>Calls someone who is clearly more intelligent than them a ”pseud”
Cringey shit Yea Forums does
Masturbates to feet
Retard pseud
I guess the greatest minds in literature, nay, history, were cringey, then
Shitting on famous writers. I guarantee nobody that does that even comes close to comparing to the writers they shit on.
This is not an argument
I guess because I couldn't make a car, I can't criticise the quality of cars
You're a fucking pseud too
And that is un/lit/ because...?
I am no podiaphile, but it's not a Yea Forums problem.
A third of canon Yea Forums is made by IRL degenerates; renaissance painters lived among whores and painted madonnas based on their modelling; chomo and sodomy had nearly always been patrician.
Correction: their skin isnt so think they can publish drivel without shame.
>It's Yea Forums to be a pedophile
The absolute state of this board
>podia means paedo
Would you call yourself a connoisseur of feet?
Paedo was implied by your post
Not saying it is, but there are Yea Forums pedos. Lewis Carrol, to start.
Not my post and also no they didn't.
Dont have that kink, also not paedo or buttbandit; dont see how those kinks disqualify from Yea Forums.
If any user would care to enlighten me?
>says he (because there are zero women on this board) is going to start his novel tomorrow, "for real this time."
>instead leaves his wagecuck job, goes home, grabs the nearest bottle of liquor
>drinks and shitposts on Yea Forums until 3 in the morning, or until he drunkenly passes out, because it's what Hemingway would've done
>wakes up to the sound of his alarm clock at 6 am
>looks in the mirror with pure self loathing
>takes three or four shots of whatever liquor he drank the night before
>wagecucks all day
>contemplates suicide on lunch break
>too lazy or cowardly to carry it out
>comes home from work
>"eh. i'll write tomorrow"
>opens Yea Forums
>rinse and repeat ad infinitum
Pode, as in pod, as in foot.
Podiaphile, foot lover.
Now calm down.
having taboo kinks is part of the literary lifestyle. take joyce and his fart worship for example. masterpieces cannot be written without degeneracy being involved
you're unironically retarded, gj
Plato said it was ok to love feet
chomo = child homo
posts jezebels. just lame as fuck
chomo = chemotherapy fetishist
Whoa, she(he) has a huge dick
Maybe. My point to other user was, degeneracy *doesnt* disqualify from Yea Forums; it might, per your argument, be a requisite.
You're a fucking imbecile
Go back to r/books, faggot
Ironically, you are using the same fallacy as you are belittling others for using.
Wish it were mine haha
>Dat bald hed
>Wrists like bredstiks
>Listless, die any time
>dieforsure in 10 months
>so weak cant even wipe hisself
every night i lie in bed and imagine i'm hugging my oneitis. we went to the same high school and second rate uni but i went to uni 4 years late so we weren't there at the same time. one time i bumped into her after turning a corner on the street while she was running but we passed by each other without a word. in the last year of high school a guy who had previously bullied me ate her out but he was drunk and vomited into her pussy. i think she did anal with one of my childhood friends too (i don't talk to that childhood friend anymore, we drifted apart for other reasons). i touched her ass twice at a party in high school. i convinced this handsome, popular guy to do it with me and be "cheek brothers". she laughed when we did it. i then did it by myself and she said it was funny the first time but told me to stop. that night i stood awkwardly while the handsome, popular guy cried about how he'd cheated on his girlfriend even though he loves her
LARPing stalkers is pretty damn cringy
Stop calling them Jezebells and they won’t post so much.
Allows the butterfly to continue posting
Wait a second, I think it’s time for you to recognize there is no way you’re not interested in me. You just posted a picture of yourself last night. I want a new picture right now butterfly of your face in this passionate moment
Forgot the :3
Don’t worry it’s me
>Dante is cringe
Why does this deluded tranny retard even post? Unironically kys, no one wants you here except creepy autistic fetishists
Butterfly you’re going to need to respond
Butterfly respond to this man
Dear sir, or madam; you have made an error in your interpretation of my words. As everyone knows, Dante was a sincere stalker. The LARPer I am referring to is quite obviously making an ass of himself ITT right now.
Do get your eyes check, miss. Or perhaps demand a refund from the tutor.
Yours kindly, Ms. N. Butterfly (female)
You are too cute.
I like it when you call me things like ‘LARPer’ or ‘an ass’. You are obviously still flirting with me though.
Immediately. I command you. Immediately. Time to masturbate.
9/10, good job friend
You’re like a cat, butterfly. You posted one of those earlier, Holy fucking shit are you evil sometimes. My only defense is that you are not posting because you’re masturbating to me.
But mien jude, Dante didnt larp a stalker at all. Unattainable love was a trope right out of the Romances; he was larping a gallant.
Shelf threads, fishing for complements from anons, what are you reading threads, thinking that reading/writing is superior hobby/work more than everything else, trying to brag in general.
I am not a fert fetishist by any means but my god one of tbe best orgasms I ever had was from a footjob, I don't know why
Reads Land
Posts Land threads
Tries to create Land memes
You're nailing it Dante-user. Buona fortuna.
Hello butter. Can I call you butter? I like the sound of it. Butter, butter, butter... Creamy and pasty, white, sometimes yellow, made from the pretty cows in the field. Isn't it nice, butter? Would you like to go to the fields some day with me? I'm sure you'd love the fields. There's many farm animals and crops to see.
This thread is basically a crash course in cringey shit Yea Forums does