what's the most overrated book you've ever read, for me personally it would be brave new world as all though the world building is pretty cool and relatively ahead of it's time the characters and plot are unbearably dull.
What's the most overrated book you've ever read...
Gravity's Rainbow
Mind elaborating on why?
I read a Murakami book (I can't remember the title) about some guy who had a fascination with trains. I didn't finish the book becaise I got frustrated with it. I don't know how highly rated he is, but I couldn't stomach the pseudo-philosophical namedropping and idiosyncratic irrelevancies (why does miles Davis' when lights are low have to be playing? Why not just miles davis? Why not just jazz?).
References are fine, but only when they serve to deepen the psychology of the character or highlight an overarching theme in a way which can't be as well done through natural prose.
A basic bitch recommended me this book because of my 'penchant for dead white men' and that was the first and last time I consider the recommendation of someone I don't respect
no thanks
Try it again. You appreciate it more on subsequent readings.
Metamorphosis from Kafka. Fucking dense and boring, Jesus Christ.
Oh really, I thought 1984 was the more overrated of these. Brave New World was so god damn weird I loved it.
I'd recommend reading Huxley's essay that comes with the Kindle edition. It's sort of an exegesis of this work that may address a lot of the book that went over your head largely because he wasn't the best prose stylist.
Gravity's Rainbow
(except if you enjoy graphic scenes about the experience of eating shit out of a whore's ass)
This. Typical losercore... *yawn*
damn when did the plebs migrate?
The Great Gatsby, it felt like The Doll-lite
I still liked it, it might be important for Americans, but definitely not world-class.
The only part of the GG I enjoyed was reading them drink cold liquor because it reminded me of when it's hot and when I drink cold liquor and I agreed with that.
Otherwise, fuck jezebels.
The Art of War
It's short and mostly irrelevant for today except for 2 recurring points:
>Try to generate and take advantage of assymetric information against your enemies
>Treat your soldiers with an equilibrated combination of care and discipline to prevent internal problems
That's it. And it's not even that wise.
The Man in the High Castle.
why don't you listen to the song and try to figure out why
For Chinks hundreds of years ago it was good I guess but yea I can second this. I suppose the ideas just sound somewhat nice when put in allegory and/or metaphor.
For me it was Doystoyevsky on whole and especially his work Demons. He's writing is bland, boring, characters are bad and hard to conentrate on, book is too long, nothing philosophicaly interesting. Just a drag of an empty story which is no story in my opinion.
This was a shitpost but I don't feel like it now, Must use my Aussie return voucher.
Free to return one said statement/post as shitpost therefore relevant only to a subjectivist route of insanity, leading to the possible original thought behind the retracted post, this effect cannot be returned.
So these are the conditions then I shall return this shit post, BEGONE FROM WHENCE THOU HATH CAME "D..DEMONS" AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
He comes...
Gravity’s Rainbow
Infinite Jest
lmao how will Yea Forums ever recover
This. Very shit tier. Vulgar. No real talent.
Im just saying, it's no VIneland
Shut the fuck up Nabukov