Have you read the Twitter trilogy?
Have you read the Twitter trilogy?
No, no i haven't.
>actually using or caring about Twitter
what do these butterflies mean(((Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ)))
are these written by the same person or 3 different people? are they a series or 3 standalone books?
I will, this year.
Love the BAPbook, would love it even if I disagreed with every single word of it. Pussy looks vaguely entertaining, but I have bigger fish to fry on the list of books to possibly read in my lifetime. Logo book looks bad from the sample but HE insists you can't judge it from that and I hear good things about it. I'm giving it the benefit of the doubt for now since I like his account.
BAPbook was pretty much how all Twitter celeb books should be: just the same basic content as their Twitter threads. All they do on there is post interesting ideas that never get developed and then disappear into oblivion. Owen Cyclops should write a book, I bet it would rock. Kantbot's book would probably suck, sadly.
Logo's book was fucking dogshit
BAP was a really fun read and the best of the bunch
Finally, Some Good News is better.
3 different people
Did you read Logo's book all the way through? Can you give us the Quick Rundown?
how were these 3 different books chosen together as a "trilogy?"
>tfw I will never be bullied by a chad
I guess I should just be gay then
> Have you read the Twitter trilogy?
Yes and the stuff depresses me, because it makes me think "is this all that non-leftists can produce"? There is a lot of trash in our culture. These books don't make it better. Could any of them have been published in any legitimate publications? I could get into specifics but I don't feel like criticizing or attacking these people. Their Amazons are 5-star spreads, which means they're only known to their in-group followers. If the rest of the world discovered it the word would be different.
same frogtwitter crowd
It's not a trilogy as in sequels, they are just bundled together because if you know about one, you probably know about the other two. They were written by 3 notorious characters, from the same ingroup.
oh god
Nothing with nothing
Owen needs to do a fully illustrated book about symbology or just collab with others.Thank you for being the only person in this thread to actually talk about the works themselves and not just attacking the authors ad hom or saying they're bad without explanation.
>I don't feel like criticizing or attacking these people
Then maybe criticize the books? If you have actually read them.
>"is this all that non-leftists can produce"?
please be bait
No problem, I’m a fan of Frog Twitter for sure, funny guys, would probably chill with irl
haha ):
The same way as Yea Forums considers Ulysses, Gravity's Rainbow and Infitite Jest a trilogy
I have Bronze Age Mindset coming in the mail right now, what a coincidence.
is that the guy making the tweet? yikes.
Sorry if I'm dumb but what is this making fun of
the first book in the op
Love when I have a maelstrom of digestion.
This is why the internet is bad for literature in general. Anyone can post anything, anywhere, and consider themselves "published", no matter how dreadful it is.
We need the creation of a Universal Internet Editor, that can wield the mighty, blue pencil of editorial ruthlessness. (but in digital form)
please cuck me logo. Cuck me so fucking hard you alliterative little imp
please fuck my pudgy girlfriend senseless with your 5.5 inch cock
I am so fucking turned on by beanie wearing manlet nerds pretending to be alpha
Yeah, that's it you dangerous boy-man. Post more of your fedora-like attempts to fuse r/theredpill affectations and Pynchon. Post more embarrassing excerpts from your failed novel
I want you to rut my ugly wife, you delicate fucking pixie. I want you to plow her plump folds of fat with your womanish half-humps. I want you to blast her smelly unkempt vagina with your colorless and dribbly New England seed
Please, master. Please cuck me into the next millennium. Please fuck my wife you literary wunderkind
>Another book where a straight guy talks about sex for 300 pages
Stephen Vizinczey and even fucking Bukowski already did this way better than ''delicious tacos'' ever could. The appeal of this book tends to solely rest on the fact that literature students seem to think talking about sex automatically makes something profound
technically it's not bad, but the content and tone are college degree ass.
it means beware the post you are about to read will be filled with contrarian and edgy views, attention seeking and stronk womyn attitude.
who the fuck are the people you're all talking about in this thread? are you really giving tripfags and ecelebs attention?
cue mgs 2 final codec conversation.
Falling for the meme shillers...
>reading a book version of the last psychiatrist
It's a Nabokov reference I bet.
> Then maybe criticize the books? If you have actually read them.
BAP is the best by far far. He has a voice. I like him. The book, it reads almost like a very long version of a 90's perzine. Does the philosophy amount to anything? Is there any real lesson to be gleaned? I'm honestly not sure. It's more like a character rant. But he has moments in there where I relate completely and, yes, I do like him.
The DT writing is at the level of the "Choose your own adventure" books that you read in fourth grade. Surprise endings, "plot twists", and the crude subject matter (not just sex, but irresponsible empty meaningless sex) combined is very depressing. Some of these kids turn their nose at Bukowski (and they may be right), but Bukowski is 100x more literary than this. Same for Henry Miller. I am confused and depressed at knowing these 100 word dirty skits have a fan base. Usenet used to have better stuff.
>technically it's not bad,
what lol
Self publishing used to work for genre fiction. A lot of people made money with their Kindle erotica, detective stories, thrillers and sci fi. But not so much serious literature.
>I want you to rut my ugly wife, you delicate fucking pixie. I want you to plow her plump folds of fat with your womanish half-humps. I want you to blast her smelly unkempt vagina with your colorless and dribbly New England seed
This is sincerely better than anything logo has ever written
>Then maybe criticize the books? I
No. I don't think its appropriate. And who cares. They don't even publish under their real names. What will come of any of this. I don't know, I killed my Twitter, I'm not in the Yang Gang, I'm sick of Boomer memes and even sicker of kids in their early 20s who are let loose on the Internet.
>>"is this all that non-leftists can produce"?
> please be bait
please answer question
There's this one guy on Yea Forums who has a habit of calling William Gass' prose overwritten excessively alliterative shit whenever a Gass thread pops up. I wonder what would he make of this excerpt.
Is that what these guys are trying to do, "serious" books that are self published? Or is it just fun for the in group
I find it hard to believe that somebody can actually make it through that BAP book. I fell for the meme and started reading it and had to drop it in the first ten pages because the intentional shitty writing is unbearable. I get how it can work when it's just a tweets worth of text here and there but paragraphs of that garbage are painful
>stop being bookish
Does BAP have any clue what he resembles?
I really respected Logo up until this. His insights and recommendations are what got me into Frye and Lewis, but his actual prose (despite his oft repeated boasting about his wide vocabulary) is very poorly commanded. Disappointing.
I'm surprised Owen had a decent amount of followers here on Yea Forums.
Has anyone read Faceberg's sponsor-only blog? I've enjoyed his threads relating to tech and office life.
I think that BAP promotes an image of book-reading as something closer to the Greek ideal of youth reading and discovering to compliment their physical prowess with mental fortitude, as opposed to the American-Anglo ideal of being a weakling bookworm who picks either the physical or the mental as his exclusive domain.
That is a very arbitrary parameter
>not seeing the value of operating under a pseudonym in the current political climate at the greater intellectual freedom it affords.
You could argue that they're being pussies, but its up to them to decide what they are comfortable with.
Kantbot just confirmed a book is on the way. It will be interesting at the very least.
Yeah same, I'm not sure what I expected but it wasn't that.
I hope Kantbot's novel is a masterpiece just so that future generations keep watching that video
if i ever meet cameron in real life (lucky me, i won't) my dangerously undernourished sense of decency would still almost certainly make me unfollow him while he was watching
>taking BAP seriously
Nah senpai BAP is cool and good
Fucking iconic. I remember watching it multiple times during the election cycle, but I only recently realized that its Kantbot and Logo even though I've been following them for a while.
reads exactly like the kind of single-draft adderall-addled all-nighter limpness i cranked out my freshman year at clown college
logo says it gets better, but of course
Link me to this, please. Please.
go to youtube and search "kantbot trump german idealism"
It has to be this version
who is logo?
A scrawny Twitter-famous chap, reactionary though avoids going full fash, whose feed alternates between shilling for Northrop Frye and making arrogant boasts in the style of his hero Nabokov. He recently released a book whose sample has no discernible talent except for the part where the thunder is described as a "timpani roll," that was sweet. He's most famous for making a smug face in the video posted above where a cherubic Jew trolls idiots who think the word German means Nazi. The wife he keeps talking about is probably mousy and Asian.
What? I was responding to your question about BAP, which I thought was serious? What am I supposed to do? Just reply with 'haha lol DUDE DUNNO :P'?
Love that video, the twitter feed is a snooze
This is good:
"Kantbot is the smooth talking avatar of internet intellectualism, of information without use, of knowledge without utility. He reads to read, he plays to play, and he tweets to tweet. This is emblematic of most internet e-celebs...These are people who have nothing to say because they do not care about anything except themselves and their own popularity. "
'This is why Kantbot will never be censored. Despite his claims of being investigated by the FBI, despite his occasional conspiratorial rantings, he never says anything that will hurt the system. Will reading the books he recommends expand your mind and help you to cultivate a better sense of taste? Absolutely. But they will not give you the tools to end usury, and they will not damage the current world order in any meaningful way."
"Kantbot’s intelligence is of no use to anyone. He neither fights against us, nor fights with us; he merely sits on the sidelines..."
All this $%^#! is just sitting on the sidelines
He's the writer of the book with the blue cover too, but he really doesn't compare to BAP or Delicious Tacos
Logo Daedalus and Delicious Tacos are not right wing.
it's 16 bucks
That's exactly why it's good. When the book is bad, it just drifts into irrelevance
"The Pussy" is much more than that. I honestly prefer Delicious Tacos over Bukowski.
what are they then?
DT is liberal
Logo Daedalus... you should ask him and prepare for a word salad, I never gave him much attention to get to his political views
Y’all need to shut the fuck up and get Crumppilled
Which one is the TLP-esque book? I miss him, unironically
Aren't the Yea Forums books - Totalitarianism and the rest of them - logical end of this same twitterfag 'serious novel' self publishing movement? It's like things are working backwards
better than the current state of affairs where literature is gatekept by left wing bugman PR industry trash from brooklyn
holy shit
I'm not necessarily complaining. I don't follow any of these twitterfags, but I think it's interesting, and I'm all for successful self-publishing/going against the left-wing bugmen PR industry trash, as you said. It all just feels strangely reversed to me, in an effect-before-cause way, that these would be written after the Yea Forums books were. It's a feeling I really can't explain well, but it's almost like finding out that Scary Movie 1 was written before Scream. Or something.
logo is a marxist and dt is a libertarian nihilist
me too. i hate the bugmen. i've dealt with them for 20 years. would love to find a way out. i'm not a 25yo twitterfag so self publishing a book like them will not work, no built in audience. i think it's interesting too because i've followed the kdp & selfpub stuff since it started, and could list all the 'serious' books (like de pava) on one hand. most are trash. so i wish these guys well. i don't know how i will fit in or if i will end up eventually getting the agent anyway. fighting bugmen my whole life.
what are the Yea Forums books?
We all do, friend. Once I connected TLP's narcissism to DFW's irony and even Zizek's ideology I realized that all the great prophets really say the same thing, but TLP may have said it best.
answering my own question i find this:
not sure how this is the logical end of the fag trilogy. they don't use their names but publish as avatars; the avatars can always be doxxed. i don't know what the endgame of this will be - if any find eventual success they will surely go by their real names? but who in the system would 'accept' them, because without that they will only be self publishing...? it's a madness loop
Yeah, I can definitely see the connection between TLP and DFW, though I'm not sure about fitting Zizek in there (crazy coincidence, but I was quite literally just now reading TLP's "I am Legend/Stephen Colbert" post, where he tackles (and essentially disparages) Zizek). Regardless, there was just something about the way he saw things, and the style and voice and back-and-forth that he wrote in that really clicked. Had he ever published that book, I think I would've bought it in a moment.
Our very own Yea Forums user girardfag is probably the closest thing I've found to TLP, even though his schizo-rants are a bit more focused on one kind of topic and usually less connected to specific things going on socially right now.
what makes TLP's writing good? This isn't a combative question btw, I'm interested in what brings you back to it, e.g. is it style (and what is his style)? his ideas? etc.
Has anyone read Fragnemt?
I love the guy's surreal blurbs but does it translate well to short stories?
I used to like Faceberg but he became so bitter that it just got annoying. Every post was "stupid normie wagecuck sheep, too dumb to be nihilistic and miserable like me"
Blackpilling is well and good but you've can't make it your only gimmick.
ITT: Frogtwitter/chan paisans shilling themselves
>tfw all the people I like got banned or left
It seems like all that's left is a sea of shitty /pol/ accounts and trend-hoppers. Even the groyper scene has pretty much disbanded.
Fuck Jack, what a fucking nigger.
>taking that shit for anything less than a million
Ridiculous, I thought you were Chads.
Read Art of the Deal, post quotes on his twitter, and wait it out.
who were some of your favorites
His writing is certainly entertaining; lots of good jokes and digs at his targets. His subject matter also grabs one's interest since it's just popular culture; you'll see an article on some no-longer current event you remember and you'll be interested in his take on it. That's all surface appearance, all noise, but enjoyable. The key is his underlying thesis, which is found throughout many or most of his posts: the cancer of modernity is narcissism. Not grandiosity, mind you, but narcissism; a belief that one is "the main character in one's own movie." He provides many examples of individuals afflicted with narcissism, and furthermore how it manifests itself on a societal level. This narcissism is dissociative--say, the individual hates women and mistreats them at every opportunity, but still thinks of himself as a "nice guy" who deserves a girlfriend (this is Elliot Rodger). Seen in this way, the link to irony is obvious, though TLP never makes this connection. The narcissist's outward or real identity (a loser), he only wears ironically; on the inside he is an artistic, troubled soul or a badass just waiting for a chance to show off his hidden worth. In reality there is no such "inward self," the man-in-the-world is merely the sum of his actions. By believing his worth and identity is separate from his actions, the narcissist of course has implicit leave to commit terrible deeds, and again Elliot Rodger is an example. Even if you shoot people, you're not a killer--they had it coming!
Yeah, the Zizek connection is kind of weak, but he's at least addressed the issue tangentially. His joke about Niels Bohr and the horseshoe is a great illustration about narcissism/irony though. "Of course I don't believe in it, but I hear it works even if you don't believe in it."