Nightfall, I mounted a horse, started chasing a woman through a pine forest. Her white robe seemed to be woven of pappus as it left a weightless trace suspended in the air. While my stallion steadily accelerated, odd moonlight replaced the last remains of sunlight, and eventually, the pappus trace absorbed the last remains of moonlight that managed to find a way trough the dense walls of trees on my sides. The scene lost all magic, when I suddenly realised I lost her forever. I could've kept chasing her trail, but she was longer its source. I stopped my horse, the moon switched to being a sun again, found myself at the edge of a cliff, and of course I didn't fucking dare to jump. Why do I have to dream, why emphasise life's inelasticity, when it only makes me want to withdraw from life more?
Tell us about a recent dream you had user
I went on some sort of sci fi military expedition ,with a crew of people I didn't recognize, to this weird empty wasteland. The sky and terrain was tinted very dark blue, bright enough for it not to be night but too dark to be day. Looked very similar to this place from Mad Max, pic related. The ground was very wet, swampy like. The ground was filled with blood though, not water. About 1-2 feet of blood that we had to wade through. There were also these strange pale things lying everywhere. They looked like deflated arm flailing balloon men. Like giant people's skin, but just the skin, lying on the ground in big groups. After a little while of walking far away from the ship we arrived in the blood started flowing into the skins like a vacuum. The ones that got filled up with blood came to life and stood straight up. They were around 25-30 feet tall. Now that we got a clear look at them it was obvious their anatomy wasn't normal. They basically just had one long neck extending up from their hips instead of a torso, and it stretched out far beyond their arms where their shoulders would normally be. Their heads kinda looked like the Alaskan Bull Worm from Spongebob; phallic with black dotted eyes and a huge mouth. They started attacking my crew and there wasn't anything we could really do, we were massacred and eaten. Then I woke up.
Probably gonna incorporate this into a story at some point.
That's like a clear cut Freudian type dream, huh. My dreams are usually very bizarre, frightening or intense but the only really sad one I had was from a few days ago. My deceased grandmother was still alive and sitting on a bench and I went up to her and she did not even recognize me. That one made me want to cry.
I was talking to my old friend E near what looked like, but was not quite, our city's main bus station. I was out of weed, both in and out of the dream, and thought about asking her for a moment, before I remembered she always relied on my supply anyway, and her friends across the street still seemed like the shady low rent friends she always had, so I didn't want her to ask them to help, because they'd just get me shitty weed if they came back with anything at all. She was sitting between balustrades aren't by that bus station, with a leg dangling either side like she was about to hug one, and yammering away like she always did, one leg on the side near the road, and one over this muddy nearly dry river. Suddenly she lent the wrong way, and landed in the mud slime of the river bed, somehow feet first. She called for help so I went to get a rope or something to fetch her out, but as I turned I saw her friends coming across the road and before I could tell them not to jump in the river, one of them jumped over the balustrade to also land feet first in the river. E had not been hurt and had landed on a part that supported her weight so she was not in immediate danger, but her friend had landed in a sinkhole or something deeper and I knew he had broken his ankles, though I can't remember if he said so. I told the others not to get in the river and since I could not get them both out if I found a rope I went to a phone booth which is not there in reality either to see if I could call emergency services. It was vandalized, as one could expect an imaginary phone booth near a bus station to be, so I went back to her group of friends to ask if they had a phone between them, just in time to see another jump in, but to an even deeper part of the river where water was flowing and get stuck in the mud beneath the water which was now rising. I thought about how E always had shitty friends as I waited for the firemen to come and get them out, though thankfully the rest of them resisted the urge to jump in too to answer their demands for help. Once they were out I told her I needed to go home as it was late and dark and walked over a bridge that also doesn't exist to where ever my house must have been in the dream. It was a long walk, with scenery patched together from bits of my home city but in no realistic order, and I woke up before I got to where ever my purported house was.
I think it means I kind of miss E but I am very fucking glad I no longer see these people.
My mind time traveled back roughly ten or so years, so I had all the knowledge of world happenings. I bought enough bitcoin and winning lottery numbers to ensure my family would live comfortably for the rest of their lives, whilst making sure I'd better the world.
Woke up to a very quiet and lonely birthday.
Happy birthday user
dreamt that a dude from one of my classes whipped his dick out in public and started masturbating to me. his dick was covered in warts and holes with yellow pus streaming out and I couldn't run away. when he came he kept insisting I congratulate him
can confirm that you are all gay, dont seek a second opinion on this
Anyone else not bother writing out their dreams because they're almost completely logically incoherent? I can't even make any sense of my dreams, although they are incredibly vivid and lifelike. I can't remember 90% of them either.
Stop dreaming about anons's dicks, and deal with your daddy issues faggot
based and redpilled
this is the first time I've had a dream like this and I woke up feeling like throwing up. also my dad is a very nice person who tries his best but my mom is an alcoholic though I doubt this dream had anything to do with either of my parents
I probably just keep having bad dreams cause I've been under a lot of stress lately, all the other ones I remember from the past few weeks have involved me or my family members dying
also i get a lot of sexual intrusive thoughts cause I have ocd. usually doesn't happen in dreams tho
Kind of like a cut-up novel. Colours, shapes, objects flowing into and out of eachother like me and the scenes. William S. Burroughs told me something important which I had unfortunately forgotten upon waking up
Don't really remember, I just have a vivid image of burned and mummified bodies. We laid them on the ground and asked questions to see if they were still alive. I song recall any of them responding, but I was told they would say something if still living. The majority collapsed into dust after we laid them into the earth, leaving a human shaped stain on the ground. Not sure what this is supposed to mean, wasn't really scary or anything, it felt like I was doing a normal thing in the moment. As if it was my job.
Don't* recall
Can't remember much, just that it was WW2 but England, Germany, and Russia were fighting Japan, America, and China
I was in the Boeing 737 max flying somewhere over europe
Feeling the sense of fear, hoping I don't crash, what's with all the news lately
I crash and wound up in some small northern European city - maybe Norway or Northern Russia
I wander aimlessly in the town - I want to get home but I cannot speak their language
Feeling of futility
I keep dreaming about a grill that works at the same company as me. She infiltrates every dream that I can remember for the past year or so.
just ask her out
I enter a house to meet some sort of "Wizard", I don't quite remember the conversation I had with him, and he produced some sort of illusions like hands coming out of wall. Some of his neighbors seem fearful of him.
I step outside, some old man comes talk to me and tells that the "Wizard" derives from his power from a head of a horse he had beheaded. I leave the the premises, I see the Wizard's car on a parking lot, on the passenger seat I see a beheaded horse head. The old man comes again and tells me that this is not the real head/amulet/talisman, but only appears so, the real one is buried on a hill on some factory not far from here.
I go to my car and leave the place.
I didn't misquote I meant is more dick obsessed than you as his has more dicks.
In my dream, I woke up in my previous house, lying in my bed. There was a weird scent in the air, similiar to one of an old library. Moreover, throughout the entire dream I felt a very weird emotion I can't exactly recall, even nowadays. It was a weird mix between total calmness and dampened dread, almost as if the danger was next to you, but you know it can't affect you. Since in the dream it was late night, I decided to look out of my window, to see if someone's outside. However, I didn't expect to run across gigantic, metallic creature standing next to a tower in the distance. As the time passed, with me watching the distant structure, more of them started to slowly appear from behind of other buildings in my town, only then I was able to perfectly see how they looked. They can be descrbed as gigantic, spider-like creatures made of rusty steel beams, covered in dense tar-like substance, constantly flowing to the highest point. When I got to actually notice the shape of its "head", the dream abruptly ended with a flash of light and sound of thunder.
That's the weirdest experience I've ever had.
sorry i didn't even realize you weren't replying to me
bad day today
I dream something something then I was with a girl and I kept touching her thighs and smelling her groin. Then the snow plough drove by outside my window and I woke up. I rarely have sexual dreams, and I'll never get the real thing, so being woken up ruined my morning.
It's okay, I hope you have pleasant Asuka dreams tonight user where she helps you overcome your OCD
Had a family gathering at home and i was with my cousins chatting in the basement. My dad comes in saying that the police wants to talk to one of my cousins since he was speeding on the way to my house. The cops are upstairs and find my father's stash of cocaine and the same cousin who the cops wanted to talk said it was his to cover for my dad. The cops take my cousin outside and i follow them to their car. For some reason i spit at their car while they drive away. The cops turn around since their car was facing a dead end and on their way off the speed and attempt to run over me. I do some matrix jump and get mad at them after they leave. I slam the gate as i go back into my house and i break it. Get even madder.
One of the weirder dreams i had recently.
This morning I dreamt about fingerbanging a woman. I don't remember who, or where, or anything. Then later I was in my house's kitchen fingerbanging a girl I think I knew, and my dad came into the kitchen right as I slipped her panties (it seemed like lingerie) back on. He reprimanded me for bullying, like he used to do when I would play around with and poke at our small dog.
I've never fingerbanged a girl in my life, mind.
that picture is unsettling as fuck