What is the Point of Reading?

Why do you read Yea Forums?
I am losing interest in reading; I feel like it's pointless and meaningless, as experiences are so personal and different, and rarely ever the same. Instead of reading I should just go outside and live my own story than read stories of people living.

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Then do so mate.

You can never live as many stories as you can read about. This isn't an excuse to experience nothing by yourself, but there are places and times that are simply inaccessible to you and can only be found in books, if not quite so vividly.


The point of reading is to seem smart in anonymous internet arguments

I read because I have nothing else to do and because I want to get some inspiration for the book I'm writing before I'm committing suicide.

I'm an English teacher. I have asked myself this question every single semester, though I've found myself becoming more cynical with my answers in the past few years. I do not believe literature has any place in the future that's coming. Every term I am handed students with smaller attention spans, less empathy, and more vindictive opinions of themselves and others. Literature is antithetical to the mindset that seems to pervade these newer generations. They have no interest in exploring other perspectives or disengaging from themselves, or even entertaining the thought that such an experience is possible. They want books that reaffirm their political, cultural, or racial identities. It's depressing.

I have to admit I've almost entirely done away with reading requirements in my curriculum. It's just not a battle worth fighting any more. They don't read. If I require them to read, they find summaries and earnestly argue that their interpretation of a third or fourth-hand source is deeper than my own, having read the actual text several times. They sincerely believe that their meager abilities are admirable, or at least passable, and that they should be given some credit. I have chosen to focus more on the quality of their writing, which, though similarly lacking, is at least something I can engage them in. They seem to enjoy improving their writing, even if they reason that it was their own talent all along. I don't care so long as they can start writing something interesting.

Data point of one, but I read to understand. I don't understand anyone or any thing. I read so that I can learn something, even something small or trivial.

I really appreciate all of the posts so far.
I probably should.
That's a really good point. One of my favorite books that I've ever read was my ap history and art history textbooks, because it was absolutely fascinating to learn about all of the distinct cultures of the past and to relive it all in my mind. I loved it. Thank you for reminding me.
lol that's a pretty good point.
That was one of my reasons, but not a primary one. Yea Forums definitely encouraged me to read many books, I love discussing books here, but I haven't been using Yea Forums for the past 3 months, and only came back here for certain reasons, after today I'll be gone again.
I hope you don't actually kill yourself; there is an infinite amount of pleasures to experience in life, that I'd hate for anyone to give up that opportunity.
What you share is a nightmare. It's overwhelmingly disheartening to read your experience as being an English teacher. I don't ever think I could stand such discourteous students. the way you describe their features and the fact that they are only capable of reading books that reaffirm their ideals really is depressing. I don't know if reading literature has a future or not, but I hope my children grow up to love literature as much as I did when I was a child. Thank you for your response, I think you have a good reason for reading.

To try to change the world.
We can make it, Yea Forumsbros.


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You're just getting old. The kids haven't changed. You have changed.

I like it.

If you feel it's meaningless, stop doing it for a while and pursue other interests. Maybe your interested will once again be peaked. It's ok to let books go.

Life is meaningless, everything you do is meaningless in the grand scheme of things. Its really up to you to decide how you best want to spend your time. You've lost interest in reading because youve lost sight of the purpose, or maybe you realized what originay motivated you to read was merely a sham. Everyone's life journey is different, there are no two lives that are exactly the same. If you think you need more adventure and excitement in your life, then do it. But, really, in the end, your happiness/fulfillment/purpose doesnt come from your desires, it comes from being perfectly content. Modern media has brainwashed people into a rat race of excitement where they OUGHT to go on these awesome adventures cause i mean have you seen madison beers insta feed? She is living the high life!

This is kinda my default answer to a lot of problems, and it might be rash and overdone, but take some psychedelics. Go take psychedelics by yourself and really reflect on your life and what you want to do. Ive had a lot of experiences where psychedelics have put "things" in a lot better perspective.

>Deifying youth


u ge le smartz

based and myselfpilled

I already posted that.

This sounds ego-centric, that combo is not hysterical or neurotic. The ego cannot ever be full, give it up.

You're reading the experiences of others that know


Stop copying my post. This is plagiarism.

Reading should give you inspiration for your life.
When I read a book and a protagonist has a certain hobby or goes to a certain place, it motivates me to want to explore those things myself.