I have read C&P, Idiot, Gambler, Notes and TBK. I haven't read Demons and wanted to ask why isn't it considered to be along the other 3 main books of Dosto.
I have read C&P, Idiot, Gambler, Notes and TBK...
Because it's too reactionary
holy shit it takes too long to pick up and get to what it's about (even for a dostoyevsky novel) and once you get there it's basically just an allegory for some minor political drama that barely impacted the region in its time.
it's basically an epic that starts off with 300 pages of side info and slice-of-life baloney before diving head-first into a political footnote that no one ever cared about.
this is true
add too many characters, half of which serve no significant purpose
this. don't get me wrong, i love this book, bu it takes like 150 pages for you to start to understand wtf they are talking about.
i'm glad you guys think so too (or rather i'm glad i'm not crazy) i was worried anons were gonna come out of the woodworks to tell me i didnt get it.
>Complaining about a Dostoyevsky novel taking too much to take off
Come on, after those initial pages it's really entertaining, and the main character's struggle is one of the most complex Dosto has ever written. The censured chapter is by far one of the darkest things Dosto has ever written.
I'm reading it atm.
pretty much this
There were a few moments where my heart started beating fast and I was like shit is finally going to start and then the next chapter starts and you get blue balled hard as fuck.
Stavrogin having an emotional breakdown in front of Lizaveta and then afterwards when Pyotr pulls out the revolver. Yet once again Im left blue balled with nothing interesting happening and Lizaveta running away in the rain with that faggot Mavriki. My god how can you tell a man if you love the woman I love then as long as you can make her happy go and be together. How can you be so spineless? Truly the peak of my rage was reached at that moment
Stavrogin didn't love Lizavetta. He just thought she loved him and him self-sacrificing himself for her love would tie him to a noble purpose that would pay out his previous crimes and give him a reason to live. It was supposed to be the crippled girl in that role, but she didn't even remember him. So then when Stavrogin realizes Lizavetta just wanted a quick fuck his search for a noble purpose in life just seems selfish and got people killed.
It is considered one of his four great big novels. Sometimes I see the The Adolescent thrown in there among them.
Demons is based. 600 pages of build up for a grand finale
The absolute state of this board.
Sounds like my kind of book. What would I read about an overused allegory for a major political drama?
>Stavrogin didn't love Lizavetta
As I said I havent finished the book, but I was suspecting that, thanks for clarifying. The Lizavetta just wanted a quick fuck part didn't cross my mind for once. I think its because even though he is portrayed as handsome,intelligent, refined,etc and how all the women look at him, judging by some of his actions I took him for a weird autist. I guess the "weird actions by handsome men are interesting and when done by ugly men they are creepy" is true after all
I read c&p, brothers k, notes, and the idiot in that order. I read Fathers and Sons to prepare for Demons and put it down after 50 pages and I'm not even sure why. Reading Nabakov now instead
sounds like the brown bunny by vince gallo
Is dostoevsky meme shit? It seems like barely disguised for-its-time journalism
I read C&P and thought it was ok (garnett translation)
I tried C&P again later and got bored (P&V)
I read NFTU and loved it
I read TBK and found it pointless but not awful
I read the idiot and found it horrifically pointless and boring
You are literally the greatest idiot on this board.
Although I have to agree The Idiot sucks. The novel. Not you. I mean, you suck too. A lot.
nabakov said, in reference to dosto "no one takes his reactionary journalism seriously". this being said he is pretty good for the most part. Notes From the Underground is my personal favorite
You sound like a moron who got into literature just to virtue signal. Notes is the worst one of his major work and only serves as a gateway. Way to expose yourself as a pleb.
dont listen to , notes is great
I'm not saying it isn't good, it's just not his other works.
Classic incel that has Notes as his Holy Grail. Sure it's good but nowhere close to C&P and Karamazov
Well that is subjective. I've read most of his major works and notes is my favorite (different than best, which is either c&p or brothers k - I prefer the former)
i've just finished part one and i barely even get what going on. Love CP and Notes but i just dont get this and almost feel like giving up
can any user explain part one to me?
I didn't like it much but then again I didn't understand it well. Weirdly enough, I don't remember much about it either, mostly the ending.
What other stuff should I read before I reread Demons, in order to understand it better?
Yeah I tried Demons after reading Notes
I put it down after 60 pages. It was just so annoying. I might give it another try but I wanna read C&P first