Can someone debunk marxism? It's making me nervous

Can someone debunk marxism? It's making me nervous.

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Who fucking cares? It's gay abstract shit that's never going to impact your life. The world will not change if Philosophy #517 is debunked or affirmed or not. All that matters is who holds power, and how power can be taken

>All that matters is who holds power, and how power can be taken
...I'm pretty sure that's exactly what marxism addresses

Human nature

Non-answer as dialectical materialism is literally how human nature changes according to ownership of the means of production. I know it's a beloved meme among braindead americans but at least try and make your memes relevant.

It may be cliche to say this, but the truth is that Marx's diagnosis of capitalism was right, but his solution was wrong.

Seething, you got BTFO

You do realize this argument is pseudery 101, right? You can pick ANY philosopher, ideologue, author or whatever and find someone using this shit argument kek.

Now, Marx never offered a solution to capitalism since communism is literally a point in time. Capitalism is another point in time, which necessarily precedes communism. Capitalism isn't a problem. Communism isn't a solution. Both are instants on the linear development of civilization. That's what dialectic materialism is. Either Marx is entirely wrong or he's not.

>Human nature
so 'I have no argument but I don't like it just because'

>You can pick ANY philosopher, ideologue, author or whatever and find someone using this shit argument kek.
That's only an issue if you're a pseud that thinks there are correct solutions.

it doesn't need to be debunked, it claims that communism will organically develop. This is obviously retarded so we can just keep noticing its continued nonexistence and laugh at Marxists

No it doesn't

The price calculation problem

The whole theory of the gains of products by capitalists pigs is bullshit, goods price does not equate to labor, is about demand/offer and much more complexities.

This is the answer. It had the ideal environment to fulfil its dialectic and it still lost to a hamburger franchise. Embarrassing.

If it gets me a redhead tranny white gf, I’m for it

You need to be a Gnostic to understand the demiurge and then you'll know what communism is about.

>He thinks value and price are the same thing
Coming from someone who follows the neo classical school of economics: Kill yourself

Run an efficient economy on communism and come back to me.

Kill yourself school of life watching ingrate.

Marx was right in that capitalism will defeat itself and transition into a new kind of system, but he was wrong in thinking that the new system would have any basis in human labor. The end of capitalism will be automation.

>Notion of succesfulness in modern western world is entirely defined by liberal mode of being
>you: Only liberalism is succesful in establishing a good economy
No shit retard, if you define what is good by what capitalists define as good capitalism will always be good and any system attacking it will be bad.

Just call communists retards like a normal person or fuck off if you don't even know your stuff.

Class consciousness is almost impossible on a larger scale, organised demonstrations are a display of awareness rather than an awakening of the people. The riots across the UK in 2011 didn't achieve either: it wasn't a protest, but they didn't do anything to overthrow capitalism, they simply reproduced the effects of consumerism. Ultimately people will either splinter into individual/minority interest groups, or aggressively rebel without any direction to their anger. Very few leftists are willing to acknowledge just how pessimistic they should be right now.


Redpill me on this.

redpill me on this