Books on music theory, tutorial books on reading music, musical history, biographical material etc.
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Musical literature thread
That book is so bad.
The oral history of punk is amazing by legs something-forget the name right now.
Simon reynolds is normally pretty decent, especially the one about ecstasy club kids. His book about glam left something to be desired.
Alex ross isnt very good.
>Simon Reynolds
>posts a david bryne book
>calls simon reynolds cringe
any books about the connections between notes/chords/progressions and raw emotions, and general jizz of that tyep ? My interest.
>arguing like this
Actually cringe
So to actually be on topic, I don't have any recs that I've actually read but I have a book called "How to Make a Noise" on my backlog, it's about synthesizers and it seems good.
Shostakovich’s Testimony is great
So is Ian MacDonald’s The New Shostakovich
Best composer of the 20th century hands down.
Stockhausen on Music: Lectures - Karlheinz Stockhausen
Essays - Bela Bartok
Moondog - Robert M. Scotto
It is all about context, there are no 'sad keys' or the like in western harmony and the 12 tone equal temperament scale, how you use them and the context you place them in determines the emotional impact. There is no easy path here unless you like cliche, best to just learn theory proper. I like Schoenberg's Theory of Harmony, it gives a very strong foundation and explains things better than most.
No. Fuck you. D sharp minor is the saddest key.
I know key emotions looks like musical astrology, but it really is true
fuck you, the saddest key is either Bb minor or E minor
Very underrated book that everyone needs to read and apply.
Any books on learning to read music and just music theory for beginners in general?
Natural, harmonic, or melodic minor?
Minor scales still have Major chords in them and can masquerade as major and the natural minor being the 6th mode of a major scale makes things even more blurry at times.
Say what you want, but if you think certain keys, chords, or progressions are going to give you the emotion you want, you will be a sorry excuse for a composer