Yeah man I killed an Arab because the sun was in my eyes, please let me go free now

>Yeah man I killed an Arab because the sun was in my eyes, please let me go free now.

Why on earth did he think this excuse would fly?

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Other urls found in this thread:

The way I see the main character is like a piece of a puzzle that won't fit. He spoke the truth, he wasn't trying to fool anyone, he just was like that.

And, does any of these nonsensical events have any meaning? That's up to you to decide.

It was self-defence desu. The Arab was being Arabian with his knife.

Honestly I asked myself the same thing. I think he would have been found guilty regardless of how the jury viewed his morality.

Back in the day it was ok to shoot Algerians indiscriminately

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Anyone have any thought of the robotic woman's appearance in the book? Was she just there to show how the courts dragged everyone they could in?

Dude. It's arbitrary, like the rest of his decisions/his life.
The whole thing is you dn't find meaning in yourself but you don't find meaning anywhere else either so you can take some comfrot from this whole thing being a slurry

Is it a meme to just ignore that is part? Or have these schmucks really just not read the book while making threads about it anyway.

I mean he was the one that went over and started antagonizing him.

Not an argument retard.

Is the first sentence as hard hitting and perfect in english as it is in frog?

Thread theme:

Where the fuck is the "sun's out guns out" meme

What's the point of this image existing?

Man have you even read the book? It literally wasn't.

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It is tho, he didn't have to go there and he didn't have to shot him. I don't remember exacly how it went but i don't even know if arab even pulled out his knife. I think he was just reaching for it and he wasn't even close.

Was he a schizoid?

Its not that he killed him, that's obviously wrong, but he is convicted on a theory that didn't happen.
He didn't plot to kill the Arab, or enjoy his mothers death. That's why it's absurd - events happen, with no purpose behind them, and then are misconstrued as having meaning (the prosecutors theory) instead of just being random events.

>he didn't have to go there and he didn't have to shot him
He was just walking on the beach when he ran into the Arab, dude pulled out a knife and that's when the narrative sort of cuts off.

I remember that he was specifically walking to the same spot where he and the other bois run into arabs before. I think he had some distance on him too but don't remember much about when he pulled out his knife

The Arab was sitting down some distance away. He wasn't coming at the narrator or anything, just sort of brandishing the knife from a sitting position at least a few paces away when Meursault plugged him.

What a weird commentary for a book to make. Honestly sounds like apologetics for racism. "Some racists are actually just people who do things for no reason, they aren't actually racist! Don't hate them!"

What are you talking abou? He made no effort to justify or defend himself

What fucking racism retard the book has nothing to do with race or politics.

It doesn't, but that won't stop lefties from seeing injustices to fight where there are none.

What are you even talking about?

If your not causing harm, what’s so wrong with being racist?

He literally killed an Arab. That's Islamophobia.


Simmer down, incels. It's just a book.

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Can you give me an answer? Or can you just throw around meaningless slander?

Yup! I’m Elliot Rogers protege. Either way, the OP is bringing up muh racism when it’s not a factor in what was being discussed.

I agree with this. Had he been a more socially acceptable character then the courts punishment may have not been so severe.

Woah it's almost as if that is what Camus intended to portray
IIRC he wrote/said that the book is about executing a man who won't cry at his mother's funeral

He didn't expect it to work, he was just being honest.

What lesser punishment would you give someone for literally committing murder? He killed someone and got killed for it.

Life in prison, senpai

Unless life in prison is cheaper for the government than a death sentence, I don't see the point.

It actually is, at least in America. System is all fucked.

Wait, really? Why? What could possibly drive up costs that much?

It's not that execution costs more than providing for inmates, it's that living inmates = tax breaks for the prison system

>Allowing financial cost to the taxpayer to determine punishment.

>He killed someone and got killed for it.
An eye for an eye eh?

What a find, the one fucking song about one part of this one book

If he successfully argued it was done in self-defense he could have gotten a lighter sentence

Reminder that some muzzie retard made a book "from the perspective of the Arab".
Imagine missing the point this fucking hard.


>calling people on Yea Forums incels


Triggered the incel

i read this book but honestly i didnt understand a thing. i dont understand the character, i dont understand the point the book was trying to make. nothing.

calling somebody an incel is the same as calling somebody a cultured herculean god
just a heads up, friend

t. incel

thank you

If you're not baiting, please, for the love of God, read the damn book before posting you complete fucking retard.

He's not wrong though.

no one can tell me that it's a coincidence that the retweet and like count are both made up of the same numbers in different orders

It's a fake tweet, idiot.

that is the predicament of modern man. we believe we are free but in reality, we are utterly detached from faith, community and society. In this isolation, we hope to be the ubermensch, powerful enough to finally lift that boulder, and become emanciated from the tragic fate of sisyphus. Unfortunately, in the state of anomie, much like school killers and the recent muslim massacre, it leads to arbitrary horror where we can commit anything and everything.

If you think he was making up an excuse put the book down and become a camwhore.

Why did he shoot 2 more shots after the Arab was down tho?

The seeds have been planted.

>please let me go free now.
he never asked this
>Why on earth did he think this excuse would fly?
he didn't
>It was self-defence desu. The Arab was being Arabian with his knife.
the whole point is Meursault never brought that argument up. he could have called it self defense and gotten away with it, but he refused

the sun was still in his goddamn eyes

This is literally the crime of manslaughter
>the crime of killing a human being without malice aforethought, or otherwise in circumstances not amounting to murder.

>What lesser punishment would you give someone for literally committing murder?
Well the bible says to prefer the lesser punishment of exile to death.

The Bible says a lot of things that I guarantee you don't follow or even know that it says.

no one addresses the racism of the act of killing the arab

camus is for edgy teens

Edgy teens cannot even begin to understand Camus.

Are you a grill?

Racism is a projection of meaning onto otherwise mundane variations in how people look, just as the law projects itself onto meaningless events. Meursault is the ultimate colorblind character whose reason for not being racist is that it does not matter. We are all condemned to death for meaningless reasons as meaningless people: an equality that is just as meaningless as it is real.

he's a frenchman in a french colony (sort of, Algeria was technically France proper), the man he killed was armed, it would have been easy or expected for him to 'get away with it' and be given a lesser punishment because that sort of colonial abuse was extremely common.
we, reading fifty years later, have an easy time disassociating ourselves from this reality because it's a very different world from ours.

How I long for the good old days when you could kill arabs without issues

>Camus once confided that the troubles in Algeria "affected him as others feel pain in their lungs."[37]

>In the 1930s, Camus was affiliated with Left-wing groups like the Maison de Culture in Algiers which were highly critical of the French colonial regime's treatment of Algeria's Arab and indigenous inhabitants, supporting the Blum-Viollette proposal to grant Algerians full French citizenship. His 1938 address on "The New Mediterranean Culture" represents Camus' most systematic statement on his views at this time. In 1939, Camus wrote a stinging series of articles for Alger Republicain on the atrocious living conditions of the inhabitants of the Kabylie highlands, advocating for economic, educational and political reforms as a matter of emergency.

>In 1945, following the Sétif and Guelma massacre after Arab revolts against French mistreatment, Camus was one of only a few mainland journalists to visit the colony, again writing a series of article reports on conditions, and advocating for French reforms and concessions to the demands of the Algerian people.

>When the Algerian War began in 1954, Camus was confronted with a moral dilemma. He identified with the Pieds-Noirs such as his own parents and defended the French government's actions against the revolt. He argued that the Algerian uprising was an integral part of the 'new Arab imperialism' led by Egypt and an 'anti-Western' offensive orchestrated by Russia to 'encircle Europe' and 'isolate the United States'.[38] Although favoring greater Algerian autonomy or even federation, though not full-scale independence, he believed that the Pieds-Noirs and Arabs could co-exist. During the war he advocated a civil truce that would spare the civilians, which was rejected by both sides, who regarded it as foolish. Behind the scenes, he began to work for imprisoned Algerians who faced the death penalty.[39]

>When he spoke to students at the University of Stockholm, he defended his apparent inactivity in the Algerian question; he stated that he was worried about what might happen to his mother, who still lived in Algeria. This led to further ostracism by French left-wing intellectuals. At the time of his death, Camus was working on an incomplete novel with a strong biographical component titled The First Man. The publication of this book in 1994 has sparked a widespread reconsideration of Camus' allegedly unrepentant colonialism in the work of figures such as David Carroll in the English-speaking world.[40]



Nigga, u dumb

camus is for comfy

Simmer down, cope.

>Simmer down, cope

/lit we already had this

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What’s next, “who hurt you?”
Fuck off back to plebbit lil nigga

Who hurt you?



Can confirm

Big if true.

the point is that the mc doesn't think that what he did were a big deal (or something that has a meaning)
since he doesn't understand the meaning behind that something, he simply just doesn't give a shit

Nihilism or accepting the race war

He never felt so at his place since he killed this sub human and was sent to jail

Very related to nowadays


Because the Arab followed him around with the intent to harm him.

based /pol/ misinterpreting classic literature as always.


we live in a society desu

If you couldn't tell I was being sarcastic your brain is just as defective as his is. But maybe I'm the one getting baited now.

oh okay, he didnt understand the big deal about a live ending or what? i thought he was just suer apathetic for like no reason. but doesnt he understand the implications by the end when he really doesnt wanna die suddenly or do i remeber that wrong?

You are remembering incorrectly, he's fine with death.

he doesn't understand why the following are a big deal
>killing person
>not feel sad about his dead mom (maybe he felt something but he was just too chill about it)
>doesn't matter who would he marry in the future as long as it's his gf, if his gf was A then he's gonna marry A, if his gf was B then he's gonna marry B, and that's it
maybe there are more

I distinctly remember a part where he started panicking and yelling at the priest, what was that about?

do you have an archive reference?

No, because I'm lying.

Camus is for retarded low IQ faggots in love with the idea of bohemian lifestyle.

Who do you recommend instead?

Pure kino.

He didn’t have eyebrows

it was not self defence since he shot him multiple times after he went down

Cops do that all the time in America and get away with saying self defense because police are a protected class.


Good call.

He just wasn't fucking around with some white lies etc. He simply said what happened. btw he wasn't judged for the murder but for his i dont care behaviour. The murder isn't nearly as important as things like he wasn't crying on his mothers funeral and next day had some fun with gf.

The stranger is simply showing that world isn't in touch with him.

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The real question is how a guy with a personality like his managed to live so long in the first place. Also, what caused him to have this personality?

There is no explanation in the book of why he is like he is although i would say that you are able to grasp some things only with age and lets say that he realized absurdism of life not that long ago so he is still living and these thoughts are drilling his brain to the point of killing a man with no remorse at any dimension. There are 2 ways of living with absurd one is mersault way and the second is to simply live. Death is the end and it doesnt matter when you die but if you know that this is a fact then why would you bother yourself with something that obvious as fact. Simply live man.

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as obvious as faact* but who gives a shit about grammar miastake at /lit board

Embrace the absurd don’t be a pussy

To him, it didn't matter. Free of all societal and selfish tethers, why lie? They asked the facts, lying would imply he cared about something. His outburst towards the chaplain is because he's trying to force Mersault connect with the world, but doesn't understand that Mersault can't. If a comparison could be made it would be like going to work and having to play pretend with the others, participate in children's teaparties and draw with colouring pencils. Everything people do seems absurd to Mersault, like they care too much about everything.

the priest made him upset


you dont say

Don't be so hard on him, faact could have meant anything.

Is that right?

What are the best Meursault moments?

Should I read this book?


Prisoners are basically slave labor here. It’s pretty fucked up.


How retarded can this board get?

Ooh, I've always wanted a chance to say this. *ahem*

Not an argument.

Camus, Albert. Dislike him. A cheap sensationalist, clumsy and vulgar. A prophet, a claptrap journalist and a slapdash comedian. Some of his scenes are extraordinarily amusing. Nobody takes his existential journalism seriously.
The Stranger. His best work, though an obvious and shameless imitation of Kierkegaard's ""Either/Or".
The Myth of Sisyphus. Dislike it intensely.
The Plague. Dislike it intensely. Ghastly rigmarole.