of them

I KNOW, start with the greeks. I am. What OTHER books are SPECIFICLY for these ideas.

A history book of your country; Freud essays.

>I'm starting to think humans never actually understand one another. Every sentence shared gets put through the perception grinder. At it's destination, it represents something different.
Wanna go deeper? Not even you understand your previous states of consciousness. Neurons are born and die, connect and disconnect synapses every second by the millions. Each time you revisit a memory or a concept you "understand" it changes. Existence is fluid. Reality is a single substance in constant internal motion and each individual consciousness is an equally unstable reflection of that movement imprinted in the nervous system.
So of course humans never understand each other, they just kind of communicate and influence with more or less success.

wait until you live with a woman for years lol

the book of disquiet, pessoa.

And yet we can all understand what you've written here. This alone should disprove your theory.

wait until you live with a woman for years lol


You misunderstood.

part of being a good communicator and a good listener is understanding what the output of other people's "perception grinders" is, based on body language and tone queues.
which is why this place is full of silly fights and why texting is a bad means of communication for casual conversation

Wittgenstein - Philosophical Investigations
Most Absurdist fiction (Kafka - The Trial, Camus - The Stranger, Jarry - Ubu Roi)

This, but all of Kafka's work tbqh fits OP's wish
>Neurons are born and die
stopped reading rigth there

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friend the only thing we are to do e' here iis too smoke marihuana y listen to the saddest cumbias

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The truth is that there is no truth. We can endlessly go on revealing further layers of deception until there's nothing left to believe. The only redpill is oblivion, but oblivion doesn't make us happy. Anyone who promises that their truth is the one truth above all others is a liar, because the truth is that it doesn't matter if an author's central idea has been miscommunicated or that we're an ever-changing mess of synapses. The only way we can be truly happy is by disregarding nihilism and choosing what makes us happy. There is no red or bluepill to choose from. All we are allowed to do is choose the bluepill that makes us happiest.
Don't feel bad that you'll never know an authors true intention, OP, just read books that'll make your life better for having read them

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the short story Good Old Neon by DFW. it won't solve your observation but it will help you understand it better. It's not the central theme of the story but there is a great thought the character has that is right in line with yours. It's short so read it all, Barney.

I am writing a Deleuzenstein book which combines transcendental empiricism with language, Philosophy- the science of difference and enumeration- is a disease and we can look at the “progress” of philosophy as a viral contagion. As we all know, Philosophy begins in earnest with Plato. The central concern of the dialogues (themselves a capture mechanism whereby the “oral” tradition is contained within what would begin the expansion/contagion of the first fully standardized, internal, highly abstract, economical, phonemic/atomistic representational exogrammic model) is “what is x in and of itself?”.

>stopped reading rigth there

>He doesn't know about adult neurogenesis

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You might want to take a look into the field of communication theory.



shut up Burroughs

Mein Kampf

And this is only further complicated by the fact that we only rarely manage to satisfactorily express in words what we're truly thinking. At least that's my experience. It's not literature, but Evangelion deals directly with themes like these.

Just read the story. Got to be DFW's worst. I didn't know it was possible to be that self-congratulatory and that content-empty at the same time.

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