I hope you guys don't sip on hot drinks while you read

I hope you guys don't sip on hot drinks while you read

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Come closer to death I will. Down to my very atoms I present an utmost gratitude.

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>Do you breathe air? Recent studies on respiration may change your mind...

>studies show

Yeah kid? People have been drinking hot drinks for eons. I'll trust them over some month old study based on less than a century's worth of scientific research and methodology.
Also, I'd be willing to bet any association with cancer comes from the fact that this study was conducted in a
>mostly industrialized western nation
>people are constantly working and under historically unprecedented daily stress
>stare at computers, talk on their phones, drink and eat out of fifteen different types of plastics
>get less than 48 hours of sleep/week
and as such,
>drink tons of coffee just to 'make it'
bunk study that cannot be isolated from so many other factors, and as such is completely meaningless

Is there any point in reading news beyond basic headlines about world events anymore? Journalism is pure garbage now

Imagine being such a brainlet that you cannot sip it without getting burnt.

time to brew some very hot tea

>all those hot tea drinkers vape shaming me
Oh how the tables have turned

>The state of modern journalism.

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Nice one

The reason for this is because burning yourself over and over again can lead to cancer forming in that location. Usually tongue or throat cancer in the case of hot drinks. It doesn't mean don't drink hot tea or coffee, it means stop sipping it when it's scalding hot and burning yourself.

coffee is like life
too delicious to waste it
I'll slurp regardless

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>nips drink tea all day long
>longest lifespan in world
made me think.
imagine being such a retard you can't learn to wait 5 minutes for it to cool down after the 200th time of being scalded.

Shit studies.
Eating Monsanto’s foods doubles your chances of cancer, it no one will be allowed to study that much less publish results


you can find good longform articles now and then, that's all I have to say

Good thing by the time I remember I made something it's already cold.

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fucking based

Based Phillip Morris user debunking epidemiological studies again.

You know every study includes a control group of the exact same people right? I always suspected Yea Forums was lowkey one of the more retarded boards on this site but don't be too eager to prove me right

sound like whitby




Wtf, butterfly is a problematic organic-food shill... yikes sis, youre cancelled

I’m a problem for big agro
But I guess you’re just being ironic neoliberal

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