Are there any writers alive worth reading

Are there any writers alive worth reading

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Are there any dead writer worth reading?




Alice Munro - Lives of Girls and Women, specifically

Joshua Cohen, Tao Lin, etc

>Cormac McCarthy
Blood Meridian and Suttree.
>Vargas Llosa
The War of the End of the World (if you can support a writer blatantly pushing his ideology in a book), The Feast of the Goat and Conversation in the Cathedral.
>Haruki Murakami
The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle and Norwegian Wood.
>Liu Cixin
I don't know his work, but some people like it.

"None" would have been funnier, I know this cause there's a crack on my display right where the "p" is and that's how I originally read it


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that one

bob dylan

There is one. His name is Norman Boutin, and his book is Empress Theresa.

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Me in the future desu

Jordan Peterson

Are you autistic by any chance?


Helen Garner

>Amos oz died December last year


You just posted one, OP.

Even a quick look at the canon will yield dead writers so alabaster in their mediocrity you'll wonder how anyone saw them when they were alive. Stay connected or let old white guys from last century choose for you and lose all sense of judgment and perspective.

You have taste and discernment? Prove it.

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I like these kinds of idiots who think that any kind of canonicity is somehow a total subservience to their monolithic, evil white man.
It’s as if they’d never heard of a recommended reading list from which you pick and choose.