Post a stack, rate a stack
Post a stack, rate a stack
>buying physical books
I enjoyed Stoner a lot, but I lack the knowledge and context to say anything about the rest.
I'm reading other books right now, but pic related is the stack my dad just gave me. He knows I enjoy sci-fi and pulp so he keeps an eye out when he's at thrift shops.
I don't have a camera but I have a bunch of Loebs so feel free to give me the midwit/10s I deserve.
Pretty comfy 6/10
Currently reading:
The Faerie Queene
The Lotus Sutra
Hard Boiled Wonderland
Platform Sutra
Being and Event
After Dark
Pantheon Collection of African Folktales
Bet $90 you live in Calafornia
no, I live in New England. Give me the money now, flyover.
>After Dark
>Pantheon Collection of African Folktales
Bet $100 he's a liberal soiboi who loves nignogs
sorry forgot to add the Bible and Siege by James Mason.
Allright, I just booked my the evening train ride. What's your address?
Current reads:
Rashomon and Other Stories
Turn of the Screw
I haven't started Gillespie yet but it sounds awesome.
my last purchase. cost me exactly 5euros
I'm not even American, m8.
rate todays pickups, lads
decent, bottom two are good. glad to see you're taking the kantpill
bad but i cant hate too much on a francobro
>Abridged Life Of Johnson
Other than that you're ok
my time is finite and it was only a dollar, but yeah, feel kind of like a cuck buying abridged versions
>Have Space Suit -- Will Travel is nowhere to be found in the stack
0/10 sort yourself out
1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC 20500
These are the books I bought today at Barnes and noble
>at Barnes and noble
>he isn't writing a 50-page paper on things that nobody else knows or cares about
good input ty
New books I purchased this month. Still a new reader.
Where do you get used books in India? I only know of the market in Delhi and I live in Central India. All the sites I've checked so far are trash and Library in my city is a joke.
Forgot the pic
7/10, nice picks but could benefit from some more non Yea Forums-core books.
One of many stacks overtaking my house. Yup, love pulpy pleb shit. Fuck your pseud "texts"
>scarlet and black
Suggest me some good trashy page turner wise one.
This is my 2019 goals stack.
Currently reading: Rings of Saturn.
Found a new street vendor who has some pretty nice stock so I have bought more books than usual recently.
Not all are from there though.
Titles from top to bottom:
>Ádám Fejér - Raskolnikov, the victim of humanist thought
>Dostoevsky - The Adolescent
>Wagner - Tristan und Isolde, a bi-lingual edition
>István Géher - Shakespeare Reader, our reflections in 37 plays
>The Habsburgs - A European phenomenon
You sound really pretentious.
100 pages left on zarathustra,not as hard as normies say it is,I've been enjoying it so far even if i have to reread parts often
I just got stoner too,not that big into philosophy tho
ordered crying of lot 49 yesterday,cant wait to start with Pynchon.Finished moby dick a month ago and it was as amazing as everyone says it is
>Notes from the Underground
That's a good one. The first 20 or so pages are really depressive. (The first part of the essay)
Be sure to read it when you are in a good mood.
Good stacks
Except for the stuck up pulpfag
Depends where you live, user. There are plenty of places in Delhi and Kolkata, but I'm clueless as to where you'd find used bookstores in central India. I assume you mean Madhya Pradesh?
momcore as hell.
Graph Theory
Jude the Obscure
Donne's poetry
really love that 2001 cover.
>translated bataille
oh no, you were doing al-
>translated welbeck
no user what are you doing
These are nice little starter kits. The fellow who picked Ulysses should at least read the Odyssey and Portrait first, however.
I have the Pleaides edition of Bataille's novels and the J'ai lu paperback of Houellebecq's poems in the basement at my parents' house. I did not bring them with me to my current residence.
good stack 8/10
You are correct, Welbeck's fancy dribbling and ability to play nice flick-ons and second balls does not translate into clinical finishing in front of goal.
small reads for spring break
(Dorian Gray is not relatively new but still finishing it up)
nice gl reading stein though.
(I see Blood Meridan and Lolita? in the back aswell :x)
look what just arrived mothafuckas
Yeah. I know about the Sunday market of Delhi but I don't really go to Delhi that much. Where did you get those books?
k here's the full stack of today's arrivals
The used ones? Variety of places. I bought most in the United States, actually, but occasionally you stumble across vendors in India. You can get second-hand or illegally printed academic texts in places like Kolkata's College Street.
But now that I think of it, I can't think of awfully many places that specialize in used books. To be fair, most stores in India are so cheap that you may as well buy new--I remember purchasing a 1,000-page novel in Delhi International Airport that cost $30 USD but was available for only Rs 399.
Everything the man wrote in that novel wasn't true but damn good story
Yes, it's truly like he's telling you the tale in a harbour pub or a brothel.
I hope that pile of mediocrity one day falls and crushes you
gotta change this from /lit to /book collectors
If you like classics and you're a pervert you're in for a real treat with the Satyricon
Don't feel bad, user. I like the Vampire Chronicles and Mafia books when I was a kid--I don't say that to be rude, either.
Most of Yea Forums can't read, write or spell for shit, but will condemn anything that isn't Nietzsche, Ulysses or Greek. Books are for learning and enjoyment; there's no reason you can't veer toward one or the other.
If you can speak English then why would you ever read a translation of Suttree when you can just read it in English?
I currently lack the funds to buy stacks. I just bought Logo's book though. This is just what is next to my bed currently. Nothing unique except maybe the Fichte.
Why dont you got money?
Read whatever you enjoy user its your life. I have to ask though... Did you only read Eye of the World? If not then why not keep it with the others?
>College student
>Spent all my summer job money
>The money I leech off my parents goes towards food
>Don't think I could handle working during the school year (lazy I know)
>Don't want to sell my bitcoin or action figures
I am honestly fine living simply, and felt much less jealousy watching people travel and party over spring break than I would have in previous years. I am also graduating in less than two months so I should be getting money from my extended family. As soon as I'm done I want to go back to work, and I'll hopefully be an English TA in Austria this fall.
That looks like more than 30 books user...
get the fuck out of here mr peterson
i hope you get raped
New to reading be gentle
I really want that K-Punk book, just waiting for the price to drop a little before I pick it up.
>Falling for Yea Forums memes so hard that you immediately buy two philosophy books
>Plato and Aristotle are Yea Forums memes
I didn't say Plato and Aristotle were a Yea Forums meme, I said being "new to reading" and immediately jumping into playdough is a Yea Forums meme.
gdfaklj 123
These are not LITERALLY the first books I've ever read lol
Ciao postatore italiano
I've read Blood Meridian in translation back when I wasn't proficient and I enjoyed it. Later on I've read The Road in English and I hated it, thus I purchased Suttree in German.
This might have been a mistake since most of the book is written in a specific dialect? Maybe The Road simply sucked ass.
Goddamn does that copy of Hamlet have every fucking essay written about it in it?
Would you recommend Negarestani?
There's a lot of notes and a few essays
How is it? I would like to get a good copy of my favorite play of the Bards.
all of this costed about $9
as i lay dying is neato, i should get against the day
lol are u my dad?
ada or ardor is a fantastic book hope u enjoy
What language is that?
Latvian or Lithuanian?
It is evident that Reza put a lot of effort into Intelligence and Spirit and the central conceit about 'AGI' is an interesting one to consider. It requires a fair amount of secondary reading to fully grasp, and maybe a little bit of math and engineering knowledge as supplement.