Was he alt-right?

Was he alt-right?

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Far from it. He condemned nationalists and anti-Semites.

No, he wasn't a white nationalist and didn't like nationalism in general.
But out of all the shitty movements and groups right now, he'd find a lot in common with them.

Alt-right isn't necessarily anti-semitic.

Nope. Wagner was alt-right. The alt-right today would be calling him a globalist shill, despite how inaccurate the label would be, because he was in favor of a NWO for Europe (a properly European NWO, however, not the one seemingly in the process of being built).


>was he alt-right so that I can namedrop him when arguing with my mum and dad about why niggers are bad
No, you can't. Stop casting historical figures in political scenarios in which they would be completely alien.

Stop making this thread.

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He was all-right I guess

Alt-right is a very specific movement in Burgerland. He certainly wasn't because it didn't exist.

Nietzsche was stupid (I would estimate his IQ at around 95, certainly no less than 93 but no more than 97) but he was not alt-right stupid. To be a member of the alt-right, your IQ literally has to be

No, Nietschze was the OG clown.

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>muh IQ
>unironically falling for the IQ meme

t. IQlet

>will to honk

he was pro eugenics, pro castes, pro aristocracy. He was way more extreme the the alt-right. He disliked nationalism because it's emphasis on the masses and mediocrity that come with that. He wanted every high born man to be an officer in the millitary, he was against peace because it bred weak men. Want me to continue?

t. IQfag

sorry. This was meant for this user

He was NazBol.

he was above all wanted distinction among men, he hated the political mediocrity liberalism represented

sorry had to rewrite the post and ended up looking like this, just had coffee.

Alt-right has always been vague as fuck, maybe just a bit less now because it basically came out as crypto nazism. But even this is not a totally correct statement.
Alt-right has more been about LARPing about myths like ancient warriors and about putting end to degeneracy and shit, their true political and ideological beliefs are not well defined. Nietzsche could be an alt-righter in our days, just one of the many flavours.

alt-right is absolutely anti-semitic

Only if it's perceived that semites get in the way of white nationalism.
Not all alt-righters believe that they do.

Someone from the alt right fundamentally has to have knowledge on the influence of jews in western society but not everybody blames them. I personally blame white men themselves for a strong man would not have fallen for such tricks the jews did.

He was anti-alt-right

Nah, its cute when leftists try to make him /theirguy/ though

He was anti something that did not exist while he lived?

This. He would have posted on r/the_Donald and gab and have supported Israel.

Nietzsche would have fucked Peterson up the ass raw, intellectually speaking. There is not a single clown in this "alt right" "movement" that could even try and argue against him. You incels have no fucking clue.

would love to see him battle Sargoy w/ Anglin as moderator

Yeah he was. Read the birth of tragedy.

>Anglin as moderator
>not Joe Rogan

"Whoa now slow down. You're saying you think life is meaningless? There's so much shit to do in life man. There was some guy who was like 70 years old and he just did mushrooms while skydiving. Push that shit up Jamie."

If you'd be able to compare any historical person to current political associations he'd be basically a proto-fascist in our current vocab because he was rather totalitarian but neither anti-semitic nor collectivist which are kind of identifying features of fascism or well most right populism after a certain mark today.
Though Nietzsche was Nietzschean or well a Nieztschist.

You can't call him Progressive or "Regressive" if you'd want to compare him to today's social movements because again he was no collectivist apart from the fact that he was far from feminism and such


You could call him post-nationalist nationalist kind of, post-authoritarian authoritarian. Basically individualist Marx to phrase it pretty broadly and simple looking at his influence and character. Though you can really interpret a lot into his philosophies.

The vast majority of modern western "fascists" are Jewish nationalists

He was alright.

Besides the point