Yea Forums cringe

So this is the power of plebbit...

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reddit is simply inimitable, they find ways to suck nobody would ever think of

so what books do you suppose his wife puts in each category?

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So what would be considered a Chocolate cake book, Yea Forums?

I want to fuck his wife!!!

>food metaphors
want to know how I know his wife is a fatty?

Cat in a hat and Harry Potter

Jesus christ that's almost as retarded as the whole "porn" thing, like how they call "historyporn", photos of historical importance, or "earthporn" or "foodporn" or "architectureporn" for aesthetically pleasing images. It's pathetic and disgusting.

why do you guys follow reddit so closely. ive been on Yea Forums since 2007 and ive never given a single fuck about reddit or what they do/think

Hitchhikers guide

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Yea Forums is unironcially worse than r/books tho

>how do I get into philosophy?
>do you guys ever do drugs and read?
>what is your favorite dadrock album?
>tfw no literary gf
>Niggers and jews are bad because women won't have sex with me!
>le wacky stirner
>le ebin marx
>be me just went on a final binge and drank some coffee

I just BTFO your whole board. reddit is based kill you're selves

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Why are you obsessed with what other people think or do. It’s pathological at this point. I can’t even mustard a reaction to the OP pic because it doesn’t affect in the slightest.

it's a comfy book though, i remember liking it when i was 12

>be me just went on a final binge and drank some coffee
rofl, i can't believe how long those threads have been going on

no one is obssessed with anything, fag. it's just fun to laugh at retarded people

I for one hope OP would get a move on and ketchup with the rest of the board already

you forget the based alexander pope poster and guenonfag

did i miss another fag?

If we were on reddit I would relish the ability to downvote you

cotton candy: the brochures at her local church

grilled cheese: the illustrated newspapers at the dentist office

lasagna: the duck tales comic books of her 3 children

chocolate cake: YA novels/thrillers she reads on vacation

that post would get like 10 billion upvotes on reddit, your downvote would be drowned in an ocean of faggotry


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>your downvote would be drowned in an ocean of faggotry
sort of sums up reddit in one phrase

>books are like sugary desserts hehe
women are children

tell us more about reddit user

R*ddit genocide when

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it just seems like an inside joke between 2 people of average intelligence that becomes cringe when they decide to share it with the rest of the world

>I sure do hate reddit, it's not as cool as my secret club, 4channel! were we have intellectual conversations about trannies and incels

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Redditors truly are brainlets pretending to be geniuses pretending to be normal.

you're replying to a redditor

use filters, retard

ackshually Mr. Venezuelan, you’re wrong about your country being a shithole

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>just filter the whole board

Is it better to learn Latin or Classical Greek?

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currently on Yea Forums.

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Holy shit lmao
How do you link between boards btw?
>>Yea Forums111203302

or is it

I literally came here today just to complain about plebbit's shit tier "literature" communities. From /r/books and their garbage taste to /r/writing where a bunch of children sit around patting each other on the back for spending 7 years worldbuilding a shit novella they haven't even started yet, I was already through with it, but today /r/selfpublish made me hit my fucking limit. They're idiots! And if you're not also an idiot, they act like you're the stupid one! I feel like I'm taking crazy pills whenever I go to those boards, it always seems like their advice is wrong on purpose or something. Christ.

cringe and greenlinked

based and redlinked

fuck you

thank you

He watched the Death of Stalin and used this as a parallel? The movie is worse than slop. The other poster is correct anyway, 1984 =/= communism.

She probably just ordering food on the phone brah

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>that tag next to the name that says 'vegan5+years'
all of my lols

I don't see the problem here

I'm not opposed to eugenics per se, I'm against the eugenics reddit proposes though

>temporary sterilization implant
Do these exist? I've never heard about this before.

Who cares of sniff man vs. dick washer

That’s 100% accurate though

Good news for this faggot, being vegan will kill your sperm count anyway

>going to reddit
shiggy diggy. everyone irl i know who browses that shithole is lukewarm at best and their primary means of communicating is looking up a le funny meemee on some regurgitation swamp of a board to show you on their phone.
and no, there are no "good subreddits."
redditors make the furryporn posters on Yea Forums look like an intellectual elite.

But why is it that they're so stupid? I just don't seem to understand it. Is it just because it's the "front page of the Internet"? I mean, they just seem belligerently retarded on that site sometimes.

t. 13 year old future incel

>her 3 children
>Having children in 2019 while Drumpf does nothing about climate change

That's a huge yikes from me.

they're simply normal people. unfortunately. reddit has an IQ of exactly 100.
>belligerently retarded

LMAO that literally came from Yea Forums originally you fuckin poser retard hahahahahaha

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Please be kind to reddit, it is my

home board.

I mean, Venezuela is obviously a shithole as of yet, but he clearly misunderstood the book. Paralleling 1984 to Venezuela is stupid, the fact that he comes from there doesn't mean shit.
Like, if I said that Brave New World reminded me a lot of Papua New Guinea, that would sound retarded, even if I was born and raised there.

why did the tranny janny delete the post the thread was epic'ing towards the win

It seems to be the case that most people on reddit has a severe lack of awareness

all jannies deserve to be spitted upon long rods facing the sky, with their entrails hanging out

>vegan 5+ years

>food allegory
She's an unitedstadian.

I refuse to believe this kind of people exists

Believe it. They’re everwhere

The only Reddit board that I’ve found helpful is r/askliterarystudies for potential monographs to read.

>wtf I entered a chruch and everybody was religious!!!!!
just don't use r*ddit

We have this.

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Behold the only comment that made me want to break my PC in 12 years of browsing the internet

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Blakefag, but he doesn't post much anymore.

the funniest thing about this comment is that his idea of an old, inaccessible classic is fucking catcher in the rye

everyone here is a redditor now.

>12 years of browsing the internet
lmao I've been using this shithole since 2006

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redditor genocide when

His wife sounds fat

Guaranteed downvotes on reddit is whenever you imply people don't read the books they claim to have read. Truth hurts.

None of this constitutes a healthy diet, much less all of them. Or is that the joke?

It is not intended as a joke but I found it both hilarious and retarded.

The majority of the population is dumb. It is only normal for the front of the Internet to be dumb, since a majority of its users are dumb.
The NPC meme is real in its own twisted way, why do you think it triggers people so much?

wtf I like reddit now??
lmao you're right

I thought it came from tumblr.
t. tumblr user

they're just your average people placed inside a community built around circlejerking eachother through upvotes and punishing any differing opinions through downvotes
this results in a general lack of self-awareness and desperate attempts at pleasing the majority over the more elite few

Zizek is so far out of Peterson's league that I doubt he'll even understand how much he'll be BTFO'd.


The occasional intellectual discussions where actual non-pseuds pop out make Yea Forums worth it.
vocal minorities ruin everything.