Why is it so shit? WHY IS IT SO SHIT?! I can't stand reading this; I can't imagine anybody writing this; I can't understand the person who would think this is good; I can't understand how it produced a good movie.
American Psycho
Shows you how good the adaptation was compared to the original work.
It's something that never happens, too. A good movie adaptation of a book often requires a shit book, doesn't it?
Easton Ellis, "Bret". Dislike him. A formidable mediocrity. Note, never name one's child Bret, let alone a fictional character.
And why its so bad?
Overdone repetition of pretty much every unnecessary detail, most notably clothing and brand names, and it's clear and obvious that this represents dehumanization of people by the rich by about page 5 but it just keeps going, the plot is dull and so is the dialog and it almost totally lacks symbolism, and even the violence is too sparse to truly cause any pain or even interest. Overall mediocre, reads like low-quality genre fiction padding out for the "le doorstopper" meme.
You're an idiot and could not even do the interpretation right. First he does not describe people's clothes to dehumanize them, notice he only describes his rich friends clothes and styles. It is the clothes, the brands, and the labels that make them human. Second the repetition is the point, a normal person would think about these things once or twice but a psycho would only think about them. If you actually read between the lines you would notice his friends find his obsession equally annoying and only practical in brief moments. Finally if you knew anything about the labels described you would know they look absurd and think it makes them elite, basically they are all clowns. But you are an idiot who can't read for shit and supplies his own preconceived notions to things thinking that is clever
No that's just it, I got it, I got it and he keeps fucking shoving it in my face "oh look aren't I clever", "they all are so silly", and anyways creating something so incredibly irritating is the thing I'm so confused and frustrating about, which you would know if you were as smart as you think you are
You mean a character who thinks a certain way consistently thinks in the same way? Its not even about being smart, its about actually reading the goddamn book. You gave up about 20 pages in and even then you can't even accurately recall it.
33% through right now, getting physically ill from reading this shit. I don't give a fuck about whether the character would repeat things, I care that I have to read his repetition. It's shit. Last interesting thing was the horny fag jumping away high on coke in the yuppie club about 50 pages ago.
So, American Psycho is Ready Player One if Ernest Cline wrote it as a critique of commodity fetishism, instead of being dead serious about his love of the 80's.
imagine not being able to understand AP the book is ok but this much cope is sad
>never seen No Country for Old Men
Okay I apologize about 50 pages in when Price jumps a balcony
Just read the fucking book unless you are for some reason bad at reading
most recently i'm right past the part where he has dinner for the fifteenth time with his fiance and then stabs a homeless man in the eye, i told you i read that earlier. why should i read such a boring book though? nothing, nothing happens, and there's nothing to grip, nothing to think on, like i'm starving eating a bunch of junk food, like howard hughes' death
If you truly enjoy no parts of it then you don't have to read it. I can say why you should read it but it really doesn't matter if you fundamentally don't like it
I did not enjoy Confederacy of Dunces, but recognized it was a good book objectively and understood why other people would. Somethings are not for everybody
ok, having just read the genesis review section, i can appreciate this. enjoyable heartily.
Book is hilarious. Only time ive ever laughed out loud reading
You post this in almost every American Psycho thread, are you waiting for (you)s?
Replier, Mass. Second-rate, ephemeral, puffed-up. A nonentity, means absolutely nothing to me. Awful.
Never been in ap thread before. Maybe people find it funny
>using @ to reply
oh god oh fuck
I appreciate it because I have bought into the beauty lifestyle. It shows the lengths people go to fit in. Patrick is realizing that no matter what he does he will stuck in the modern day psychosis of stale materialism. Everyone is fake and trying to look the same. The comfort of conformity while they pretend to be individuals. The realization that one can barely express their true self around normies. It is a sad book but I related to it too much. Can't say you would feel the same.
I got pretty fucked up by the over the top violence but maybe that's just me
like lying in fetal-position-when-reading-it-fucked up
Wasn't this common in vbulletin forums back in the day?
the frenzy in the diner lol
I liked the scene in the book where he got dubs
Imagine writing a book about an illiterate character, featuring just barbs of "jgfow 20t lsa0 nvfnnfnf jjeij" and claiming that it's not bad because the character acts realistically.
very nice user
American Psycho is great. You're just jealous that the author dated Donna Tartt
AP is pleb filter. Change my mind.
The video of the girl reading american psycho while sitting on a vibrator was nice though
Hi Bret
Yes, who would read a book about a retard.
that's also why I liked it. It's a very relatable book.
Not just that.
Everyone around him is so self-absorbed and money-status-obsessed to notice a serial killer in their presence even if he murdered their best friend in the most brutal way possible.