"Edel had heard hints of bad behavior...

>"Edel had heard hints of bad behavior, and received at least one strongly worded letter from a member of the ISU community calling him out for “honoring someone who had taken advantage of women, particularly students,” as he described it. But stacked against all the deification of Wallace as a world-historical genius/saint, this stuff had failed to fully dent his consciousness. Now, he couldn’t post to the conference’s Facebook page without being asked point-blank how he justified celebrating an abuser."

How does Yea Forums justify reading an "abuser" like David Foster Wallace?

Attached: david_cornfield_wallace.jpg (360x235, 28K)

Good point, better only read books by people who were always nice to everyone all the time. And let’s throw out all of our music and visual art and all of that other shit as well.

>all of our music

Aren't you over-reacting here?

> A couple of years ago, Yale Professor of English, Amy Hungerford wrote about choosing not to read or assign Wallace. Hungerford gives two separate accounts of this: in the widely circulated Chronicle article from September 2016, she includes only a short paragraph outlining what she calls her “small act of countercultural agency” in refusing to read Wallace, and essentially ascribes it to not thinking his work is worthwhile. “Why”, she asks, should we turn the podium over to this author among so many others, to invite him to stand at the microphone of literary culture for a thousand pages and more if it’s not pretty clear to a moderately well-informed person that his work is worth our attention?”

Isn't she right? Surely there are morally infallible writers out there who deserve to be heard just as much?

his writing is pretty shit its just adored by manboys because it was writen by one

Why does he have such widespread appeal?

Do you think it's acceptable for flyers advertising the DFW Convention in Normal, Illinois to be torn down due to him being an "abuser"?

i mean i thinks its morally wrong to use your position and fame like that, but did he really abuse any of them? i dont like dfw for doing shit like that but its not like the women were pushing him away, they were all sluts (including dfw)

I think the abuse is more related to his ex-Mary Karr, who he stalked, kicked out of a moving car, threw a table at, etc.

Guess we won't ever be reading any classical Greek or Roman authors, considered most of them had slaves. Does slavery count as abuse?

I don't because he has shit prose and ideas. Read better abusers; canon is full of them.


Why do I have a funny feeling that these people just want us to read nothing but slam poetry written by abuse victims and other oppressed groups

>Aren't you over-reacting here?

Of course not. Mozart was an irresponsible drunk, Stravinsky beat his children, Beethoven was a jerk, and don't even get me started on the Romantics. Probably for the best that we throw it all away; wouldn't want to be caught listening to music composed by someone who did something wrong.

my niggas Goethe and Kierkegaard were pure and did nuffin wrong

i unironically wish i could do this. but i know it's wrong to, and makes me a brainlet. i do wish everyone were nice all the time though...

can you guys explain theories as to why artists, who are of more sensitive make than most people, are often such jerks? how does a person express the heights of transcendent beauty in one moment, and then dip into the vulgarities of human nature in another? and can you please give me a list of the kind artists?

user below, how do u know goethe and kierk were kind/pure? can u pls give me support for that statement.

Because he had a fairly interesting mind

By this logic we should throw out civilization as a whole. Why are you using the internet when every company who produced all these services that allow you to be reading this did abuse populations to acheive this. What now brainlet. Get raped.

I’m not even being dramatic but when I hear someone is accused of sexual misbehavior my respect for them grows. The type of person navigating this clownworld that would piss off feminists that much is truly an individual breaking away from the spectacle.

>People commonly travel around the world to see rivers and mountains, new stars, birds of rare plumage, queerly deformed fishes, ridiculous breeds of men – they abandon themselves to the bestial stupor which gapes at existence, and they think they have seen something.

Kierkegaard was racist and alt-right. And don't even get me started on the misogyny in "Faust."

idgaf lol.

goethe and kierks were pure mostly cuz narcissistic cope

All I listen to is Mr. Rogers

i don't understand the obsession with purity and retribution/punishment
i'd like to know what made people start acting like this

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Illustrator/ artist here, weak introduction I know but it's all I do.
You have no idea how stubborn you have to be to be an artist of most any discipline.
Imagine your the average man, you have a family, a day job, friends, holidays, a nice house etc.
The artist has barely any of that (see Van Gogh), he trades his whole attempt at a life of sustainable happiness that he can't see or fathom working out for art.
I have a Jung quote saved.
>“The biographies of great artists make it abundantly clear that the creative urge is often so [arrogantly domineering] that it [fastens] on to their humanity and [drags] everything to the service of the work, even at the cost of health and ordinary human happiness.”

I'd consider myself a nice enough person, I smile at people in public whatever, but I'm an absolute asshole when it comes to my sense of mobility. When I was young I quickly turned into a recluse. Family tragedy, lack of friends, remote area, whatever. Point is, when you're a recluse for so long, you like what you like and you don't like what you don't like. A good example of how detatched you can become in this monomania is a person like Terry Davis who called (RIP) people "CIA NIGG***" aloud.
After a while, you realise society will not let you come back from a strange reclusive life so easily, a sort of plain, bored ostracisation, so you go even further into your own world if they won't accept you. You become really anti-social rapidly fast.
Stravinsky beat his kids because these people have lived according to their own ego's rules for decades and see no ill in it.
Also you have the fact that artists use their past experiences and make explosions out of them that heightens the drama in their life through inspection naturally.
This is also a good answer, these artists are so far away from the spectacle (Van Gogh etc.) that their inner world becomes unleashed without care for baseline morality.

Christianity desu

Absolutely savage quote, I didn't think the stooped christard would have had it in him.

none of it is true plus he plagiarised

I agree. Unless we want to worship dead white racist right-wing authors, we have to get rid of it.