Wtf m8 lmao bro

How long before the english language goes to complete shit? With Webster adding words like bromance to their dictionaries how long before they start adding text shorthand? "Me and Harry" is already more common then "harry and i" and corrected less often then in the past. Another example of this is me writing this paragraph without proper punctuation. A common trait among tweets.

How will the novel, if such a thing will exist in that time, be written 50 years from now?

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oh christ they added a portmanteau to the dictionary!? what madmen

>"Me and Harry" is already more common then "harry and i" and corrected less often then in the past.
So? That's how language works. If it makes more sense and sounds better to people, that's what they'll say. "Woe is me" is technically "incorrect", but who gives a fuck? Would you rather hear "woe is I" ?

This is normal. And along with emojis represent a deepening of the language into a new flourishing age.

>"Me and Harry"
People naturally want to put themselves as the first subject of the sentence, but "I and Harry" sounds wrong. "Me and Harry" doesn't, even if it's incorrect.


english is already complete shit

Thats true too. I dont know any other languages but from what i understand english is a complete shitshow.

>mfw I have started correcting people who use “me and Harry”

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>Me and Harry
oh FUCK, it's all over, english is dead and in a few moments we'll all start communicating by grunts and screeching, amirite?

First of all, why do you give a shit?
Second of all, have you read about the great prescriptivist/descriptivist discussion?

People who say "Harry and I" when they actually mean "Harry and me" are far worse than those who get it wrong the other way round.

dictionaries are DEscriptive, not PREscriptive ;)
be the change you want to see and speak all proper like


and ban rap

You are afraid because you lack the ability to make language your bitch like any true creative. You are a passive consumer of information and fear what you cannot command.

You do realize that "Me and Harry" can be grammatically correct, right?

you honestly think webster's actually gives a fuck? there is no last bastion of culture dude. and if there was, they might just do things to piss off people like you. as much dissonance as possible creates the most discombobulated people who buy more shit. you are paying attention to the wrong issues, slaveboy

I use "Me and X" a lot. I get that it is grammatically wrong, but what beyond that is wrong about it? The meaning is instantly conveyed, there is nothing unaesthetic about it soundwise, it doesn't seem to offend any sort of philosophical principle. It seems like one of those things to be picky about just for the sake of it. Unlike the over-use of 'literally', which is a direct negation of the meaning of a very important word.

From what I understood, it's more about being respectful and not putting yourself at the front and centre of attention.

It went to shit once Norman influences tainted the purity of English's noble Norse roots. Same with Latin and Castillian. It's almost as if languages naturally evolve over time?

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It's jUst nAtUrAL brO, LAngUAgE Is nOt A fIxEd AbsOLUtE bUt In A cOnstAnt stAtE Of fLUx And rEnEwAL

when they add emojis

I though OP was gay, but it seems not

If you want a dead language there are plenty to choose from.

You can't eat your cake and have it too > You can't have your cake and eat it too

The latter can actually happen, the former can't.

Enjoy rabies.

Not all animals have rabies.

No but one of these days he's going to play with a squirrel that does.

>Me and Harry" is already more common then "harry and i" and corrected less often then in the past