What do you think of Saint Augustine?

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He sort of contributed to me picking up and reading (although an anime played a bigger part in laying the groundwork for my conversion, which probably sounds pretty autistic).

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Based and redpilled.

What anime

It's a long story, but Madoka Magica in conjunction with several essay-heavy theology and medieval philosophy courses ended up playing a major role in my conversion.

absolutely based

the most evil man that ever lived

Has about as much insight as I do foreskin

You must be Finnish, then.

He was very hardcore what with staying out later than he was supposed to and having a girlfriend. I guess you could say he was one bad dude.

He also stole that dude's apple.

Woaaaahhh, no wonder he felt the need to publically self-flagellate for 120 pages like some kind of weird exhibitionist.

Based anime. Which philosophers? Assuming Aquinas, Anselm, maybe Scotus

Reading his Complete Works now, have already finished CoG, Confessions, his letters, and Soliloquies, and there is STILL 75% more of the collection to go. The man was truly on fire.

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He was semi retarded and didn't understand his own religion let alone Greek philosophers

And he was such a sinful baby, with all his crying and wanting to be fed, he was a monster

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also gay

threw confessions in the trash after finishing it
i hate st augustine

When will he write a book?

explain why you chose to read st augustine

Based and African


>someone from the circumcision group dislikes augustine
colour me shocked

Augustine is a romanized berber, he's practically half-jew.

He comes across as a sex addict who while he found a way to deal with his addiction didn't seem to understand that what was an issue for him didn't apply to everyone.

He's just about the most insightful thinker on ethics and if you dont understand his concept of the good life you have no hope in generating anything of value and should just off yourself.

I think that Pagan Greece was vastly superior to Christian Greece, and that Christianity only set Western society extremely backwards.

I don't think you know what you're saying

You sound exactly like my friend, even down to the anime of choice lmao he even wants to convert to Orthodoxy like I did a few years ago

100% based.

>it's another 'user knows more than one of the greatest Christian philosophers' episode

>Have your own personal hoe for 15 years
>Tell her to fuck off with your child
>Get betrothed to 10 year old (gotta wait 2 years though, not some perv after all)
>Decide fuck it I am "celebrate" now
>Tell everyone else sex bad, celibacy good
To be honest, I didn't really get anything useful out of Confessions. I understand he is a big influence for Christianity and I probably just read the wrong book or just don't "get it" but I do wish he didn't act like all sex (and therefore also reproduction) is bad just cause he couldn't control his own penis.

How can you read Confessions and not see beauty on every page?

>Late have I loved you, beauty so old and so new: late have I loved you.

>Et eunt homines mirari alta montium, et ingentes fluctus maris, et latissimos lapsus fluminum, et Oceani ambitum, et gyros siderum, et relinquunt se ipsos...


He laid the foundations for the West breaking away from the Church but it's not really his fault

T. Retard

Yeah, I get why he needed to be extreme to counter the Pelagians, but Anselm and later Luther and Calvin really ran with it and took his ideas way too far.

The reformation was just Augustine's doctrine of grace triumphing over his doctrine of the Church

makes u think doesnt it

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