What are some decent Identitarian-like books to give to a 15/16 year old?

What are some decent Identitarian-like books to give to a 15/16 year old?

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Why would you want to read those kind of books?

"12 Rules for Life: Abridged Edition" by Dr. Jordan Peterson, OC.

Because I'm a redpilled MAGApede

Naked Lunch

ensure they dont become a leftist cuck, they'll grow out of the childish propaganda when they get older


Martin Travers' book, Critics of Modernity, has a good list of popular volkisch authors at the turn of the century in Germany.


best way is to feed them with hardcore communism until they become tankie memelords

Why would you attempt to scar a child like this?

A copy of Lolita too


>turning your child into a tankie

this is what he will turn out like

Attached: 1547286751763.jpg (480x360, 16K)

Never give your child political books. One of three outcomes will occur:

1. They will be completely bored and turned off by politics, becoming the most placid of NPCs

2. They will immediately move to the exact opposite ideology as a form of rebellion

3. If you try and anesthatize them against fascism, communism etc a la point 2, they will immediately become fanatical adherents of the literature you gave them.

You cannot win.

my father indoctrinated me with an extremist ideology (he was open minded to criticism) and I turned out an intellectual chad

Actually more like this.

Attached: 1df3c883c3c39a8106341f2c5371bc26e8c6ce1e3e1f4ec5d8851cc008275517.jpg (1600x1200, 231K)

The Culture of Critique. People are reading it, by the way.



He can't provide any, so why ask?

Camp Of Saints is a great read for that age, I imagine. And unironically because Burroughs is not only a deranged queer but a raging elitist aristocrat edgelord. Don't gie them books about political theory, edgy prose is better.


William Burroughs republicanism is the one truly elite position on the american political spectrum.

Can neither find travis’ book nor the German one. Any help?

Probably true.

>What are some decent Identitarian-like books to give to a 15/16 year old?

He needs the right mind set, get him "Storm of Steel". A war book might be a more fun read for a younger guy.